Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1236

"Are you drenched..." he said, "have you been soaked in water, and then the wound hasn't been treated?"

White tea looked itchy, did not listen to the words in front, smell speech, she thought of the heavy rain in the morning, then nodded, "is stained with water."

"Here's the medicine box. I'll take care of it for you."

"No, just pack up and go."

White tea refused without thinking.

When the scene did not say anything, turned and left.

It was completely dark and the light on the balcony was very bright.

White tea will be on the table of the sticks and bottles packed almost, just want to clean the barbecue oven, when the scene came back with a medicine box.

"Not really."

White tea quickly said.

When the scene, hand on a chair, fingertips turn, the chair will come to her, "sit, once the wound is inflamed, the impact is big, your injury is in the head, easy to affect IQ, memory, imagination."


It is very serious.

Bai Cha felt the gauze on her head. She was afraid. She was ready to earn money by writing novels, which affected how she wrote.

Think about it, she still sat down in a chair, took off her hat and said, "that's your trouble."

When the scene came, she came towards her with a box. Looking at the slender figure close to her, Bai Cha unconsciously shrunk her body, "well, you should be careful, don't put such heavy hands on it."


Stand still when the scene is right.

White tea some doubts to look up, when the scene stood there thoughtfully looking at her, eyes light light, "how do you think I will under heavy hand?"


It's not the first time she's been tossed by his heavy hand.

White tea turned her eyes and said, "is that strange? You haven't studied medicine. Who knows if you will hurt me?"

He took his eyes back and put on his medical gloves. "My father knows medicine, and I've learned a little bit."


In his mouth, what kind of species is his father.

Standing beside her in the scene, I reached out and took off the gauze on her head. I saw several wounds hidden in her hair, one of which was very deep, and the skin was still red.

He remembered how bloody her head was when he held her on the ground.

"The skin around is also a little red. You should change your dressing when you get wet." When the scene, cold tunnel, in the medicine box for a few times, take out a bottle of liquid medicine, with a cotton swab dipped in her wound.

The first time he pressed it, he had a lot of strength.

She knew

He always treats people as if they were dying.

White tea was very depressed. When the young man stood in front of her, she could only see his household clothes, which were monochrome and without any pattern. The clothes swayed slightly with his movements.

The light fell on the corner of his coat and brought her back to the past.

I still remember that once, when she was walking outside, she was hurt and scraped a wound as long as the palm of her leg.

In order to hurry back to cook for him, she pasted it on white paper and ran home in a hurry. Later, she forgot about it.

It was not until they sat together to watch Zhou Chunxi's dance competition that they were found by the scene.

Deep impression, because his face that day is very heavy, very ugly, staring at her almost scolded.

But he was used to silence, and finally did not say anything. He pushed her to the sofa, let her lie on the sofa, bent her injured leg, and then began to treat her wound.

At that time, the white paper had been completely coagulated with the wound and blood. When it was torn off, he didn't leave any strength, which made her squeak.

She was so angry that she kicked him. As a result, he took a bottle of liquid medicine directly to her wound. The pain made her lose her temper in a moment, and she could only bury her face in her pillow and sob.

Later, that night, she refused to go back to bed, so she stayed on the sofa and didn't want to pay attention to the smelly man.

But when she woke up in the middle of the night, as soon as she opened her eyes, she saw him lying beside him, half of his body exposed, and his long legs stretched out so far that she could share a sofa with her.

The blanket was all over her.

She was moved for half a night, so she forgave him.

In the four years she spent with him, she was always sulky, and she had to find a reason to forgive herselfIf he doesn't have a car accident later, she will live with him for the rest of her life.

Women never think about it more. When you are always looking for all kinds of reasons, it's the man who doesn't want to give it. In other words, it's the man who doesn't want to give it to you.

White tea thought, eyes a little astringent.

Memory is the most afraid to think about, like an old wound was gently torn open, people clearly pain, but can't frankly cry out.

When the scene to her painted to the longest wound, liquid medicine rub up, some more, liquid medicine down her forehead.


As soon as his eyes were fixed, he lowered his body and stretched out his hand to wipe it. As soon as he lowered his eyes, his dark eyes locked her eyes.

He was shocked in the chest for no reason.

When the scene, she looked at her, for a moment, no action, "you in the end..."

In less than a second, white tea came back to her senses and put on a look of disgust, "are you ok? I've also studied medicine. It hurts me so much! You are such a boaster

She didn't move when she was in the scene.

Is she what he thinks she is?


Wan Cheng opened his eyes drunkenly. He didn't know where he was. He said in a trance, "what can't do and hurt, Lingyu? Can you watch less video! It's harmful to physical and mental health! "


At this time, the distance between the two faces under the light is no more than five centimeters.

The four eyes are opposite.

Long eyelashes tremble.

It's hard to breathe.

Listening to Wan Cheng's inexplicable words, Rao Shi was calm and calm when he was in the situation. He could not help showing embarrassment. He quickly stepped back two steps and said, "I'll bandage you."


White tea doesn't feel much. Her heart still hurts, but she doesn't expect anything from the man in front of her.

In her eyes, there was not much special significance in any of his behaviors.

When the scene for her to wrap gauze, "wound healing is very good, pack two days gauze can be removed, be careful, don't get wet."

"I see."

White tea stood up and said, "I'll clean the barbecue oven and take Chunxi back."


Look down at the time on the watch when it comes to the scene. It's not feasible to get drunk, then only

He glanced a faint light in his eyes and said, "the cleaning work is more than that."


White tea stay. Although Bai Cha didn't do anything when she met the occasion, she never directed her to do anything. However, when she met the occasion four years ago, she was as big as a pancake. After folding three cleaners, she began to use her as three heads and six arms.