Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1227

And the story?

Everyone was stunned. There was a sudden surge of wind and clouds in the hall, just like an earthquake. The red curtain was shaking violently, and all the ornaments and fruits on the table were shaken to the ground.

White tea quickly to pull Zhou Chunxi's hand, two people press a simple tea table barely stand firm.


Wan Cheng suddenly cried out. Bai Cha subconsciously looked at the scene. He stood upright, his red clothes rising with the wind slowly turned into a black one. From the bottom to the top, he turned into a black one. His wide sleeves rolled like waves, and his face was crowned like jade

On the other hand, his eyes gradually turned to blood red, and his eyes were full of the color of killing.

What kind of magic effects

He slowly raised his hand, held it together with his slender five fingers, turned the wind into countless black Qi, gathered in his hands, and the color became more and more thick. He suddenly pushed his backhand.

Those black Qi spread out like a sharp blade, taking everyone's lifeline and washing the whole room with blood.

Screams were everywhere.

Virtual NPCs all fell.

The curtain in the hall was broken into countless red snowflakes and fell down.

Bai Cha stands there, looking at the black air all over the room, and suddenly finds that she is surrounded by a pure air. She turns her eyes and sees Ling Yu, Wan Cheng and Zhou Chunxi standing there, surrounded by the black air.

They were also attacked.

It's just her. She's not hurt at all.

Bai Cha raised her eyes and looked at Yingjing, who was looking at her direction.

At the moment when the four eyes were opposite, she also had the illusion that she couldn't pull out the story.

[in the red snow, you look into Lu Chaocheng's eyes. He seems to be saying, Xiaocui, don't be afraid. Even if I kill the whole world, I will never hurt your hair

Sad background music, with the sound of waves, and a clear voice of children reciting poems——

Chaocui mountain, night Cangjiang song.

Back to this remote Acacia, qingzun Zhanfang green.

[Xiaocui, take this silk handkerchief and don't take it off. When you are old enough to get married, I'll ask you to get married

Xiaocui, it's really lonely and hard to live in huayueshan. I miss you very much. Do you miss me

Xiaocui, do you remember the poem I taught you to read

[Xiaocui, I'm back. I've come back to ask your parents for help. Where are you

In the ear, one by one, from a child to a teenager, after all things, pain through the heart.

He stood there and slowly stretched out his hand to her. His eyes were changing between red and black, struggling in the demons and humanity. His voice was clear, "I'll take you home."

The boy's voice was engulfed by sharp screams.

White tea raised her head, only to see the dead virtual NPC body slowly floating a white soul, the soul painfully gathered together, shouting revenge, rushed to the scene.

"Don't --"

White tea called out subconsciously.

But the white soul has already rushed into the body of the scene. At the moment of rushing in, his eyes are black, and his humanity makes him not resist.

As soon as he was shocked, he fell to his knees and closed his eyes.

The blood was oozing slowly from under him, more and more.


White tea stood there in a daze, as if back to the deep corridor of the hospital, he was covered with white cloth, covered with blood.

She wanted to find him, but she couldn't get close to him.

Why, why every time?

Why did he die in front of her again and again? He made the choice he wanted again and again. What did she do? What did she do?

For a moment, she couldn't tell the reality from the script. She stood and looked at the person lying in the pool of blood. A drop of tears slipped down her eyes and her voice became hoarse. "You get up for me. When you meet the scene, you get up for me. Do you hear me?"


When he was dressed in dark clothes, he didn't move.

White tea exclaimed excitedly, "get up for me! Why do you die? What qualifications do you have to die? What do you think of me? When it comes to the occasion

Her voice trembled with tears.

She rushed over and pulled on her dress. "Get up! Don't die! You are not allowed to die, do you hear me

“……”When she was lying on the ground, she had to open her eyes. Her face was full of pain. She couldn't help but feel inexplicable.

"White tea?"

Zhou Chunxi, standing in the black atmosphere, looks at Bai cha in amazement. Seeing her like this, he looks at Ling Yu and WAN Cheng. They feel bad. They hurry up and hold Bai Cha, "are you OK with Bai cha?"

"White tea, wake up. It's just a game."


White tea was pulled to turn her head, tears on her face startled several people, her chest heaved violently, breathing unevenly.

Zhou Chunxi looked at her anxiously, "white tea, don't scare me. What's the matter with you?"

When the scene, stand up from the ground, cold voice, "to the staff."

Immediately someone came in and took off the technology pupil and earphone for white tea.

Standing there, Bai Cha saw that the whole hall was still a complete wedding scene. All the dead NPC bodies were gone, even the pool of blood on the ground. When she stood there, she was still dressed in red.

Everything is false.


White tea suddenly understand, head a blank, she stretched out her hand to hold his head, there is pain in the inside.

"White tea..."

Zhou Chunxi nervously looked at her, "you are not comfortable, I accompany you to the hospital?"

"I'm fine."

White tea shakes her head. When she raises her face again, her face is pale. She says, "it's too real. I'm a little involved in the play."


When the scene, black eyes deep staring at her.

Wan Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, "it's just entering the play. I'm scared to death. You just lost control and seemed to want to lift Shige up and kill him again."

Zhou Chunxi brought water for her to drink. He couldn't laugh or cry and said, "you still say I'm in the opera. You're more serious than me."

Seeing that Bai Cha's face was getting better, the staff nearby could not help saying, "I've seen the one who entered the play, and I've never seen the one who entered the play so deeply. In the end, your expression scared me to watch the whole process behind the screen."


Bai Cha nodded to them apologetically.

At the end of the game, the party left.

Before leaving the game hall, white tea can't help looking back inside, what is a dream, what is true, what is a play?

Once man is immersed in it, all reason will disappear.

In the future, she will never come to this place again.

It's not suitable for her to kill in the script when there are circumstances.

White tea moves slowly. When she finishes changing clothes and catches up with everyone, she has already settled the account.

"Would you like to edit a video for your memory?"

Asked the staff.

When the scene, standing there, silent for two seconds after the way, "can."

"All right."

After checking out, the staff said they could get the clip next week