Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1221


It's hard for white tea to know the truth.

Where Lao Tzu is creative, it is clear that his son is creative.

I don't know what the president of Yingda will do when he hears his son's remarks.

"No wonder I haven't seen my uncle come to school. People who are so busy have no time. It's not easy for men to support their families." Ten thousand Cheng one foot to Ling Yu, "I see you later still old let elder brother treat."

"OK, how about we take turns paying for any future activities?" Ling Yu, with a face of remorseful expression, knocked his chest with his fist.

"I agree!" Wan Cheng said with a smile, "let's go, Shige. Anyway, we still have time. Let's play the script together. Few people can't play it."

School leaves at 3 p.m., followed by a day and a half's holiday. In order to celebrate today's clean-up of Xu An'an and Tao Pian, everyone told their families to pick them up at 5:30.

So there is time now.

When it comes to the occasion, he steadied the strawberry jelly in his hand and resolutely refused, "I won't go."

And he's going to eat strawberries.

"Don't be a wet blanket, Shige. You can't see me for two nights, and you can't miss me. Come on, have a good time and leave some thoughts." Ling Yu twisted his waist and rushed to the scene to act like a coqueter.

When the scene in the hands of strawberry jelly almost fell to the ground, "do not want to have a nightmare."

"I hate it. You don't love me anymore."

Ling Yu screamed in his throat and beat him on the chest.


When the scene, a face to eat ash expression.


White tea almost spit out, Zhou Chunxi covered his mouth with a smile.

Wan Cheng, a big man, has been holding the garbage can to vomit, "vomit - my lunch, vomit - my breakfast, vomit - my overnight meal!"

Finally, when the scene, under the disgusting attack of Wancheng and Lingyu, he went upstairs with them.

UPUP Upstairs is the live play area. As soon as you go in, you will see the latest script on the wall.

"Script killing has always been very popular, and there are many commercial streets here, but everyone only likes to play here, because the scripts are updated quickly and the scenes are changed frequently, which can keep people fresh all the time, so we have to make an appointment to play here."

Ling Yu walked in the front, picked up his mobile phone and put it in front of the counter. He said to the waiter, "I made an appointment for an ancient room."

"You have an appointment?"

White tea surprised.

"Among us, the one who pays is Shige, and the one who plans the activity is selling umbrellas. As long as he's there, we don't have to worry about programs." Wan Cheng explained to her.

"You sell umbrellas! I am ban Cao

Ling Yu is glaring at Wan Cheng. The waiter brought five identity cards. "The script you are going to challenge is called" romance and snow of the villa ". Now please draw the identity card. Your scripts will be given after you have chosen your identities. You can read your own scripts during your makeup time

The script. "

"And make-up?"

Bai Cha has heard the script but never played it.

"Well, in order to give our customers an immersive experience, we've prepared makeup artists and costumes." The waiter smile service, "we arrange the identity is also three men and two women configuration, please choose it."

White tea looked over and put five ID cards on it——

[Zhuang Zhu]

[Mrs. villa leader]

[Bride (daughter of villa leader)]

[bridegroom (son-in-law of the village leader)]


It's really clear at a glance.

Wancheng quickly took out the sweeper's ID card and said with pride, "I tell you, most floor sweepers are big boss! I want to be a big boss

"Then I'll choose the villa master!" Ling Yu was afraid of being robbed, so he rushed up and robbed the role of the villa leader. He was very excited in his eyes.

There's only one son-in-law male role left.

At that time, I had to call him Dad!


Bai Cha stands there, looking at the two identity cards missing. She takes a look at Zhou Chunxi beside her, reaches out her hand to draw the identity card of "the lady of the villa master" and leaves the card of the bridegroom and bride.


Zhou Chunxi understood her meaning, made a big red face, and delayed to get the card.Staring at the strawberry jelly, he raised his head and saw that there were only two cards left on the counter. He calmly took away the "groom" card and went inside.

Zhou Chunxi's face is redder.

"All right, the bridegroom is in place, and the bride is not leaving yet?"

Bai Cha touched Zhou Chunxi with her elbow, joking.

"No, since it's the bride and bridegroom, there must be a marriage scene. I'm nervous." Zhou Chunxi nervous hands are tied together, "or, I and you change it?"

"It's not a real marriage. Look at your promise."

At the beginning, she was not so nervous when she went to get the license with Yingjing.

Bai Cha put the bride's identity card into Zhou Chunxi's arms, leaned to her ear, and said, "the script gives him a good opportunity. Don't waste it. Try to seduce him and let him confess as soon as possible."

It's a bit difficult to count on cabbage advertising.


Zhou Chunxi's face turned red into a lantern in an instant, so he didn't need to put on makeup.


In the script, there is a hole, clean and everything. White tea came out in a suit similar to the Tang Dynasty's ancient clothes, with a bra, a noble long skirt and a graceful posture. The skirt here is not rough on the production line, and even the embroidery on the skirt is hand-made, with excellent texture, which makes people wear it

There's a real illusion of crossing.

She was put into a dressing room by the staff, where someone was already sitting.

It's the right time.

He was sitting in front of the make-up mirror in a red robe. He was dignified, graceful, and tasteful of strawberry jelly.


Seeing her coming in, he slowed down his eating speed when he met the occasion.

White tea quietly sat down in front of the make-up mirror, back to him, and then the makeup artist came in, only to listen to the voice when the scene sounded, "with hair cover on the line, no makeup."

"That's for sure. If you have such a handsome face, how can you still use make-up? Other people need it."

The make-up artist was flattering.

The makeup artist of white tea stood behind her, "classmate, your face is short of gorgeous, so I'll make up heavily. What do you think?"


It's not so good. I think you two need more make-up.

Bai Cha frowned and nodded. The makeup artist handed her the script from the box. "Oh, by the way, this is your character script. The red part needs to be searched for evidence before you can tell the truth."

"Thank you."

Makeup artist to her make-up, white tea took the script began to see.

[your name is Xiaocui...]

Well, the character is very spiritual【 You are a fisherman's daughter and live freely by the sea. But on your 16th birthday, Huang Tianba, the owner of Fengxue villa, saw your beauty, killed your parents and forced to marry you. Facing a husband in his seventies, a lot of coquettish concubines and a lot of children older than you, you live a miserable life with tears every day