Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1204

"Is that exaggeration?" White tea tongue, "is not a long face."

She watched it alone for four years. After hearing her say this, Zhou Chunxi immediately said, "no, later you will find that it's not only the face that attracts people in the scene. He's not like the kind of school bully who is fierce, nor like a nerd who only studies and doesn't know how to do it

He only knows how to be handsome. He can do everything... "

Seeing white tea staring at herself, Zhou Chunxi was a little shy and said, "in a word, he is a very attractive boy."

"You seem to like him very much."

White tea heard his voice with a bit astringent.

Zhou Chunxi dropped his eyelids and twisted his chopsticks. Suddenly he thought of looking up at her like something. He asked nervously, "don't you like the occasion, too?"

"For fear that I will rob you?"

White tea looked at her steadily.

"No, I'm afraid you'll be as far away from me as they are when you like the occasion." Zhou Chunxi lonely tunnel, "I really want to be friends with you."

So many people like the scene, how to isolate you, is clearly ambiguous too much.


White tea sour to eat a sweet and sour ribs, mouth asked, "that you are so excluded girls, when the scene did not do anything?" Speaking of this, Zhou Chunxi was even more lonely. "In the first year of senior high school, I was locked in the toilet and locked all night. He told me to go out and ask others to rush to her. He is kind-hearted, but he disdains to explain too much, and he doesn't make a real girlfriend, that's not true

Since then, some girls have identified me as his girlfriend and isolated me even more. "

"All night?"

White tea frowns.

This little lover is still a bitter cabbage.

"Nothing." Zhou Chunxi looked at Bai Cha and said with a smile, "in fact, when you think about it carefully, those people are so narrow-minded that it doesn't mean much to be friends. It's better to go alone. It's very good."

I really want to.

White tea pulled the corner of the mouth, lowered his head to eat, Yu Guang saw two girls close, hand soup“ But I'm not completely alone. Occasionally, I do experiments and have meals with Yingshi, Wancheng and Lingyu. Now that I have you, I'm more happy. Really, I finally have a decent female friend... You know what,

You are the first girl in the school to help me

Zhou Chunxi sat there and said happily. He didn't realize that someone was close behind him. He put a spicy shrimp in a white tea bowl and said, "this is delicious."

White tea looked at the shrimp, looked at Zhou Chunxi's face full of joy, heart mixed.

All of a sudden, the girl who was close to them screamed "ah" and ran into Zhou Chunxi.

See that girl hands of a bowl of hot soup toward Zhou Chunxi splashed in the past.

White tea's eyes a shock, too late to think, quickly while standing up, will Zhou Chunxi to the side to pull.

The hot soup fell down and spilled on white tea's arm.

The sleeves were instantly wet and hot, rolling her arms.

White tea pain almost jump up, head excited for a while, by, how she saved the little lover.

This damned sense of justice

When he walked into the restaurant, he saw this scene. Bai Cha, with her cheeks bulging, threw her arms desperately. Her face was like the hamster he had raised.

"White tea!"

Zhou Chunxi stood up in amazement, "how are you? Does it hurt? "


White tea took a breath, pulled open the cufflinks, rolled up the sleeves, the whole arm was red.

Seeing this, Zhou Chunxi's eyes were red. He glared at the girl and said, "Xu An'an, how can you pour hot water on people?"

Soft voice, no attack.

That girl didn't wear school uniform, dressed up very fashionable, a pair of coquettish and cheap appearance, smell speech shrugged, don't think tunnel, "I'm not careful, didn't stand firm."

"Not careful? The dishes here are all served by robots. Can you take them yourself? "

White tea sneer, she clearly see that the girl's acting skill is poor can only get zero.

"What are you doing? We, sister an, said that we were careless

The girl behind Xu an stood up and said.

Bai Cha recognized her. She was the one who smashed her head with a glass bottle that day. It seemed that her name was Tao pian.Soon, white tea sorted out a set of character relations.

Xu An'an and Zhou Chunxi are not only fighting for the leader of the dance, but also for the man. Needless to say, it must be the misfortune of the occasion

However, they could not fight with each other, so they united with Tao pian to use various means to send Yin to Zhou Chunxi.

Where there are women, there is always jealousy.

Bai Cha stands out from the dining table and looks at Tao Pian coldly. "If I hadn't let you go, you would have been dissuaded and called to drink tea by the police. Would you dare to provoke me?"

Tao Pian looked at white tea cold with knife like eyes, weakly back.

Xu an stood forward with a straight face, almost sticking to the white tea, "after autumn, who are you going to frighten? Turn the students?"

"What, a fight? Come on

As soon as Bai Cha patted the table, she rolled up the other sleeve.

She doesn't believe it. A 22-year-old married woman can't do two suckling little kids!

"White tea, don't..."

Zhou Chunxi worried to seize the white tea clothes, "school is not allowed to fight."

Xu An'an is used to being arrogant in school. Usually, no one dares to provoke her. At the moment, seeing the white tea murderous, people are confused.

"Why, dare not?"

Bai Cha laughs sarcastically and looks at her with scorn.

I really want to find a fight. From the last life to now, she has been very depressed. Her husband has a different heart and wants to divorce herself. She can't even touch the dead if she wants to fight.

Xu An'an was excited, straightened up is not a big chest, "come on, who is afraid of you?"

"Then don't talk nonsense..."

White tea said, raised his hand to attack the past, hand suddenly caught.

Yes, it's the hand.

Her five fingers were directly grasped by a hand with a very beautiful shape from the back. She turned back in amazement and looked at the eyes of the scene. His eyes were too dark, like ink.

He has a light look, can't see happiness, can't see anger, just holding white tea hand some force.

"What for?"

The white tea frowned and tried to pull it out.

"When it comes."

Xu An'an instantly switches between shy girls.

"When it's time, you're here!" Zhou Chunxi was as excited as he saw the Savior.

All the students in the restaurant stopped to eat and watched the scene.

"Don't move."

In response to the scene, the hand holding the white tea sinks and hands the water bottle in the other hand to Wan Cheng.

Wan Cheng will come over and help to open the bottle cap immediately. When he took it back, he drenched the whole bottle of water on the red arm of white tea and grabbed her with one hand.