Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1200

With that, she reddened her eyes and handed her the apple.

White tea sitting there, took the apple, want to go back home to school, then suddenly how can't say.

She took a bite of the apple. It was crisp.

In fact, she was very stubborn and self righteous all the way. She always came against her parents. When she wrote a popular novel, she began to feel that her reputation was beyond heaven. She even wanted to dig up all her parents' property to fight a lawsuit.

In the end, there was nothing left, estranged from my parents.

I thought that two lonely souls healed each other for four years when they met the occasion. As a result, they just took her as a pastime and wanted to find a little lover with a ring.

How did you fail?

She looked at Jiang Xi, eyes deep, is not God reward her chance of rebirth, is to let her live a not so stubborn himself?

If she can make the younger parents no longer white hair, is it filial piety.

To know the last life, she also ended up in a car accident, parents do not know how sad, how much gray hair.

"What do you think? Dumb? "

Janice, look at her.

White tea smiles, "no, I'm thinking when I can go back to school, senior three homework is tight."

Seeing that she didn't resist the change of school at all, Jiang Xi was even more gratified. "If you are willing to think so, don't always toss about writing novels. Senior three students should study hard."

But writing novels is really her hobby.

She has no big dream. She only knows that her novels are liked by others. Unfortunately, her parents don't understand her. The road she took in her last life also proves that she is wrong.

Maybe she shouldn't have written novels.

She took a mouthful of the apple and said, "tomorrow, I'll go through the discharge procedures for you, and you can report to the school, but you have to pay attention to your head and don't hurt it again, you know?"

"I see, mom."

White tea smiles at her.

Looking at such a clever girl, Jiang Xi's smile is more and more deep.


Bai Cha returns to Jinhua high school.

She was hospitalized for a week and missed the one-week military training at the beginning of the school. Therefore, when she arrived at the school, there were many Tan students everywhere, which made her very white. Many people looked at her.

White tea is led into the classroom by the head teacher.

Jinhua high school is Jinhua high school, the top class is the top class, the seats are different from ordinary schools.

The desks here are diamond shaped. Two desks are put together in one place. All desks are arranged squarely, but there is a big space in the center. It should be set up for the teacher to stand in the middle and be able to communicate and lecture with each student in a short distance. Bai Cha went in with her. Before she had come to observe her, she heard the head teacher speak with great enthusiasm in a very pure broadcast voice, "a new classmate has been transferred to our class this semester. I believe everyone is familiar with her deeds. She has just come to study

The school is brave enough to save next week's Chunxi classmate. Such a brave move is worth everyone's learning! She is Bai cha. Welcome

"Pa Pa Pa"

The students clapped enthusiastically and the sound was loud.

As a person far away from the campus for a long time, white tea almost rushed out of the door, but looking at the vigorous faces, I don't know why, she was a little envious.

In fact, she also had such a vigorous moment.


Just don't mention it.

"White tea students, please introduce yourself?" The head teacher looked at her with a smile.

What do you want to introduce? She is a 22-year-old woman who was killed by a car, abandoned by her husband and did nothing?

She pressed the hat on her head and covered it with gauze. She pretended to be haggard and said, "teacher, I'm still a little dizzy these two days..."

On hearing this, the head teacher immediately said, "it's OK. Next, you'll have to get along for another year. There are plenty of opportunities to understand. Please sit down first."

The head teacher's words fall, white tea hears a sweet voice to spread——

"White tea, sit on my side!"

White tea a look up, the heart is a dirty word.

Zhou Chunxi, a beautiful woman, is sitting in her seat waving to her happily, with a table empty beside her.

Why is she still in the same class with her little lover?

Damn it.Bai Cha looked around and saw that there was still a vacancy behind Zhou Chunxi. She couldn't help saying, "I have good eyesight. Give the front seat to the students in need. I can sit behind Zhou Chunxi."

"That's my position."

A magnetic clear voice suddenly sounded. Bai Cha's body is stiff. He turns his head slowly. When he meets the scene, he stands at the door. He is wearing a school uniform, a white shirt and a dark coat. He stands at will. His legs are a little too long. He carries a bag in his hand. His black eyes sweep towards her and his lips are thin

It's hanging carelessly.

Still looking at strangers.

But neither malice nor depression.

In front of the young light is standing there are luminous, the sun is inferior to him.

When she looked at him, her mind was full of fragments of two people living together. When she came in, she came in with a bag and walked in front of her. She didn't give much light, only left a little clear breath.

He took out a prize seat from his bag and handed it to the head teacher. Then he went to his seat. He handed it casually, but the head teacher was so excited that his eyes were filled with tears. Holding the prize seat, he said excitedly, "we all watched the live broadcast of the previous competition. When the scene came, the students won the first prize in the international Muli Olympic competition and got the first comprehensive score,

This is not only our class, our school's honor, but he is wearing the national flag standing on the podium! Let's congratulate him

Hearing the speech, the whole classroom exploded, clapping one after another, and the sound was so loud that it almost toppled the roof.

So powerful?

When I was with her, how could I just stay at home and do nothing?

Bai Chaxin reluctantly followed the drum for two times. Looking at the scene, he walked behind Zhou Chunxi and sat down. Zhou Chunxi and several other students gathered around to congratulate him.

When the scene sitting there, look light, a pair of this little achievement what big man face.

Zhou Chunxi leaned back, holding his face in one hand, and looked at the scene with a smile.

When you look at her, the corners of your lips are hooked, as if you are smiling at her.


It turns out that it's the relationship between the front and back tables. No wonder the feeling is good.

Have the ability, the feeling is good all the time, run to harm her why? Make you laugh, laugh fart!

White tea sour thought, drooping face to go over there, will throw the bag on the desk to sit down.

What a ghost.

Although the desks are front and back, as soon as she sits down, she can see the figure of Zhou Chunxi in the front line of vision and the scene in the oblique line of vision.

"..." in the next year, will she watch dog men and women show their love every minute?