Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1198

"Cha Cha, your father is also good for you. He goes to a good school with excellent teachers. You learn more and do well in the exam. The way out in the future will be better. Do you understand?"

White tea woke up a little dizzy and saw the shadow of the trees shaking outside the window. Behind the shadow was a strange street view.

Didn't she get hit by a car?

How to become a car or a taxi.

As soon as she turned her head, she saw her father Bai Langyan and her mother Jiang Xi looking at each other with a worried face. She was startled, like a frightened bird shrinking back.

What the hell?

She hasn't seen her parents for a long time. That year, she suffered from mild depression, and her relationship with her father became worse and worse. Her father even said that he would take care of her again and slap his mouth.

"What are you doing? A girl, sitting or not

Bai Lang Yan stares at her coldly.

"Didn't you say you didn't care about me?"

Her eyes darkened and her mood fluctuated. How long had she not heard her father scold her like this.

What the hell is missing.

"Pa --"

As soon as the words fell, she was hit on the head.

"You think I don't care about you. I'm 18 years old. I'll tell you, even at 28, I'm your father! You have to listen to me, too Bai Langyan drank fiercely, and his face became more and more ugly. Jiang Xi said softly to one side, "Cha Cha, this is the chance your uncle won for you. Jinhua high school is a good school that many students can't go to. The third year of high school has just started. It's just right for you to turn now, and the college entrance examination will be sure in the future

I can do well in the exam. "

What, eighteen?

She is twenty-two years old. How about getting a marriage certificate legally.

"Jinhua high school?"

Why does the name sound so familiar.

White tea a stay, and then look at the parents in front of them, during the quarrel period, they clearly have a lot of white hair, but now look at a white hair are not, still look much younger.

What happened?

She was stunned, quickly went to get the bag, and then the action was delayed.

On his knee is not his usual hand bag, but a heavy schoolbag. She stupidly took out the small mirror from inside and looked at herself. Instead of the curly hair that was called lion hair in the scene, she had straight black hair with a star clip attached. Her face was so tender that she was shocked in her eyes

She was a little confused and lovely, without the shadow that she couldn't bear to look directly in the mirror, The corner of the eye is not a fine line.

She's clearly spoiling her health.

For a time, she was very resentful about why she was lonely and her appearance plummeted. However, when she was in the scene, she was so alone, but it didn't damage his beauty at all. When she was 22 years old, her appearance was quite young, delicate and delicious

Sometimes she felt as if she was a little bigger than him, but she had a white face in the same year.

But fortunately, he had only himself in the world, so she could rest assured.

In the small mirror, she is definitely not 22 years old. Before Bai Cha understood, her head was pounded severely. Bai Langyan's voice fell into her ears. "Mom is talking to you, do you hear me? I tell you, I'm going to Jinhua high school soon. You can go to Jinhua high school or not


That sounds familiar.

White tea suddenly remembered that year, she was about to enter senior three, but her parents suddenly sent her to s city to study high school.

She refused to leave her classmates and friends. Naturally, she made a lot of noise. When she was brought to s City, she still made a lot of noise. She protested with her parents solemnly. When she arrived at the school gate, she took advantage of her parents' unprepared and ran away, but she didn't go to school.

Later, her parents saw that she was really stubborn, and there was no way to take her. In the end, they had to turn her back.

Later, she began to write the novel, and all the nightmares began at that time.

Is she... Reborn?

Bai Cha is still in the shock of disbelief, but he has been pushed out of the car by Bai Langyan to the front of Jinhua high school.

Standing at the school gate, she looked up at the majestic and solemn "Jinhua high school". The road to the campus was broad and deep, full of trees and vitality. Many tall teaching schools stood in the distance.

After a summer vacation, the students are carrying schoolbags, one by one or happy, or sad to come in.

She stood in the middle, like a stone in the flowing river, motionless."I'll go to her head teacher, you look at her, don't let her slip away." Bai Langyan told his wife.

It has to be said that a father knows his daughter well.

At that time, white tea was still in the rebellious period“ You see, the school environment is so good. I heard that there is funding from Ying group behind it. The quality of laboratories, playgrounds and education here is better than that of other places. " Jessie pulls her wooden daughter in and desperately tells her how good the school is


Yingshi group?

White tea Leng in there, suddenly think of Mu Jingluo words.

"When he was in high school, he chose to go to Jinhua high school, the high school his mother went to, and the teachers were of high quality. He always had his own ideas, so there was no obstruction at home."

This is the high school I went to when I was in the situation.

That's not

"Bang --"

I was hit on the back.

White tea was stunned to look back and saw a basketball bounce in front of her. Then she raised her eyes and stayed on the spot. Not far away, the slender boy walked not far away. He was wearing a white reflective shirt, and his sleeves were randomly rolled twice, revealing a thin white arm. The collar button was slightly loose, and the clavicle was indistinct. As he walked, he loosened his shoulder

Under his black backpack and neat short hair, he had an exquisite face with sharp edges, deep eyebrows and straight nose, A big smile.


Bai Cha looks at him blankly, as if she sees the teenager in the photo come out and walk towards her vividly and powerfully.

Step by step, step in her world.

Everything around us became illusory.

Time was moving fast around her, and she was at a loss.

Next to him, two boys are jumping and fighting, one with a bag hit the other, "Wan Cheng, you are a vegetable force, but also ancestral turn ball stunt, hit people again!"

"Mistake! When I pick up the ball, I will show you what is the descendant of the basketball family The boy, who was called Wan Cheng, raised his eyes and looked at Bai cha. Seeing Bai Cha's dull face, he couldn't help but be happy. He came up to the boy and hit him with an elbow. He exaggerated and said aloud, "brother, it's just the beginning of school. Another one is trapped in your beauty!

If you don't want to change your taste, don't worry. Let's have a cup of tea with Zhou Meiren. This seems to be good. "

"Get out of here."

The boy kicked him with a smile and turned his head to white tea.

The four eyes are opposite.

There was no shade in his eyes.

At the same time, that kind of vision is strange. He didn't know her.