Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1191

Dumplings filled with stinky tofu are also dishes that people can think of

Now women don't know what kind of brain they are.


Ying Hannian stands on the side of the stair handrail and sweeps it. OK, there are few left. It's clear that the whole army has been destroyed.

When the whole army won, the sisters cheered for victory.

A few people look at the time, Jiang Rao stands up with a smile and says, "brother Han, we don't dare to embarrass ourselves. Let's do the last little game."

"He said

In response to the cold year.

Bai Shuya took out a folded red silk and said, "just cover it, and then we will help you turn some circles. When you take it off, you should accurately uncover the bridal veil and kiss the bride, OK?"

"It's ok if you can't do it. All the games should be played again."

Xia Xi said with a smile.

"I rely on..." Mu Xianguang, who supported the wall, yelled, "Ying Hannian, you must win!"

He doesn't want to eat two bowls of coriander while jumping toe board.

"It's just an anti dizzy game. The second brother is so powerful that he must be OK." Bai Shuya said with a smile.


Ying Hannian stood there, black eyes sweeping to these "kind" faces, eyes deep, and said, "come on."

On one side, a tall brother Lin Yi took over the red silk, stood behind Ying Hannian, blindfolded him, and checked again.

Two men came forward and began to hold Ying Hannian's arm in a circle. After 20 circles, they began to walk in circles. They turned very fast and walked very slowly.


Everyone looked dizzy and thought hard enough.

Ying Hannian didn't say a word. Let them turn.

"My brother-in-law didn't make a sound. Did he faint?" One of Lin Yi's younger sisters asked anxiously.

"No, your brother-in-law is not an ordinary man." Bai Shuya said, instead, he was worried about another question, "is the second brother not afraid of dizziness at all?"

But the question was quickly answered.

The pace of yinghannian began to empty.

A few people look at each other, laugh successfully, have a good play to see.

"Fifty, fifty-one, fifty-two..."

The sisters counted.

It was not until sixty-six that the two Lin family relatives stopped and let go of Ying Hannian.

Ying Hannian stood there, his feet were very empty, like stepping on the clouds, shaking from side to side.

"OK, second brother, you have to kiss the bride in one minute, one minute countdown... Start!"

Bai Shuya pressed the stopwatch in his hand.


Ying Hannian took off the blindfolded red silk. As soon as he opened his eyes, he stepped back two steps and almost fell down.

The world in front of us is completely upside down and shaking violently. He shook his head violently and listened to the countdown of people around him. With intuition, he pushed open the door in front of him and saw a spinning room. A bride in a wedding gown and a hood was sitting with her back to the bedside. The slender figure was in his eyes

It's twisted in the middle.

He held on to the door and barely stopped.

The sisters looked in and laughed silently.

Everybody hold your breath. The next second, Ying Hannian staggers in and takes two steps. He suddenly turns around and rushes out. He presses the wall with one hand and goes forward. He shakes in three steps and two steps and seems to fall down at any time. However, he still goes forward with all his life, but he can't help it

Shake your head as you go.

"What's the matter with you? Here is the bride

Mu Xianguang jumps up in a hurry. Won't he play the game again?


Ying Hannian, as if he could not hear him, kept walking forward with his hands on the wall. The pictures in front of him were all spinning rapidly, and his brain exploded badly.

Looking at Ying Hannian, the sister group couldn't laugh any more, and even the countdown voice became weak.

They look at the bride in the room.

This room is not Lin Yi's room at all. They have arranged a similar room temporarily. The one sitting in it is not Lin Yi, but the younger brother of a relative of Lin Yi, who is only a teenager and similar to Lin Yi

Ying Hannian is now in the daze of his sight. He can't stand steadily, so it's impossible to distinguish.But now

Ying Hannian walked a few steps forward and couldn't support him any more. His hands slipped from the wall and he knelt down to the ground. His face was white and his forehead was full of cold sweat. He was in great pain.

"Second brother!"

Bai Shuya ran forward and looked at him anxiously. It seemed that they were playing too hard.

The countdown is still ringing.

Ying Hannian closed his eyes and suddenly opened them. He got up from the ground with a bite of his teeth. His eyes were still dizzy. He raised his soft legs and went on.

The crowd did not dare to look at him nervously with the mentality of watching a good play.

Ying Hannian pushed open a door in a cold sweat and decorated a European style room. The bride knelt down on the bed, her hands gently on her knees, her back straight, her temperament bright, and her face covered by a red cap.

Ying Hannian stumbled toward her and raised her hand against her head.

The hood flew up.

Lin Yi sat quietly in front of him, with a clear and beautiful face set off by his Xilin coat. He looked at him with delicate eyes and deep feeling.

Ying Hannian stares at her, her eyes are more lax and unclear, and her long eyelashes tremble a few times.

When Ying Hannian was sweating, Lin Yi was stunned. Before he had time to ask, he heard the sound of countdown.

Ying Hannian's gaze on her eyes suddenly became more lax, and as soon as he lowered his head, he kissed her and locked her lips firmly with his strong breath.

Lin Yi's heart moved, slightly raised his face to respond to his kiss, two shallow lips intertwined, his breath, her fragrance intertwined closely.

He finally came to pick her up.

They are really married. Lin Yi didn't pay attention to the noise of the crowd around the door. He kisses Ying Hannian passionately. Ying Hannian's body suddenly shakes, and her hands press on her shoulders as if she didn't support her. But she still can't hold down the dizziness,

Kiss while she fell on the bed, the whole people are pressed up.

"Three, two, one..."

The countdown stops.


The crowd made an excited sound.

Lin Yi's face was so hot that she quickly pushed Ying Hannian. Ying Hannian put an arm on her and closed her eyes and whispered, "don't make trouble, you're dizzy."


Lin Yi was stunned.

Two minutes later, Lin Yi knew the whole story and took a book to fan for Ying Hannian, so that he could wake up quickly.

Ying Hannian sits on the edge of the bed, raises his hand and presses the center of his eyebrows. People gradually come over.

"I'm sorry, I think the second brother's skill is too good. I'm afraid he's not dizzy enough to make people turn so many circles." Bai Shuya stood there, feeling guilty.

"No, I don't blame you."

Should be cold years closed eyes, people seem rare good to speak. As soon as Bai Shuya breathed a sigh of relief, he heard Ying Hannian say in a deep voice, "I'll let mu Xianguang go to the mountain area to do the project."