Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1182

He's not finished yet.

He wanted to tell Aunt Xia Xi that he didn't like the game at all. He just wanted to be with his mother.

Why doesn't mom come back?

He idly wandered around the big house by himself. He took the train and went round and round on the track, putting up the building blocks and pushing them down

After a long time, Ying Hannian and Lin Yicai came back.

He was sitting on the train, boring chin on the steering wheel, suddenly saw Mom and dad back, he happily turned off the train, climbed down from the beautiful locomotive.


As soon as he came down, he couldn't see his parents.

He turned his head and saw Ying Hannian trudging down from his wheelchair. Lin Yi helped him upstairs. Their faces were not very good-looking.

Can't you see him?

He's here.

Xiaojing stood in the same place, some depressed to kick the foot, and then take advantage of the side of aunt Qingqing's inattention, a person ran upstairs, went to the door.

The door is open.

He leaned over, gently opened the door and looked in. He saw his father sitting on the sofa, and his mother standing beside him, holding a glass of water to him.

Dad didn't drink, but people lean on mom.

Mother put out her hand around him like a baby.


He was even more depressed, with a small mouth.

So big, still want mother to hold!

He didn't even ask his mother to hold him!

Hum“ The Third Master said that he has taken on everything he has done and is very relaxed. He really thinks about everything. " Lin Yi stood there and comforted Ying Hannian in a low voice. "It's very good. You can go to see him when you want to see him in the future, but you don't have to

Going abroad. "

"I'm not going to see him. Who asked him to do more than that? I'll use him to help me?"

Take a deep breath in the cold year“ This is the father. If you can get a beating for Xiaojing, he can also pay for his three sons. " She said faintly, "I heard that muxianquan knew that the third master was not dead in prison. He turned himself in and cried bitterly. I think he will die sooner or later

I'll wake up. "


Ying Hannian's eyes are fixed.

"Therefore, what a father does for his children is never superfluous." Lin Yi stood there, hugged him and said, "as long as we know, the third master is very happy to do this, that's enough."

As the Third Master said, he hoped that they would not be sad and troubled.

What they did was the best comfort to him.

Ying Hannian leaned in her arms and listened to her every word. His eyes were slightly heavy. After a while, he said, "forget it, let him go. Whatever you like."

"In fact, I'm happy when I say that? Most of the reason why he returned home is for you. "

Lin Yi laughed at him.

This father's love came late, but after all, it came.

"Nerves, can my emotions be affected by him?" Should cold year cold hum a, then look at her one eye, "you stand to do what, not tired?"

Then he pulled her and pushed her to his leg. Lin Yi didn't know that he had come here all of a sudden and had no time to retreat, so he sat down all of a sudden. Then he listened to Ying Hannian and took a cold breath. His whole face turned white with pain.

"Cold year! Why do you always forget that you are hurt! "

Lin Yi was in such a hurry that he was about to get up.

"Don't move." Ying Hannian held her down and forced her to endure the pain. "My own wife is holding the pain too."

"It's not like there's no place to sit next to."

"Just hold it!"


They were chatting inside and said a lot of things.

Xiaojing stood at the door, didn't understand how much, they didn't find themselves at all, and turned around.

The elder brother is accompanied by his father and mother, and the younger sister is accompanied by his mother.

His parents ignored him.

He was worried that they would meet some bad guys.


He's leaving. He doesn't want adults.

He twisted his two little hands together and left angrily, learning to hold his arms as an adult.

Everyone was focusing on his own business. He left quietly by himself through the side door. When he heard aunt Qingqing calling him, he ignored it and left alone.He walked a long way alone.

Although he did not go out of the range of herding, he felt that he had gone so far that his parents could not find him any more.

No, mom won't find him. He'll cry.

Think about it, he went back a little, and knelt down on the grass, waiting for his parents to find him.

Think about it, he climbed to a stone platform and stood in a more prominent position.

Wait, wait.

When his stomach was growling, no one came to him.

He was even more angry.

They all said they loved him, but they didn't come to him when he disappeared.

It's getting dark.

Don't know when, the sun has set, put on a whole black curtain.

He suddenly began to panic. He stood up in fear and cried out, "Mom! dad! Dad

No one responded to him.

The endless darkness made him think of the warehouse by the sea.

bad guy.

There are so many bad guys

What to do? What to do?

He was so anxious that he began to look back in the dark and follow the way he came.

He didn't take the wrong road, but the road was slippery in the dark. He tripped and fell down. He fell to the ground and couldn't help it any more. He fell on the ground and cried.

Suddenly, a light fell into his eyes.

He opened his eyes and saw little lights on the ground, flashing like little stars in a book.

It's beautiful.

He wiped his tears, got up from the ground, looked up, and saw that the lights were shining in the distance little by little, like a long light road, like mother's galaxy

He couldn't help following the light. With the light, he never fell again.

Walking, a colorful and handsome cape on the ground came into his sight.


It's the clown king!

Xiaojing picked up his cape and hurriedly put it on. After wearing it for a long time, he just tied it around his waist.

With this tie, he immediately felt that he was possessed by the clown king, full of strength, and continued to walk bravely, full of kingly spirit.

Walking, he saw a red sports car on the ground.


He called out and immediately opened the door and sat on it.

As soon as his little hand touched the steering wheel, the big trees on both sides of the night suddenly lit up, and the light circled the tree, golden and beautiful balloons swaying in the wind.

It's a fairy tale forest!

Last night he and his mother watched "the clown king", the clown King met the fairy tale forest.

Fairy tale forest has everything! Sure enough, he was thinking that a man wearing the clown King mask jumped down from the tree. His colorful clothes were shining, and he waved a baton in his hand. With a wave in the air, all the balloons on the tree flew up and one by one.