Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1093

Lin Yi smiles Yingying tunnel, pulling Xiaojing to get on the bus, "let's go, let's go to grandma's house."

"Let's go!"

Learn from Xiaojing.

This section of the road is not very easy to drive, especially when it is close to life and death street, it can't be driven completely. The whole group get off and walk in.

Looking at all the dilapidated things around, Lin Yi finally found that sense of familiarity, while a sense of depression also followed.

This place, reluctant to rebuild, can come again, but full of sadness.

The more they go in, the more solemn Lin Yi and Ying Hannian look. They are both so. The people behind them are so discerning that they dare not breathe loudly.

Looking at this sad place, people's faces looked a little compassionate.

The only thing that won't be affected is the young students in the scene. The little guy holds Lin Yi in one hand and Ying Hannian in the other. He shrinks his feet and swings around. He has a good time.

The afterglow of the setting sun sprinkles on this barren road, with red light all over the sky and brilliant rays.

Not far from the big tree, a slender figure was leaning against the tree, with a stiff suit and a document in his hand. Hearing the sound, the young man looked up and saw them coming up with a smile. "You're here."

It is mu Xianxu.

Lin Yi sent a message to Mu Xianxu before he came, and he was waiting here.

Lin Yi raises her eyes to see that mu Xianxu's state is better than she imagined. She is energetic. Unlike the time when she just got out of prison, she is very gloomy.

"This is a new project I've done. I'll bring it back for you to have a look when I know you're here."

Mu Xianxu hands the documents to Ying Hannian, who is now participating in the construction of life and death street.

Ying Hannian stood in the middle of the road, looked at him coldly, reached for the document and turned it over, "it's OK."

The evaluation is not high, but it's not bad.

In the cold years, we always have high requirements.

"That's OK. I'll do it. I'm going to build some more roads. Only when there are roads can there be trade." Mu Xianxu said with a smile, and then looked at Lin Yi, "sister-in-law."

Lin Yi smiles and nods.

Ying Hannian walked forward and looked at the place he knew with closed eyes.

Lin Yi took Xiaojing's hand and walked behind with mu Xianxu. He said with a smile, "you look good."

Do things so seriously.

"You said it. Everything is possible in the future." Mu Xianxu low smile, gentle way, "if you don't work hard, what may be gone."

"Well said."

Lin Yiting was pleased with the change of Mu Xianxu.

Jiang Rao once loved the man in the bone, and finally matured.

As they walked, they chatted. Lin Yi took a look at Ying Hannian's back and asked in a low voice, "how about Third Master?"

Wen Yan, mu Xianxu's eyes darkened, "I'll see you soon."


What does that mean?

Lin Yi looked at him strangely, but didn't ask much.

After walking a lot, Lin Yi knew that it would take a long time to get in. He was psychologically prepared, but the staff behind him didn't know it. They were secretly complaining while shooting records.

The roads here are uneven.

"I'm sorry, I decided to come in temporarily. I'll be here soon."

Lin Yi looks back and laughs at them apologetically.

"It's OK. It's my wife's words."

How dare you accept her apology.

Lin Yi apologized as she walked. As soon as she turned her head, she bumped into Ying Hannian's hard back. She reached out to touch her forehead and said, "what's the matter?"

How to stop suddenly.

Ying Hannian didn't speak. He just looked straight ahead. Lin Yishun looked in front of him and saw a mess. Bricks and stones were broken on the ground and a signboard was smashed. Judging from the accumulated ash, it had been a long time.

This used to be the location of the ballroom.

The ballroom is gone.

Only these, no longer colorful light up

"What's going on?" Lin Yi looks at mu Xianxu puzzled.

Mu Xianxu reluctantly raised the corner of his mouth. "It's said that on the first day my father came here, he smashed the dance hall. He smashed it alone, and he still...""What else?"

This is the cold year asked, voice cold, no feelings.

"Hematemesis." Mu Xianxu replied, "he smashed the whole dance hall by himself. He was exhausted. At last, he couldn't even walk. He held the sign and vomited there. At last, he vomited a lot of blood."

They were not present when it happened.

No one knows what kind of picture it is.

Lin Yi clenched her lips and stepped forward. Sure enough, there was a large dark red mark on the rotten sign on the top. The color had become very dark.

"Is it?" Ying Hannian sneered sarcastically, "I knew there was such a good play. I should have come to see it myself."

I can't stand it.

He's been here for 15 years.


Hearing this, Lin Yi and mu Xianxu looked at each other and did not speak.

Lin Yi turned to look at the people behind, "you don't have to pass the road in front of you. Wait for us here, find a place to have a rest, and pat casually, OK?"

The less people know about the fact that Mu Huahong is still alive, the better.

"Yes, Mrs. Ying."

Everybody nodded.

Lin Yi took a camera from a photographer. After learning how to shoot simply, he followed Ying Hannian.

The dance hall is not far from Ying's home.

Turning a corner, Lin Yi looked at the familiar hut, which was even more dilapidated than before, without any repair.

On the bluestone brick outside the door, there is an old reclining chair with more than ten pots of flowers growing beside it, full of vitality.

This feeling is like a flower in the desert, where despair and hope coexist.

Lin Yi looked at the scene and couldn't help taking a picture with her camera.

It seems that Mu Huahong has always lived here.

"I'll go and say hello to my father first." Mu Xianxu said.

In the street of life and death, when talking about the previous generation, yinghannian always becomes sharp. Hearing the words, yinghannian hums coldly, "I still greet you when I come back to my home?"


Mu Xianxu's expression was a little chatty, but he went forward and stood outside the door and said, "father."

"Here you are again."

A thick voice came out of the room with a strong displeasure. "I said, if you do it again, I'll break your leg. You don't understand, do you?"

Words fall, a figure comes out from inside.

Sanfang's three sons are all good-looking, which is closely related to Mu Huahong's appearance. In middle age, Mu Huahong still has deep and sharp eyes, handsome features, and black clothes. He is thin and has a straight back.

There is no sense of depression that Lin Yi thought.

If his short hair is not all white, Lin Yi even thinks that he looks better than the last time in China. But in middle age, my hair turned white.