Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1091

She remembers that life and death street is not far from the seaside, but there is no sea here, obviously not to the previous street.

"Half an hour by car." Ying Hannian took the cup in her hand and lowered his head to drink.

"Then sleep tonight, and tomorrow afternoon we'll go to the mountain to sacrifice our idols?"

She said.

It's not so urgent to take wedding photos.


It's meaningless to be in the cold year.

Lin Yi leaned against the window and glanced at Ying Hannian. His eyes were so deep that people couldn't find out. He thought to himself, Mu Huahong... When will he take a look.


Lin Yi didn't feel sleepy at first. After sleeping, he fell asleep in the dark. When he woke up, it was the afternoon of the next day.

"I sleep so long that you don't wake me up."

Lin Yi sat up from the bed, the whole person was still a little confused, head a blank.

Ying Hannian is sitting on the sofa not far away, with a laptop on his knee. He is working. Hearing the words, he looks up at her and says, "what do you want to do when you sleep so well?"

"We're going to the mountains."

Lin Yi said as he lifted the quilt, he would get out of bed.

Ying Hannian put down the computer, went to the bed and sat down. The man fell back and put the pillow on her, "what's the hurry, lie down again for a while."


Lin Yi can't get up under his pressure, so he has to lie on the head of the bed and look at the head at his waist.

"Tuan Tuan."

He suddenly called her in a low voice, his eyes fixed on the lamp above.


"I miss her."


Lin Yi looks at him. She doesn't have to think about it. She knows who this "she" refers to. Her heart hurts a little. She raises her hand and touches his forehead. Slowly, her fingers are buried in his short hair. "She will know."

She knew that this place had too many indelible memories for the cold years.

Ying Hannian took her hand and put it on her lips for a kiss. She asked in a low voice, "how about going to the hillside to take a group? Do you think it's unlucky?"

At the beginning, Ying Yongxi's ashes brought back by Ying Hannian were not all. The rest were all on the hillside, and they were left in that place forever with the wind.

The moment he asked this, Lin Yi knew that he was not on the spur of the moment, but had thought about it for a long time.

She low smile, "that place is very beautiful, how can be unlucky?"

"Superstition is a kind of thing. Don't you believe in its existence rather than its nonexistence?" Should be cold years way, and wedding photos, Lin family knew that estimated will be dissatisfied.

"If you want to tell me about superstition, there must be the smell of idols on that slope. It's better. She will bless our family."

Idols are so kind and beautiful. How can they be related to bad luck.

Wen Yan, Ying Hannian got up and looked down at her. Her black eyes were deep. After a while, she hooked her lips and reached for her lips. "This fan is really good."

Lin Yi laughs, "well, I get up to wash, all this point, it is estimated that there are not many pictures."

She said to sit straight body, should cold year suddenly lean over, bow then cover her lips, very gentle to rub, eyes straight gaze at her, "Tuan Tuan."

"What's the matter?"

She looked at him.

"I will be good to you all my life." He said.


Isn't it that I promised to take wedding photos on the hillside, so moved?

Lin Yi smiles, looks up and pecks his lips twice, then pushes his junpang aside. "OK, I really have to wash up!"


Should cold year lick lip, meaning is not enough.

Lin Yichong goes to the bathroom to wash. On the way there, he hears Ying Hannian calling for food.

After dinner, the party set out in a mighty manner.

Xiaojing had never been out of the door so far before. He had enough sleep and food and turned on the excited mode again. He had to hold and take photos all the way, so happy that he couldn't stop.

When they arrived at the foot of the slope, they saw a path leading to it.

As soon as we went up the slope, there was no grave on the hillside, and only a magnificent landscape was left. Under the blue sky and white clouds, everyone was in the picture, and the photographer was shocked to take several pictures with his camera.Lin Yi looked at the hillside in surprise.

It's still a hillside. It's a sea of flowers.

It's not like that when I came here last time.

Lin Yi was shocked by the scene in front of him. For a moment, he didn't know how to get down. The sea of flowers climbed all over the slope and extended to the road in the distance. It was like a flower path spreading out. It was so beautiful.

"Ding Ding Dang"

Suddenly, a clear bell came.

Lin Yi turned her eyes and saw many golden bells hanging on a big tree on the hillside. When the wind blows, the whole slope reverberates with the sound of bells, which is like a hymn of nature.

"What is this?"

Lin Yi was stunned. She had never seen these before.

Everyone shook their heads.

Lin Yi turned his head and looked at Ying Hannian. He saw Ying Hannian standing there, staring at the big tree with black eyes. He said without expression, "the soul call bell is a local superstition. He thinks that hanging the soul call bell can lead the dead back home."

There will be a wake-up call here

Lin Yi didn't do it. He thought that only one person would do it.

"That's very touching. It seems that the people who planted these flowers are also for commemoration."

"Be careful at your feet. Don't ruin the efforts of others."

Next to the staff of the photography group for unknown reasons, there is a discussion.

Lin Yi looked at Ying Hannian and saw that he was standing there. Suddenly, the wind was strong and a bell with a red rope fell from the tree.

Seeing this, Lin Yi holds Xiaojing in her hands from the nursery teacher, walks towards the big tree, picks up the bell from the ground, and hands it to her son, "when Xiaojing, hang up the bell."


Xiaojing looks at her with an unintelligible face.

Lin Yi pointed to the bells on the tree. When Xiaojing blinked, she understood her meaning. She held the red rope high with her little hand and made the bells ring.

With the height of forest, we can only reach a shorter branch in a small view.

Mother and son spent a lot of effort to hang up the bell. Xiaojing clapped his hands happily, "great!"

"Yes, you're great."

Lin Yi said with a smile, gazing at the bells on the tree, filled with an emotion.

When she held Xiaojing, she said softly, "when Xiaojing, it's called grandma."


When Xiaojing didn't listen to her, he reached for the bell and tried to pull it off.

Lin Yi took his little hand and taught him again, "grandma."


"It's grandma."


"It's grandma."


Lin Yi patiently taught her several times, but Xiaojing, who was fond of playing, finally turned her eyes from the bell to her face. Seeing her serious face, the little guy blinked and learned, "milk milk."

Milk is milk.

It's very young.

"Jingle, jingle, jingle." the bells of the trees were blown by the wind, clear and sweet, as if they were responding to something.