Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1089

"Oh." Lin Yi nodded, "you go to hold your son. I can walk by myself."

Even though she's confused now.

"Give it to the baby sitter."

Ying Hannian glanced at his son. He was half lying in the special safety seat on the plane and was sleeping soundly. He kept them awake all the way. He would get off the plane, but he slept very well.

Lin Yi took a look at him, but he didn't refuse Ying Hannian. He leaned lazily on him and let him go out with his arms around him.

The yawn made the tears run down.

It's killing me to feel like I can't sleep.

Ying Hannian looked down at her listless smile, reached out to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes, put one hand around her and walked under the plane.

Lin Yi leaned on him and looked forward in bewilderment. In front of him was an airport of general scale, with brand-new buildings and bright lights shining on the new runways on the ground.

The night wind came, and rows of flags fluttered in the wind.

The logo of Mu group is printed on the flag, which is very clear under the light.


Lin Yi immediately stood up straight, sleepiness instantly disappeared. She let go of Ying Hannian and walked down quickly. She stood on the ground and looked around. The light in the night reflected the bright moonlight, guiding the people on the journey. The airport car drove past them. The lights of the car body flashed, and the building lights in the distance

The fire was bright, and some staff were walking up and down in front of the floor glass

"This is life and death street?"

She asked in shock. She could not help but put her hand over her lips. Her eyes were full of amazement.

She always knew that Ying Hannian was sending people to build the life and death street, but she didn't expect that the scale was so good. Although the airport was not big, everything was similar to the domestic high standards, the buildings were towering and the airport design was all high-tech.

You know, the last time I came here, it was deserted.

Life and death street, a slum in a slum, has no electricity, no cars, and only poverty and the struggle of human nature.

"Not yet. It'll take more than an hour to drive."

Ying Hannian looked at her like this, stepped back a few steps, stood in the brightest place of the light, hands raised, "how, your man's masterpiece."

Lin Yi stood there, looking at the man in front of him. His tall figure was blurred by the strong light. The light stabbed her eyes and made her only vaguely see his contented smile.

The smile was as dazzling as the light on the side of his face.

Lin Yi's eyes were suddenly wet.

The boy, who grew up in the street of life and death, saw the poverty here, the poverty here, the evil here, and left with scars all over his body.

When he came back, he didn't bring the heart of destruction, but created a new era here.

A new era of no poverty and no poverty.

How difficult it is, only those who really accompany him will understand.

Lin Yi Ran to him in front of the light and ran into his arms. Ying Hannian was hit so stiffly that he snorted, reached out and caught her, "and threw himself into his arms again."

This woman is very sticky recently.

What did he do?

It's like nothing.

Ying Hannian held her in his arms with internal injuries. Lin Yi raised her face and looked at him with bright eyes. "Ying Hannian, you are so powerful. I really adore you!"

"Just a word?"

Should be cold years pick eyebrows.

Lin Yi stood on tiptoe and gave him a kiss on the corner of the mouth.

"That's it? I'm so perfunctory? "

Ying Hannian is holding her slender waist and is about to bow his head and kiss her. The voice of the bodyguard not far away comes, "Mr. and Mrs. Ying, the car is here."


Should cold year will Lin Yi embrace some tightly, black Mou ambiguously stare at her, low dumb tunnel, "go to the hotel to clean up you."


Lin Yimo.

The two left with their camera makers and bodyguards, and got on the bus and drove out of the airport.

The road out of the airport is asphalt road, and the traffic lines on the road are clearly drawn.

The roadside is planted with green plants, and the lights along the road are high, like the stars under the night, making people have an indescribable sense of security.

There was light in all the houses along the road.

The car drove over the wide bridge. The lights on the bridge changed constantly. It was amazing.Lin Yi opened the car window, regardless of the wind blowing up, so has been looking at the changes outside, deeply moved.

"Are these all your hands?"

Lin Yi looks back at Ying Hannian. Ying Hannian glanced at her, but before he spoke, the driver in front of her opened his mouth and said, "yes, the government here doesn't care. In the early years, it was controlled by the Mafia. Mr. Ying came here and brought electricity and water. He is the leader

Our Savior. "

"You can speak Mandarin."

Lin Yi takes his eyes back from the outside and communicates with the driver with a smile“ That's right. Now the government advocates learning Mandarin in an all-round way, but I'm the best one! " The driver was very proud and said, "our leader said that as long as we do well, we can go to China for development in the future. At that time, I'll give it to Mr. and Mrs. Ying

Car, I only need half of my present salary. "

The driver is a local. It seems that he belongs to the factory run by Mu group.

They even call their country domestic. It can be seen that Ying Hannian has brought more than changes in construction and life to people here.

"Good." Lin Yi readily agreed. Lin Yi was very interested in chatting, and the driver was also a talker. Before she spoke, she said, "it's a great fortune for Mrs. Ying to marry Mr. Ying. Mr. Ying is a great man. We didn't even have a school here before, but now we are young

We have all learned about universities, as well as schools for adults and the elderly. "

"Yes, learning is very important." Lin Yi nodded in agreement“ Before Mr. Ying came, we didn't know that the water could be so clean and there was electricity. Who could have thought that one day every household could turn on the light very late. At that time, we went to bed as soon as the sun set. Now we watch TV and go out for a drink

Cup, you can also work night shift to earn money.... "

The driver kept on talking about the country, "Mu's group has built many companies and factories here, and everyone can earn money. By the way, there are police in the street now! "

Due to the intervention of Ying Hannian, the government finally saw this slum.

Smell speech, Lin Yi looked out, and sure enough, there are uniformed police on patrol in the street, no longer that person died, the street stinks, no one cares about the street of life and death.

"That's good."

Lin Yi couldn't help feeling that she saw the life and death street after the construction for the first time, which changed so much that she couldn't recognize it.

All this was done in the cold year.

Looking back at Ying Hannian, she saw that the great man in the driver's mouth was sitting there, playing mobile games with his head down. He was very attentive and killed three times.

Lin Yi has a black line.