Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1087

This man

Lin Yi pursed her lips and tried to think of a reason why people were willing to go. Her eyes turned again and again and said, "isn't there a group of wedding photos left? How about we go to life and death street? "

He didn't have time, but he also had time to take wedding photos.

"What's there to take pictures of, broken houses and broken roads?"

Should cold year cold hum.

"There are a lot of beautiful natural scenery over there." "I don't think it's necessary to go to places of interest to take wedding photos," she said, holding Xiaojing in her arms

She was full of words.

Should cold year drink water to stare at her one eye, Mou Guang moved, "if you must go, I accompany you to go."


Lin Yi nodded hard.

"When you get there, don't try to get me to see him again." Ying Hannian warned her, "or I'll spank you."

He felt very sorry for letting Mu Huahong go.

"Yes, I understand."

Lin Yi said in a voice.

She certainly won't say, but when someone wants to go, it's not something she can control.

Thinking about this, Lin Yi couldn't help laughing and continued to feed her son strawberries. From time to time, she took a look at Ying Hannian, and the smile in her eyes was deeper.


In Gu's living room, Ying Xuefei sits on the sofa, eating potato chips and looking upstairs. Gu Jinzheng stood outside the door of Gu Ming's room and made a routine wave of ridicule and resistance. "Gu Ming, I tell you, you have to pay for so many unreasonable things sooner or later! You killed my father, you killed so many people, when I'm in control

Take care of your family, I want you to die hard! "

Smell speech, should snow Philippines can't help but sneer.

Gu Jin came down from the upstairs and saw Ying Xuefei laughing. He was not angry. "What are you laughing at?"

"Take charge of your family?" Ying Xuefei picked up a potato chip and put it between her lips. She said with a smile, "Ying Hannian is not a philanthropist. When he put one into Gu's family, Gu Ming was finished, and you can't get anything better."

Businessmen are heavy on profits.

Ying Hannian has helped Gu Jin now. In the future, he is ready to dominate Gu's family.

People with a little brain can understand this. Gu Jin is not so stupid that he can't see through it. But he can't help it. If he doesn't ask for Ying Hannian, he will die. At this moment, he can only think about self-protection and revenge.

In the end, Gu Jin was not embarrassed. He raised his leg and left.

"I don't think you are serious when you scold Gu Ming every day. Do you think you have the highest moral point?"

Ying Xuefei chews crispy potato chips. "Gu Ming is really a rotten man. Nobody pays attention to him when he dies, but how many good things are there in your family?"

"What are you talking about?"

Gu Jin turns around and stares at her for no reason.

Behind him are all the people sent by Ying Hannian.

"I'm wrong. When your father was a decision-maker, one room was the only one, and two rooms followed you every day to show their arrogance and support others Ying Xuefei said coldly, "Gu Ming's father, because he was not surrounded by your father when he was in the upper position, was beaten down by your room after that. Didn't Gu Ming look too big when he was young? He's smarter than you, but he has to show

More mediocre than you; He is better than you, but he can only manage Gu Nanyuan at home. "

In the last life, when Gu Ming wanted to marry her, all the family members felt that Gu Ming had blackened Gu's family. They had talked about all kinds of resistance, all kinds of oppression and all kinds of ugly words. They wanted to take Gu Ming to soak the pig cage. Later, she went into Gu's house without hesitation. Her father and mother were even more dissatisfied with her. Together with Gu's family, they tortured her every day. She suffered from all kinds of blindness and slapped a lot. Later, these people were still alive

Go find a woman for Gu Ming

It seems that Gu's family are very united in this matter, and in the end they killed her with one heart, In fact, I just want to control this room.

And Gu's father and mother suspected that she had lost the face of this room and had a murderous heart.

It's not a good thing.

Gu Jin stops, looks at Ying Xuefei and sneers, "I can't see through you. You seem to have a good relationship with Mrs. Ying, but you stay at home day by day. Now you speak for Gu Ming. Do you really take yourself as Gu Ming's wife?"

"Fart!"She gave him a white look.


Gu Jin Yusai, how can there be such a rude woman.

He ignored her, shook his head, raised his legs and left.

Ying Xuefei sits there and continues to eat potato chips. Suddenly she reaches out her hand and presses her temple. A few days ago, she doesn't know what's going on. She suddenly sleeps in the kitchen and is in a bad mood after waking up.

She raised her eyes to the direction of Gu Ming's study.

Gu Ming doesn't pay much attention to Gu Jin. At first, when Gu Jin comes to scold him, he will come out and quarrel with his brothers.

But these days, I only heard Gu Ming's voice coming out of the study. I don't know what I'm busy with.

With this in mind, Ying Xuefei feels that it's time to go to Gu Ming for bad luck. She puts down the potato chip bag, moves her body, raises her legs and goes up.

At the door of the study, the bodyguard stopped her.

Ying Xuefei stood there, with a haughty smile, rattled ten fingers, and then attacked her head-on without any nonsense.

Someone was thrown downstairs by her, someone was kicked to the ground by her.

But Ying Xuefei still didn't enter the study, because the bodyguard's support speed is very fast, she can only step back.

Ying Xuefei shakes her arm and doesn't fight any more. She just frowns back.

It's strange that Gu Ming hates her at ordinary times, but she doesn't let so many people stare at her. She wanders around the house at will. How come today

Ying Xuefei looks at these people with a lot of heart.

Late at night, Gu Ming is still working in his study. There are bodyguards outside, and the housekeeper carries the dinner in as usual.

Ying Xuefei climbs to the roof of Gu's house, twists the rope around her slender arm for a few times, jumps with both feet, grabs the rope and drops down to the window outside Gu Ming's study. She picks up a tool to cut a piece of the window glass and jumps inside.


The sound of the housekeeper's exclamation came.

Ying Xuefei falls to the ground, unties the rope and looks forward.

The huge study is clear at a glance. There is no Gu Ming. There is only a housekeeper sitting in front of the desk eating the dinner he just brought in. There is a computer on the desk and the screen is on.

Should Xuefei go over, housekeeper is very busy to stop, she swept away.

It's just that the screen is full of audio. She points to open a paragraph. It's Gu Ming who scolded Gu Jin before. It turns out that this is how it came out of the study.

She turned her eyes and glared at the housekeeper, "Gu Ming ran away?"


The housekeeper has a headache.

When Lin Yi saw Ying Xuefei, it was early in the morning. It was not so hot. She pushed the suitcase out of the door of the herdsman.