Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1066

The old man suddenly trotted in, panting.

Lin Yi quickly took up a cup of water from the coffee table in front of him and handed it to him, "you slowly say, big news doesn't have to be so urgent."

"Thank you, second daughter-in-law." The housekeeper took the cup and drank it half at a time. Then he said, "it's about taking care of the family. Gu Ming has just announced that he will get married in the next month."

"Gu Ming married?"

Lin Yi was stunned.

Isn't he single all the time? Where did he get married?

"That's what you call the big news?"

Ying Hannian put down his pamphlet and gave a cold hum.

It's none of his business to get married“ It's not a big deal for Mr. Gu to get married, but his marriage partner is... "The housekeeper wanted to say, but he couldn't name it. After thinking about it, he said," it's a girl member who was in front of you when you were sorting out the door information of the second young granny. Her ears are full of hair and her eyes are fierce

What's the name of... "

"Ying Xuefei?" Lin Yi was really shocked this time.

"Yes, that's her. I'm too old to remember." I'm sorry.


Ying Xue bandit and Gu Ming? Getting married?

Lin Yi turns her eyes to see yinghannian. Yinghannian looks light and doesn't seem to care at all. She turns her eyes to see the housekeeper, "do you have any photos?"

Is it the housekeeper who made a mistake?

The housekeeper took out his mobile phone and was about to search for news. Lin Yi's mobile phone was shocked, and news push was in time. When she opened it, it turned out to be the news released by Gu's family. No one held a special press conference. It was just a text announcement, plus a group photo of two people. In the photo, Gu Ming and Ying Xuefei were both wearing white shirts, just like their wedding certificate. It's a pity

In the face of the camera, both of them don't smile

Last time we met, Lin Yi asked Gu Ming about Ying Xuefei, He said again and again that he had not seen it.

How come all of a sudden two people are getting married?

And Ying Xuefei, she is reborn. She hates Gu Ming very much. Why did she marry him suddenly?

Lin Yiman questions his head and calls Gu Ming with his mobile phone.

No one answers.

She walked and sat down beside him. "What's the situation?"

Ying Hannian took the mobile phone from her hand, glanced at the group photo above, sneered, "find out and ask."

"The door of the family?"

That's not appropriate.

Gu Ming doesn't even answer the phone. There must be something wrong.

Lin Yi pursed her lips and thought about it. She turned her head and looked at the housekeeper. "Housekeeper, please check Gu Ming's itinerary and find out more about Gu's family."

"Yes, second daughter-in-law."

Lin Yi looks at the picture on the mobile phone and is lost in thought.


On a clear day, if it rains, it will rain. There is no sign at all.

At the last moment, Lin Yi is still nestling in front of Ying Hannian's chest. You and I are taking beautiful wedding photos. At the next moment, we will listen to the rain drop under the dense leaves and go down.

"Don't move."

Ying Hannian quickly took off her coat and put it on her head. The staff in the distance quickly handed her an umbrella.

Ying Hannian takes Lin Yi and walks to the car.

Lin Yi is wearing a special custom-made dress. It's very long to swing her tail. When the rain comes, she doesn't pay attention to it. Her skirt is smeared on the grass.

They sat on the RV, watching the rain outside.

Ying Hannian is sitting opposite her in a black shirt. Her shirt is half wet and her eyebrows are wringing. No one will be in a good mood when taking wedding photos in such changeable weather.

Lin Yi looks out. The staff came over with an umbrella. "Mr. and Mrs. Ying, the rain doesn't stop for a while and a half. There's a coffee shop nearest here. If you don't mind, I'll let someone go to the private room now, and then go to take shelter from the rain?

The staff with loud rain should shout.

"Good." Lin Yi nodded, "under such a heavy rain, others have to take shelter from the rain, do not have a box, there is a box on the line."

Both she and Ying need to change her clothes.

"All right."

The staff nodded.

Lin Yi finished with her, then took out a paper towel and sat down beside Ying Hannian. He used the paper towel to absorb the water stains on his shirt, and the car started slowly.It's quite remote here, so there's no need to reserve the coffee shop. There's no one here.

As soon as she went in, Lin Yi borrowed the kitchen and cooked ginger soup. As soon as she got to the hall, she heard the sound of cars. She looked up and looked out of the glass door. She saw a row of famous cars stopping in front of the coffee shop.

Then, the door was pushed open and a vigorous figure jumped from the car.

Impressively, it's Ying Xuefei that I haven't seen for a long time.

She was wearing a camouflage suit. Her upper body was sleeveless, showing two thin and straight arms. Her upper arms had a faint texture line, which was quite heroic.

Ying Xuefei walks casually and pushes the door into the cafe. Wearing the same style of Gu Ming, she follows from the back. Her camouflage clothes make this young lady a little more capable.

Just two people in the door a moment bumped together, each other.

Gu Ming stares at Ying Xuefei with a full face. "I said, man's wife, I've been putting up with you for a day. Even if you take wedding photos and wear camouflage, do you want to rush in with me now?"

"Are you a man who will rob me when you enter the door?"

Ying Xuefei stares at him coldly.

"I don't care if I am a man, but now I doubt that you are not a woman! How rude

Gu Ming scolded directly, without mercy.


Two people so card in the door scold, which is like to get married bridegroom and bride, is clearly the enemy.

Lin Yi didn't look much. She took ginger soup and went to Ying Hannian, who was sitting on the card seat. Ying Hannian just changed a new shirt and just sat lazily, looking at the men and women who were arguing at the door.

"Drink this."

Lin Yi brought the ginger soup to Ying Hannian.

Hearing her voice, the two people at the door came back to their senses. Ying Xuefei suddenly turned back and looked at Lin Yi, his eyes suddenly widened, "how can you be here?"

I'm both surprised and happy.

"It's a coincidence that we're also here to take wedding photos. We're here to take shelter from the rain."

Lin Yi walked towards her with a smile and looked her up and down. "What's the matter with you? You suddenly disappeared and appeared again? When you show up, you want to get married. You really don't want to do anything important. "

Ever since I met Ying Xuefei, it has been a great event.

This will happen again.

What will this response bring?

Ying Xuefei also looked at her and said with a smile, "I don't say these three or two words..."

Should Xuefei suddenly face dew pain, hand over his stomach, "I first go to the toilet."

With that, the man hurried in. Gu Ming looked at her back coldly and snorted, "it's deserved."

Lin Yi looked at him and at Ying Xuefei's back, "what did you do to her?"“ I just put some medicine in her drink to help her regulate her intestines and stomach. " Gu Ming shrugged and his face became serious. "Otherwise, if she doesn't go to the toilet, how can I find a chance to talk to you?"