Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1062

Clearly hope their men come back early, still have to tease her.

Which is her opponent.

"It's a blessing for us to meet you husband and wife." Bai Shuya handed her a pamphlet, "here, happy bride to be. My second brother told me that I must show you. There are many places to take wedding photos at home and abroad."

Lin Yi then turned over a few pages, and the photos above were all as beautiful as oil paintings.

It's so beautiful. It's hard to choose.

Lin Yi couldn't make up her mind to turn it over and over. Just as she wanted them to help her choose, her mobile phone vibrated.

She picked it up. It's Gu Ming.

Lin Yi connected the phone, put the mobile phone to his ear, "hello."

"Are you free in the evening? Let's make an appointment for dinner?" Gu Ming is over there.


Lin Yi was stunned for a moment.

He asked her out?

"Don't worry, not only about you, but also about the cold year." Gu Ming added, "I have something to tell you."

Hearing this, Lin Yi's face immediately became serious. Since the financial crisis, Ying Hannian has successfully solved the difficulties. Now he is a shining moment. Even the three old people of the other three families are convinced of his means. The disputes between the families have stopped completely and all kinds of cooperation have continued

And then it came.

In the past three or four months, all aspects of the Mu group have been improved, and everything is developing for the better, while t, no longer has any action.

It's like this man disappeared out of thin air.

Doctor Liu, who is in prison, has never vomited a word, but it is also a mystery why mu Xianxu was killed

T The last place to appear is Gu's family. Now Gu Ming says that he has news, which must be important news.

Lin Yi did not dare to ignore, immediately agreed to come down, "OK, I'll go to see the trip of yinghannian, and I'll let you know the time."

"All right."

Gu Ming didn't talk to her any more and hung up.

Lin Yi put down the pamphlet, fixed a watermelon with toothpick and put it in his mouth, "I won't talk to you, I'll go to the group."


Bai Shuya and Xia Xiqi wave to her and continue to play with their mobile phones. The same video is playing on their mobile phones.

Jiang Rao's health is much better, and now she can take over some hosting jobs.

The four women have been together for a long time, and their feelings are much better. They all pay attention to each other's recent situation.


Lin Yi rushed to Mu's group, went directly into his office and called out Ying Hannian's schedule from the computer.

She looked at it and said in a loud voice, "you call general manager Wu and say that Ying Hannian has something to do temporarily. Can you postpone dinner with him until noon tomorrow?"

She remembers that Mr. Wu is a good person. It should not be a big problem to change the appointment.

Several assistants immediately gathered around and were very excited. "Mrs. Ying, you have finally begun to exercise your privileges."

"This is the first time that you have changed your schedule."

"After all, we are not idle departments with nothing to do."


Lin Yi looked at them speechlessly and changed a meal appointment. Is it necessary to make such a fuss?

"Is Ying Hannian in a meeting?" Lin Yi looked at the schedule and said, "what about xiaojingshi?"

"Let's have a meeting together."

Everyone has been familiar with the small scene when going in and out of the meeting room.

"All right."

Lin Yi asked them to do things, but she walked out of the office to the conference room. All the way, she met the staff nodding to her.

Lin Yi has never seen anything strange but heard about it.

The meeting was still held in the conference room with a large area of floor glass. When Lin Yi went outside, he saw a circle of people sitting in the conference room expressing their opinions one by one.

Ying Hannian sits at the front, idly and wantonly, idly turning his pen.

He Yao stands behind him.

Jiang Qixing and mu Xianguang sat on both sides of the conference table, close to him, like two gates.

What about Xiaojing?

Lin Yi was afraid that Ying Hannian would see him and pull him in again, so he leaned against the inner landing curtain and looked inside. He didn't find his son in a circle. Just as he was surprised, he saw a little guy staggering out of Ying Hannian's feet.Small things learn to walk away from adults in less than 12 months. It will be summer. Once he takes off his clothes, he only wears a small white shirt and shorts, which makes him move freely.

He passed behind the chairs, with a stack of cardboard in his little hand. He sent one to each person under the chair, just like a secretary.

It's a lot of fun.

Hair hair is probably tired, the little guy simply on the ground to get up, while climbing, hair card.

People who are in a meeting have long been used to it. They only look down at the little guy once in a while and then continue to have a meeting. The little guy is also used to this mode. He always sends out cards without making any noise inside.

Until all the cards were sent out, he got up from the thick carpet, patted the clown, and sat down in his special seat, drinking from his water bottle in his fleshy hands.

Lin Yi squatted down outside and looked at his son quietly, with stars in his eyes.

The longer the scenery is, the more beautiful the facial features will be. A pair of eyes are especially beautiful. Their eyes are as black as those in yinghannian.

I don't know if her gaze is too much. Xiaojing suddenly turns her head and looks at her. Her big eyes immediately surprise her. With a smile, she stands up and pounces on her and looks at her through the glass.


Lin Yi squatted in front of him and put his finger against his lip.

Xiaojing looks at her happily when she is young. Suddenly she pats the whole face on the glass. Her little tongue is licking it desperately. It's full of saliva and her facial features are deformed instantly.


Who said that.

Lin Yi pointed to the direction of the gate and motioned him to go to the gate to meet him.

Xiaojing laughs happily over there, looks at her action, thinks about it and goes to the door cleverly. In order not to attract people's attention, Lin Yi squats and follows him to the door.

Until the door, Lin Yi made sure he was at the door, then squatted on the ground and carefully raised his hand to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, Xiaojing was about to rush over happily. When she saw her squatting on the ground, she squatted down with her and said, "Mom..."

It's milk like.


Lin Yi whispered to him that he was about to take him into his arms, and a shadow came over his head.

She looked up and saw Ying Hannian standing there, looking at their mother and son, "underground joint?"


You're the one.

When Lin Yi fished out Xiaojing, he said with a smile, "you continue the meeting, I'll take my son to play for a while."

"Why are you here? Miss me? " Ying Hannian asks through the door, regardless of the people who are ignored by him“ I've changed the dinner for you. Is there a problem? " Lin Yi stands up when holding Xiaojing.