Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1046

The assistants of the Wang family, the Ye family and the Gu family all ran over there.

At the same time, Lin Yi's mobile phone kept shaking. She took it out, which was a series of news push, major international news.

It was a joint statement made by several large foreign enterprises and companies that made Lin Yi's heart jump and subconsciously felt that it had something to do with Ying Hannian. When she opened it on time, she heard the news broadcast from the cafeteria. Lin Yi followed everyone's eyes and looked at the source of the news. There was a huge TV on the wall in the distance, and a new story was playing on the big screen


In the picture is a press conference with a blue background. Senior government officials and business people from many countries appear in the picture. They are announcing their rescue plans to the public respectively.

The original sound and translation sound are transmitted simultaneously throughout the restaurant.

"This is an unprecedented global joint response, and many countries have expressed strong determination..."

More and more people came in from outside to watch the news.

Lin Yi saw Ying Hannian in a group of people with different skin colors. He stood beside the officials of his own country. He had a neat suit, a tall, thin face, a very handsome face, and three-dimensional and deep facial features. He was very eye-catching in the crowd.

He spoke fluently in front of the camera and looked straight at the camera with a pair of dark eyes.

Lin Yi couldn't hear what he was saying. Her head was blank, and there was only one face in her eyes.

He did.

It did.

In the restaurant, there was a sound of pumping air. Everyone was staring at the screen, not communicating, just watching the news, not letting go of a word.

In the crowd, Lian, Wang, ye and Gu stood together and looked at the sudden news with different faces.

"He did it."

Ye Lao's face is unbelievable. In just a few days, he will be able to run through all the relationships in the cold years. I'm afraid that this spirit and wisdom will have unimaginable development in the future.

Others are not in this mood.

Mr. Wang touched his face. Just now he was still laughing at Lin Yi's ignorance and innocence. When he turned his head, it was he who was beaten in the face.

"Ghost talent, born ghost talent."

He couldn't help sighing.

At this moment, he really realized the will decision of the old shepherd before he died. In this cold year, no matter who's descendants can't stop the impulse to push.

The family property is left to such a person, only to earn but not to lose.

The shepherd is a blessed man.

Some of them couldn't believe the news they saw, but apart from the disbelief, they were more excited and excited. They all knew what the news meant

For a moment, they didn't care what Lin Yi had just said and what Gu family had discussed. Lian could not hide his excitement, so he turned around and left. As he walked, he said to the assistant beside him, "let people release the news immediately. As the first member of the joint rescue, Lian family is willing to cooperate with all the official actions and actively pull back

Save the loss. "

With Lian's departure, Wang and ye wake up from a dream and leave in a hurry, explaining to the assistant beside them to release the news quickly.

All of them were in a hurry.

Lin Yi stood there and turned his eyes to look at Gu's father and son in the crowd. Gu's father looked very sad when he saw the news.

Of course, it should be ugly. Gu made a lot of money during the storm, but he was robbed of all the limelight by Ying Hannian.

Gu Ming stood aside, frowning. His face could not tell whether it was good or bad.

As if he felt something, Gu Ming turned his head and looked at her with a deep look. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Lin Yi listened to Mu Lan's command to others, "hurry to send news, and send out the event that Han Nian represented the four families to negotiate abroad. Immediately, it's better to be ahead of the three families."

Lin Yi looks at Mu Lan.

Mu Lan laughs, "the credit is due to the cold years. We have to publicize it. We can't make the public unclear."

After all, except for the herdsmen, the other three will only praise themselves.

Lin Yi smile, eyes bent up, quietly looking at the live news, watching the man talking, even if sometimes the camera just brings him, she only stares at him.

He finally... Came back with glory.

All of a sudden, in the news, Ying Hannian sat down in the back, ignored the people in front of him, took out his mobile phone to play, and then put it back in his pocket.Soon, Lin Yi's hands began to shake.

She took it out and saw a wechat from Ying Hannian——

Ying Hannian: I didn't apply for the time for a private plane, so I bought the fastest ticket to go back. I'll arrive at six tomorrow morning to pick up the plane

Look at this man's tone. It's all imperative.

Is it great to do something big?

Well, it's amazing.

Lin Yi couldn't help chuckling and sending wechat.

Lin Yi: OK

She looked up at the man in the news. He was very casual and lazy. He would take a look at the mobile phone, hook up the corners of his lips, and slide his long fingers on the mobile phone.

Ying Hannian: looking at me

Lin Yi: Yes

Ying Hannian: handsome

Lin Yi: OK. The hairstyle is a bit messy. There are several hairs on the left that don't stand up

As soon as this sentence was sent out, Lin Yi saw Ying Hannian raise his hand to tidy his hair regardless of the occasion, almost laughing.

Ying Hannian: now

Lin Yi: sit down. You represent our country on such a grand occasion. Don't be a fool


Ying Hannian sent her a line of speechless, then straightened her back, sat at the bottom of the lens, looked at the lens without squinting, sat that was called a serious straight, full of spirit.

"What happened in the cold year?"

Mu Lan found that Ying Hannian's little actions in the news were constant and strange. As soon as he looked down, he saw the wechat chat record on Lin Yi's mobile phone.


Talking about international affairs, are you two flirting across the screen?


In the warm spring, the news of Ying Hannian's expedition abroad on behalf of the four families spread all over the country overnight. The herdsmen sent out a detailed manuscript about the difficult course of yinghannian. Some of the other three families were not satisfied with the high-profile practice of the herdsmen, but it was not so good. They couldn't rush out to suppress yinghannian's contribution, but they lost their conscience


Lin Yi received many phone calls from He Yao in the evening, saying that many TV stations and big media at home and abroad wanted to interview Ying Hannian, hoping that she could help choose.

Since Ying Hannian resigned as the decision-maker of the herdsman, he has disappeared for several months. This time, his great efforts have stirred up people at home and abroad, and he has once again returned to people's attention with his brilliant achievements.

Lin Yi sat in the room and wrote some comments. Sure enough, the comments on the Internet about the cold year were crazy. The three words of "Ying Hannian" accompanied by the financial storm, the joint rescue of the market and the hot search and news headlines at the same time.