Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1044

Lin Yi stood there with a clear face and said the most bandit words. After that, she bowed politely to everyone.

"Why do you want to water us with hot water?" Gu Fu looked at it coldly.

"I dare not." Lin Yi calmly smile, so say, eyes have been staring at the hot kettle in front of.


Ye Lao couldn't listen to her. He patted the table and pointed at her angrily, "where do you think this is? Is it up to you, a little girl? "

"Do you still have to look at the place and the people when you are rampant? I've obviously given up. "

Lin Yi is a relaxed school.

"Lin Yi, don't make trouble. You don't think it's a good way to do it?" Gu Ming came forward to pull her.

Lin Yi's hand touched the kettle, and he immediately drew back his hand.

"I'm just throwing." Lin Yi recognized it directly, looked at Gu Ming and said, "so what?"


Gu Ming's words stop.

Smell speech, Mu Lan almost laugh out a voice, they are now one by one should cold years with, the way of life has changed, don't know good and bad things.

She covered her nose with her hand, cleared her throat, and said, "Xiaoyi, you can't do this. I know you are just responding to the cold year, but you can't be so rude. Apologize quickly. The elders will understand your pains."

Hearing this, Lin Yi sneered, "I'm not worried about the cold year. I feel sad for him."

"What are you trying to say?"

Mr. Wang coldly looked at her. There was a shepherd's appendix here. No one of them opened his mouth to drive Lin Yi out directly“ Am I wrong? " Lin Yi's face was cold, and the diamond Tassel Earrings on her ears swayed gently. She pointed out, "you are the top figures in this country. You are sitting here one by one. I don't care about your family, I just say Ying Hannian

Can't you think of a better strategy? No, you want it, but you don't want to do it, because you know how difficult it is. You just want to enjoy it! Use the least effort to earn the most profit

After that, the faces on the table turned green.

"But he did it in the cold year. He didn't know how hard it was. He knew, but he did it anyway!"

Lin Yi said every word, every word sonorous, "he is fighting outside now, and has never had a full sleep a day. What does he do this for? So that you can give him up at the door? "

Even the old man's face was not pretty green. "Little girl, what do you know? Don't feel like you've been with yinghannian for a few years... "

"Businessmen value profits, I understand." Lin Yi impolitely interrupted him, "but besides interests, do you also have to say something moral?"


"I know what you are going to do behind your back for yinghannian, but you ask yourself, yinghannian is not enough for your elders?" Lin Yi said, then went to Lian's back, looked down at the wrinkles on his face coldly, "I won't tell you what happened before. I'm afraid you'll lose your face. I'll tell you whether Ying Hannian has ever stepped in and touched him after mu Xianguang took Lian's shares

A cent? "


Even the old man became angry and wanted to smoke her when he stood up. Lin Yifei quickly stepped back and walked to Wang's side when he was stunned.

"Mr. Wang, you are the most tactful and sophisticated. What was your intention to bring Wang Tiantian back to the Wang family? Don't I have to say it again?" Lin Yi sneered, "you are so calculating, should cold year has not carried on wantonly retaliation to you?"


Wang denied it.

Lin Yi goes to Ye Lao again. Ye Lao is a very old man. Looking at such a thin young girl coming, he unconsciously sits back.

"Mr. Ye, you belong to the four new families. Do you have a cooperative relationship with Ying Hannian?" Lin Yi looked at him coldly, "but what did you do?"


Ye Lao's face turned blue. With that, Lin Yi stood up straight and looked at them with open eyes. "When I went out to kill people, I should leave office in a cold year, and the power of the media is supported by the background. Only in this way can it be so unprecedented. I think you can't do without the help of your elders

Are you busy? "

"Have you said enough?" Gu Fu frowned. This girl's mouth is really fierce. Don't you want to live? She is the only one who dares to choke the four families.


Lin Yi picked up the hot water kettle in front of him and slapped it heavily on the table. A column of hot water poured out of the kettle's mouth. He was surprised to see the crowd."Once upon a time, I heard that the four families supported each other and benefited the people, which was the pillar of the Chinese people, but now I just feel sick."

Lin Yi's eyes are very cold, showing a ruthless sweep of the presence of a face, "should not be sorry for the four families in cold years, so, no matter how dirty you are, I will not allow the four families to sorry him!"


The people on the scene are all from the past. I haven't seen any formation before, but this meeting is still stiffened by Lin Yi's actions.

Mu Lan didn't open his mouth. It was obvious that he wanted to cover the girl.

Mr. Wang turned his eyes and said, "little girl, I can understand your heart for your husband, and I don't care about your nonsense. Well, we'll wait until 12 o'clock tonight. If it can't be done in the cold year, it's no wonder that we can't do it."

12 Point is the time when the power of attorney is terminated.

Mr. Wang doesn't want to be there.

"No way!" Lin Yi is not reasonable at all, "if he can't do it before 12 o'clock tonight, the time will be postponed to 12 o'clock tomorrow evening."

"Lin Yi, don't you think you're going too far?" Gu Ming was a little dissatisfied and said, "if we can't do it in the cold year, do we have to accompany us to lose every day?"

"Four girls, don't you talk?"

Lian Lao looks at Mulan.

Mu Lan didn't open his mouth, just sat there with a faint smile.

Ye Lao looked at Lin Yi, "little girl, the water will get cold, and there are our bodyguards outside. How long can you guard us?"

It's naive.

"Keep it until you come back in the cold year." Lin Yi looked at them haughtily, and already didn't care about anything. "Today, whether I become a shrew or a murderer, I want my man's efforts to get what they deserve!"

With that, Lin Yi took out a folding fruit knife from his pocket and put it on the table.


Mu Lan looks at Lin Yi unexpectedly, but she has no idea that she will have such determination.

Because of Lin Yi's move, the whole scene was frozen there, the air was stagnant, and there was no sound at all.

Even everyone's breathing sounds are very clear.

Lin Yi stood there, with one hand in the pocket of the lady's trousers, looking at the front indifferently and firmly, as if he would not give up if he didn't succeed.

Time went by, no one spoke, so deadlocked. Everyone is thinking.