Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1041

Lin Yi patted her and knew that Mulan didn't like such a scene, but now there was no way.

At the beginning of the summit, sure enough, as Mu Lan said, they were all talking about the facts that we all know. After a few more scenes, they ended up with a few words, one by one immature.

About an hour later, Mulan came to power.

Lin Yi sat down to make a record. Suddenly, there was more movement around her. Someone sat down beside her.

"I'm not at the herdsman's anymore. How can I come here?"

The voice line slightly heavy male voice rang out in her ear.

Lin Yi turns his head and sees Gu Ming sitting down beside her. He looks at her, with his head on one hand and the table on his elbow. The suit in front of him expands to the side.

"I accompanied Mu's decision-makers here. You know so much about us that you should know what our relationship is."

Lin Yi is a light tunnel“ There's something in that. " Gu Ming looked at her with his head propped up and frowned discontentedly. "I said, what prejudice do you have against me? Last time I said a lot of inexplicable things on the phone, but this time it's so weird. Do you want to become a woman

So fast? "

"How are you doing today? Is it sufficient? "

Lin Yi asked.

"What?" Gu Ming was stunned. "I came to study with you. What do you want to prepare?"

"Is it?"

Lin Yi faintly smiles and doesn't refute anything. She just looks at the document in her hand and records the meeting content on the laptop.

In the face of her reaction, Gu Ming sat beside her and watched her typing on the computer. He said, "you can type very fast."


Lin Yi ignored him, and Gu Ming asked, "why didn't Ying Hannian come? He's really going to spend his life in s city with you now? Is college life that interesting? "“ Do you want him to stay in s city or not? " Lin Yi looked at the computer screen and said in a low voice, "Doctor Liu said that it's too late for me, because Ying Hannian doesn't take charge of Mu's family. He is not qualified to do many things, so it's too late to stop you

, right? "

"Lin Yi, you have a smart face in vain. I can't understand what you're talking about now because you're all armed."

Gu Ming put down his hand and sat there with a helpless shrug.

Smell speech, Lin Yi stops to knock the hand of keyboard, turn Mou to see to him, fixed ground looked for a long time.

"What do you think of me for?"

Gu Ming touches his face.

"No, I just think you are acting the same as the real one. I have to doubt whether I guess wrong." Lin Yi took back her eyes and continued to type.

Gu Ming pressed the palm of his hand directly on her keyboard, and the watch on his wrist was priceless.

Lin Yi leaned back and looked at him coldly“ Lin Yi, what's the reason for your prejudice against me? Are you not afraid to regret it now? What will you do then, crying and apologizing to me? " Gu Ming asked, "you were not such a unreasonable person before. You can judge me

If it's a capital crime, let me know what the crime is, right? I saw you in the hospital that time, and you became like this. "

"Well, you're going to have a physical examination with me now, and I'll apologize to you after that."

Lin Yidao.

Gu Ming's eyes must be fixed, and then he gave a strange smile, "what is it?"

"Dare you?" Lin Yi asked, even if the injury is almost healed, it can be found out by Mr. Li Jianyi's ability.

"OK, let's wait until the summit is over."

Gu Ming didn't refuse and said a word.


Such magnanimous behavior, let Lin Yi really have a moment of shaking.

In front of the man is really innocent to the sky, but all things happen around him, or is a too terrible role, to this second, he still does not want to recognize, playing with everyone.


The summit lasted nearly three hours. At half-time, everyone went upstairs to the restaurant one by one to eat.

The summit was attended by all the big people, so there were people everywhere talking about things, making friends, luxurious buffet and single order Chinese restaurant food became the background board.

Lin Yi stood in the corner with Mulan. Lin Yi squeezed a cup of juice for Mulan.

Mu Lan took it over and said, "Xiaoyi, just now Gu's side also spoke on the stage. It's not important. Do you think too much?""To convince the three families, it's not enough to talk at the summit. At the beginning, we talked for six hours."

Lin Yi smiles and glances back.

Mu Lan followed her line of sight and saw that Lian, Wang and ye were being invited into the box of the Chinese restaurant.

"Leaving the herdsmen alone, if Gu's alliance is really successful, good people will do their best, and the herdsmen will not be able to settle down well." Mu Lan way, look at her one eye, "small appropriate, that we now past."

"Don't worry, let them talk for a while."

Lin Yi said as he picked up a tiramisu and put it on the plate, "aunt ANN, we'll have enough to eat first, and we'll talk louder than them later."

Mu Lan was amused by her and reached for her face.

Outside the box, there were several bodyguards standing.

In the box, the conversation has been going on for a long time. Mr. Ye looks at a cup of tea in front of him, touches the jade ring on his hand and says, "Mr. Gu, are you so excluding the Mu family?"

Gu Ming did not take a seat, but stood behind his father.

Gu's father, who was sitting there, said, "we all know that Gu and Mu have some personal grievances. Although they are now in charge of their own affairs, I can't get through that in my heart."

"Today, if we are moved by you to unite to save the market, Gu will not only be a savior, but also step on Mu's feet, killing two birds with one stone." Even the old man you to modify the tunnel, "back to the original position is really not difficult."

Gu Fu sat there and said, "now the market is in such a mess, someone has to jump out and rescue me. He said that I have ambition, and I do have it. Even the old saying is good."

People laugh.

"To be more realistic, the four families are never called the five families. If I want to go back, of course I have to pull them down." Gu Fu confessed himself directly, "as far as I know, Ying Hannian was arrogant. Didn't all of you have been offended at the beginning?"

"But now it's four girls sitting in the shepherd's house."

Wang Laodao“ Is there a difference? Even old man, I don't know what happened at the beginning, but you didn't return the secret loss you suffered and the shares you gave up, did you Gu Fu said, and then looked at Wang, "how about you? I heard that one of your nephews died in yinghan

In, his wife has Ye Lao. It seems that your daughter-in-law was humiliated by Ying Hannian's wife in public. "

"..." it's on the surface. You've suffered less than Gu in private. " Gu Fu smiles.