Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1026

Heat transfer over, Jiang Rao slightly better.

Mu Xianxu's warm palm wanders in every part of her leg joints. She looks at it with low eyes. His movements are pious, for fear that it will hurt her.

"Well, is it better?"

Mu Xianxu looks at her.

"Better." Jiang Rao nodded, "but if you don't rub it, I'll still hurt. Please ask the doctor to prescribe some painkillers for me."

After eating, it doesn't hurt that much.

"No, it's not good for you to take painkillers all the time. I'll rub them for you."

Mu Xianxu said, help her adjust the position of the pillow behind her, let her half lie on it, and then sit on the bedside, began to rub her legs, from the knee down, to avoid the above eye-catching scars.

He really didn't stop, just knead it for her.

It was so quiet in the ward that there were only two people breathing.

As time goes by, Jiang Rao looks at the sweat dripping from his chin and falling on the sheet, leaving a little wet mark.

His hands must have been sore. He changed his gestures more and more frequently, but he never really stopped.

This kind of hard work makes Jiang Rao have a certain illusion in this late night. She thinks that she must have admitted her mistake. How could the man in front of her be the fourth young master of the former herdsman? How could he treat her like this

When Jiang Rao reacts, her hand has touched the golden mask on mu Xianxu's face.


Mu Xianxu's body was stiff and subconsciously avoided opening, "what's the matter, Rao Rao?"

"I want to see you."

She whispered.

Mu Xianxu's eyes were shocked and avoided her eyes. "You've never been curious about my face before."

"I'm curious now."

Jiang Rao said that she was going to uncover her mask. Mu Xianxu pressed her hand down, "no, Rao Rao."

"Why?" Jiang Rao looked at him askew, "I want to have a look."

The tone was childish.

"I'm so ugly. I'll scare you." He said, pressing her hand, there is a trace of unnatural between the doting tone, "you're good, it's late, go to bed quickly."

Jiang Rao leans back and looks at mu Xianxu and puts his hand on his leg.

"Clown king, I had a dream." She said.

"Well? What dream? " Mu Xianxu smiles faintly.

"I dream of a boat, and I dream of wearing a beautiful wedding dress..." she whispered.


The action on mu Xianxu's hand, the face behind the mask suddenly lost color, he heard his stammering voice, "still, what do you dream of?"

"The back is not so good." Jiang Rao said in a childish tone, "I dream of crying. I cry so much. I also dream of a lot of blood. The blood has dyed my wedding dress red. It's so scary."


Mu Xianxu sat there, his five internal organs were almost cleaned, and he didn't even know how to hurt.

"Clown king, why do I have such a dream?" Jiang Rao asked innocently.

"It's just a nightmare. Don't be afraid. Have a good sleep and forget it when you wake up tomorrow."

Mu Xianxu felt that he was saying these words with blood. He didn't dare to look Shangjiang Rao in the eyes.


Jiang Rao didn't say any more. She answered the question obediently.

She leaned on the pillow and looked at mu Xianxu's shaking hand in silence. She knew that he couldn't sleep well this night.

As if she had finished her daily task, she closed her eyes and tried to cultivate drowsiness. Liu mu Xianxu massaged her legs with all her emotions.

Lin Yi said, "before mu Xianxu, in order to protect your safety, he was willing to spend several years in prison for his father. After being cheated by Mu Xianquan and his wife, he cut off his thumb."

Lin Yi also said, "as a friend, no matter how many sins mu Xianxu has redeemed, I can support you as long as you are happy, how you retaliate and torture him, but I'm afraid you'll end up playing... And set yourself on fire."

Lin Yi is her best friend. She listens to every word she says.

However, she really can't control herself.

If she hurts three points, he will hurt seven points. It's like being addicted to some kind of drug. Only by doing so can she feel abnormal and comfortable.She didn't know how to stop.


When the cold year is gone, Lin Yi often goes to Jiang Rao.

With her, Jiang Rao's heart can be less resentful.

Jiang Rao doesn't want to live in the hospital. She pesters Lin Yi to find someone to accommodate her and finally gets the qualification to leave the hospital.

Jiang Rao lives in her real estate in the Imperial City, a remote Garden Villa with beautiful scenery and a large and clean place.

Lin Yi thought, well, people always stay in the hospital environment, the mood will not be good, but also make the body recover slowly.

On returning to the villa, Lin Yi and Jiang Rao and mu Xianxu clean up together. Basically, mu Xianxu is doing it. Lin Yi plays the assistant, and Jiang Rao can only deliver things to them in a wheelchair.

But looking at the house a little bit bright and clean up, three people's mood is rare happy.

After a few years in prison, mu Xianxu is adept at doing these things. "You go to have a rest. I can finish the finishing work alone."

With that, mu Xianxu went out with a bucket.

"Let's go and sit down for a while."

In the place that mu Xianxu can't see, Jiang Rao's face doesn't have that tender.


Lin Yi pushes Jiang Rao into the living room, pours two glasses of water, sits down on the sofa beside him, and says with a smile to Jiang Rao, "I brought you something from your agent."


Jiang Rao looks at her suspiciously.

Lin Yi picked up her bag, took out a pile of thick letters, opened one and handed it to her. Jiang Rao receives a letter from a fan. There are even handwritten letters from fans these days. As she reads the words and sentences above, her eyes gradually smile, "this is a fan of primary school students. If you like to write a sentence, you can't wait to add a hundred feelings

Exclamation mark. "

"I'm also worried about you as a love bean. When you had an accident a few years ago, how many people prayed for you. This time, many fans broke your heart for you."

Lin Yi opened another letter and handed it to her.

The date of the letter is in the recent days, which is full of blessings for her to get better and wait for her to make more good plays.

"This is your old audience. When you play passer-by a, she remembers it very well. You can see the screenshot and print out the photo." Lin Yi opened a letter and handed it to her with a smile.

Jiang Rao took over, his face was moved, "the feeling of being remembered is really good."“ Keep in mind that there are more than ten million people in your team, and there are too many gifts for your team. " Lin Yi said, "your agent also asked me to tell you that when I have time, I will record a video to tell my fans so that they can feel at ease."