Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1016


Lin Yi is silent.

"Tuan Tuan, let's do it."

Ying Hannian said, "you can go to school at ease and wait for the right time to reopen Yiwei restaurant. If you don't think the money is enough, I will go back to my old business and help people fight two business battles. When the money is earned, I will do nothing and stay with you."

In business, he could come back at any time and spend a lot of time with her.

Unlike the management of a mu group, there is always a lot to do.

Lin Yi didn't think that he had thought of this. She lay on his arm and gazed at his dark eyes. "Are we too irresponsible to everyone?"

There are so many people waiting for him in Imperial City, and his promise to Yongxi

"It's not us, it's me." Ying Hannian turns around her and lies on her back with a smile. "But I'm always like this. I can do whatever I like. Who can control me?"


Lin Yi smiles faintly.

I'm crazy.

"From today on, I will no longer pay attention to the imperial city. I can hold you for a long time every day." He added.


He thought about it all.

Lin Yi leaned towards him, put his head on his chest, listened to the heart beating, put his hand around him and held him quietly.


A financial storm suddenly swept the country, a large number of enterprises closed down, and countless unemployed people at one time.

The storm came from the violent shock of the stock market in a big country, which caused the stock market to follow suit and fall all over the world. The news on TV was broadcast back and forth, and there were always a large number of people standing in front of the closed companies hiding their faces and crying, which showed the seriousness of the financial crisis.

The Lin family is not a listed company, and Lin Yi knows little about it. However, she has read a lot of previous news and found that in the general financial crisis, the dead are all small and medium-sized enterprises.

However, some big families will be little affected, and even some of them will not be affected. But this time, the four families were seriously affected. The news either reported today which company of Lian's family had closed down, or tomorrow how many employees of Wang's family had lost their jobs. The day after tomorrow, it was reported that the decision-makers of Ye's family stood up in person and painstakingly asked for help

Investors have confidence.

On the contrary, it was the herdsmen. After Lin Yi's public opinion and Ying Hannian's resignation, Mulan shut down some of his companies and shut down some industries at the first time to stabilize the stock market.

Because of the preparation in the early stage, unlike other families, the Mu group was least affected by the storm.

When Mulan called, Lin was sitting at home watching TV.

"The financial storm started from abroad, but suddenly it rushed into China, and it was so fierce that someone must have played tricks behind it." Mu Lan said at that end, "if the four big families are like this, it will be hard to say that."

In the eyes of the people, the four big families should be as stable as a mountain. As a result, they are like this.

Is there anyone behind this

Lin Yi is silent.

"When on earth will you be back?" "Mu Lan asked," if t really got behind the financial storm, he must have relied on a big background. "

you bet.

T If only a counselor, he can't do so much.

Lin Yi lowered his eyes, "aunt an, let's think about it again."

After hanging up Mulan's phone, Lin Yi looked at the TV, which was still broadcasting the news of the financial crisis. The domestic stock market was bleak and howling.

After watching for a long time, she got up and went.

When Ying Hannian found Lin Yi, Lin Yizheng was standing in the graveyard, standing in front of Ying Yongxi's tombstone.

There is a bunch of flowers in front of the tombstone.

She stood there, her skirt slightly raised by the wind, her long hair flying across her face. She was quietly watching the picture on the tombstone, her eyes were still, and did not move for a long time.

Ying Hannian stood not far away and looked at her for a long time.

"It's a rare day off. Why are you here?"

He walked towards her.

Lin Yi turned around. Ying Hannian was carrying several bags in his hand. He threw the bags at her. "It's all kinds of flowers. Let's go back and plant them, and they will grow soon.""You went to buy flower seeds?"

Lin Yi looked over and bought a lot.

"Grandma doesn't like to plant flowers. There are many kinds of flowers."

Should cold year way, look around again, "otherwise, we also plant some on this, let our two mothers also smell the fragrance of flowers."

Lin Yi looked at him, looked at the cold tombstones around him, then nodded with a smile, "good."

"I'll get the shovel and the kettle, and I'll just buy a set of tools for the flowers."

Ying Hannian handed her the flower seeds and then turned away.

Lin Yi looked at his back with a faint smile.

When she came back, yinghannian put a cool hat on her head, and the big brim blocked the strong sunlight.

The two began to plant flowers around the cemetery. The moist land was dug out. Lin Yi squatted down with her skirt and carefully put the flowers in. "What kind of flowers are these? Can you raise them in the cemetery?"

"There are all kinds of flowers, and one can always come out."

In response to the cold, he shoveled the mud beside his feet.

"Well, don't dig so closely. It's not good to squeeze together." Lin Yi takes a look at him.

Ying Hannian obediently digs a hole at a larger distance to see the mud splashed on his trousers. He bends down and rolls up his trousers. "If you plant flowers, you have to water them often."

How often?

Lin Yi squatted on the ground and said, "I just agreed with my two mothers. I also called aunt an and asked her to arrange the death day of the old shepherd. She agreed and said that she would send a private plane to meet us."


Should cold year roll trouser tube's movement, lift Mou to see to her, black Mou is extremely deep.

Lin Yi raised her face and gave him a smile. "Auntie an, who doesn't care about the affairs of the herdsmen, is worried about it now. I'm really worried that she will be tired."

"You want me to go back?"

Ying Hannian didn't turn around with her and went straight to the theme.

He knew what she meant.

His voice is cold.

Lin Yi squatted on the ground, flower seeds fell from her hands on the ground, she did not pick up, clapped her hands and stood up, facing his line of sight, a serious face said, "I think it's time for you to go back."

"Because of the financial crisis?" Stand up straight in the cold year.

"Well, you've been here so long just to see if t's real purpose is for you or something else."

Lin Yi said, "now the answer comes out. He's not aiming at you. He's aiming at the four families, and you may be the biggest roadblock in his eyes." For more than three months, if t had a personal feud with Ying Hannian, he would have started with them. After all, they are so "down and out".