Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1011

As soon as Li Jian saw this, he was relieved and had a good reaction. He turned to Jiang Fu and Jiang Mu and said, "she has had two major operations. She will just wake up. There must be all kinds of discomfort. Be patient and take your time."

"Well, good."

The couple nodded.

In this way, Jiang Rao gradually gets better under the care of the top medical team and her parents. When the weather is better, Jiang Rao can even sit in a wheelchair with the help of medical staff and walk in the hospital pushed by Jiang's mother.

"Rao Rao, look at the beautiful weather outside. The flowers are blooming."

Jiang's mother pushed Jiang Rao carefully along the flat road.

Jiang Rao sat in a wheelchair, as if only a handful of bones were left. When the wind blows, she can blow down. There is no expression on her pale face. Her eyes are looking at the front, and some of them are dull after her illness.

"Oh, it's Mrs. Ying. She wants to have a video chat with you."

Jiang's mother stops and takes out her mobile phone to connect the video. Lin Yi's smiling face immediately appears on the screen of the mobile phone. Jiang's mother hands the mobile phone forward.

Jiang Rao turns her head a little stiffly and sees Lin Yi on the screen with a smile on her sick face.

"Good morning, Rao Rao. How are you feeling today?"

Lin Yichong shakes her hand.

Jiang Rao just smile, one side of the river mother sighed the way, "or do not talk to people, that is to see you she will smile."

Day by day, Jiang Rao has not changed at all

"Mr. Li also said that we should take our time. Rao Rao will get better."

In front of Jiang Rao, Lin Yi always smiles and talks about her recent situation. No matter Jiang Rao can understand her, she occasionally dances a dance for two.

Jiang Rao's smile is deeper in her wheelchair.

"Mrs. Ying, I've heard from the little nurse that there are fewer and fewer people scolding you on the Internet now."

Jiang's mother thinks that Lin Yi can't understand what Jiang Rao says about life, so she starts to talk with her, "you can open your mouth. It's on other people's bodies. It's a long time to talk about it."

"I know. Thank you, auntie."

Lin Yi nodded with a smile at the end of the mobile phone.

"What do you thank me for? If it wasn't for saving our family, Rao Rao, it wouldn't have happened." Jiang's mother said while stroking Jiang Rao's hair. Jiang Rao was shaved during the major operation. Fortunately, her hair grew fast, but the hair was withered and yellow. Jiang's mother stroked her eyes and got wet. "Our family Rao is so stupid that she is always attacked by men

If she had your eyes, she would not have come to such a state. "

Jiang Rao sat in a wheelchair, like listening, and like not listening, the expression did not change, but the eyelashes trembled and trembled.

"Auntie, don't say that in front of Rao Rao."

Lin Yi said softly.

Jiang Mu was silent.

Breeze hit, stay in the hospital for a long time, it seems that the air is floating with the smell of disinfectant.

Jiang Rao turns her eyes and sees a figure standing behind the pillar. To be more precise, she is hiding.

But he was in a heavy Clown Suit, and he was so fat that the pillars couldn't stop him. She could see the colorful colors and the gold on the mask.

She looked for a long time, her lips moved, dry and stiff to spit out the words, "little... Ugly... King."

Lin Yi was startled, and her eyelids jumped.

Jiang's mother didn't hear clearly, but she was overjoyed. "Rao Rao, what did you say?"

Jiang's mother came up to her daughter's face and heard Jiang Rao say, "I want... Clown king."


Linyi stay, she thought about many possibilities after the operation, but she did not expect Jiang Rao's first sentence would be mu Xianxu.


Jiang Rao was taken to take a lot of films, and the final answer was that there was no problem with the operation, but the effect of postoperative recovery was not good.

In particular, the new technology in the field of intelligence recovery has little effect.

Let alone repair, Jiang Rao's state is obviously worse than before, slow reaction, numbness to the outside world.

Jiang Rao sat on the bed, looking at her father covering his eyes and sighing, her hair almost white.


The door was knocked twice. The door of the ward was pushed open, and a man with a golden mask appeared at the door. He didn't wear a clown's dress, but wore a light gray cashmere coat. He was slim and looked handsome, but he was wearing an exaggerated clown mask on his faceHook's mouth to ear, clearly smile so happy face, but now decorated with a drop of tears.

Mu Xianxu was standing at the door. After seeing the thin man on the bed, his heart was choking.

After Jiang Rao's accident, he couldn't get close to her.

Every time he went to the floor where she was, he was driven out by the bodyguards, which was ordered by Lin Yi.

Lin Yi hates him and hates him. It's reasonable.

In fact, mu Xianxu also hated himself, but he still couldn't help wandering outside the hospital again and again.

Today, it was Lin Yi who called him. She said Jiang Rao was making a lot of trouble in the hospital. Just like that rainy day, she wanted the clown king all the time. She even wanted to find him secretly one night. As a result, she fell out of bed and hurt herself more seriously.

Lin Yi also tried to make people play clown king, but Jiang Rao recognized his voice and reacted more fiercely.

No one can beat Jiang Rao, including Lin Yi.

In order to appease Jiang Rao's mood and let her take good care of her illness, Lin Yi can only make this call to him.

What did mu Xianxu feel when he received the call?

And saw Jiang Rao take life revenge three room at the beginning, he always wait for the price to come out, just found Jiang Rao to his affection is too deep.

Jiang Rao loved him so much that she was hurt by him to destroy everything.

This time, he thought Jiang Rao's child's heart was too weak for him, but she was so hurt that she still wanted to go to him.

every time.

Every time he looked down on Jiang Rao.

Jiang Rao was like a knife to him. He wanted to hold her, but he let the blade roll again and again. Then he stroked it painfully, and his hands were full of blood.

See him, Jiang Rao sitting on the bed motionless, even breathing is static, only the hand is receiving infusion under the quilt has unknown shudder.

For a long time, she looked up at him, showing a simple smile, "clown king."

The voice is dry and the mouth is not clear, which is the condition after the operation and needs to be restored.


When mu Xianxu heard the pain of his heart, he said, "Rao Rao."

Jiang's mother is not happy to see mu Xianxu, but Lin Yi says hello, and she doesn't want to affect her daughter's recovery. She can only take it as if she didn't see it. She goes to the hospital bed and bends down to remove Jiang Rao's urine bag, ready to take it and pour it out.

Jiang Rao dropped her eyes and looked at her mother's rickety figure. Her hair was half white, her forehead was wrinkled like a ditch, and her rough hands defused her urine bag.

"No, I don't want you..." Jiang Rao suddenly opened her mouth.