Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1006

Campus is a small society, although not so much malicious speculation and attacks, but there should be some. Most of the onlookers and chatting were out of curiosity, while a small number of people avoided her. They obviously believed in the news of the murderer, and a small number of students and parents protested every day, demanding that the school expel the murderer

It's a crime.

In any case, with these messy news, Lin Yi formally returned to class.

Lin Yi was more calm and didn't care after the powerful wave on the Internet.

She just does herself well, and she doesn't care so much about the eyes of others.

"Xuejie, Xuejie."

At the end of a class, Lin Yi is sitting in the corner of the classroom digesting what she has learned. A schoolgirl who used to be close to her runs in from the outside. Lin Yi turned her eyes and sat down beside her breathlessly. Wiping the sweat on her head, she said, "those neurotic parents are acting as demons again. They also stand at the school gate and pull banners, saying that if they don't expel you, they won't let their children go to school, ha ha! I don't want to

Go straight up and roll. What a threat! "


One demonstration for three days, one demonstration for five days.

Lin Yi put away the book in front of her, took out a bottle of water and handed it to her. She said with a smile, "I'm used to it for so many days, but you're not used to it?"

Xuemei picked up the water and gulped it for a long time. She said angrily, "I'm just bothering them."

"What's bothering me? Anyway, I can't be driven away. What they waste is their own time." Lin Yi said and picked up a bottle of water.

Xuemei frowned, "Xuejie, are you really not worried at all? In case the school can't bear the pressure.... "

"Don't worry."


"My husband built another building for the school and hired more than ten famous teachers at home and abroad." Lin Yi took a sip of water, and the clouds were light.

On the one hand, parents make trouble without reason, and on the other hand, building buildings to increase the number of teachers. Isn't it obvious how the school will choose?

Xuemei was stunned, "don't you have no money?"

That's what the news says.

Smell speech, Lin Yi can't help but think of Ying Hannian that arrogant, she stood up with a smile, patted Xuemei's shoulder, "my husband's no money, and you think that no money concept is not the same."


Was she dazzled by a wave of wealth?

Too much!

She catches up with Lin Yi, who has already gone out, "Xuejie, are you going home now? I'll go with you. If those people dare to do anything with you, I'll beat them for you! "

"Now the school is equipped with monitoring everywhere, and those people dare not mess with it. Don't worry."

Lin Yi doesn't worry too much. As she walks, she takes out her mobile phone and calls Ying Hannian.

The bell didn't answer.

Are you sleeping?

Lin Yi looks at the time. He won't sleep at this point. Why doesn't he answer the phone.

She dialed again, but still didn't answer. Why is it so strange.

Lin Yi calls her grandmother directly, and she answers quickly, "Xiao Yi."

"Grandma, is Ying Hannian at home? I can't get through to him

Lin Yi asked, and walked out of the teaching building with Xuemei.

At noon, the warm sunshine dispels a lot of chill, and the fragrance of new buds comes from the lawn.

"Cold year? He went to report when he took Xiaojing. Yes, it seems that he said the report, but I didn't hear it clearly. I left in a hurry. " Grandma's on the phone.


What's the news? Lin Yizheng was surprised. Her sleeve was pulled up and down. She turned her head and saw Xuemei holding her hand and pointing in one direction. She was so excited that her face turned red and her eyes were wide open. She stamped her feet on the ground and almost jumped up, "learn, learn, learn



Lin Yi inexplicably looked in the direction she pointed to, and saw a group of people walking out of a building not far away. Several school leaders were laughing and talking to the leader. The man at the head is tall and long. He wears casual clothes. It's not warm weather. He only wears a thin V-Neck Sweater and a white coat. The soft color softens the sharp face with sharp edges and sharp eyes


He stood there with a careless arc in his thin lips, pushing a children's cart with one hand and a valuable watch on his wrist.It's not who should be in the cold year.

In the cart, Xiaojing sits in it and looks around happily. A small face has begun to look handsome, with dark hair, high nose and big eyes.

All of a sudden, when Xiaojing saw Lin Yi, he was more excited. He patted the cart and wanted to come out from inside and rush to her.

What happened?

Lin Yi walked over with fog and water. Ying Hannian's eyes turned and saw her, pushing a cart toward her.

"Why are you here? Didn't I say I wouldn't go back for lunch? "

Lin Yi thinks that Ying Hannian is here to meet her. Her class is so sparse that she has lost too much. Now she uses all her spare time to make up for it, so she wants to save the time to go home for lunch.

She said and picked up Xiaojing.

Xiaojing hugged her happily and gave her a big kiss on her face, even saliva with small teeth.

Xuemei jumped up beside her, shouting "cute".

"Who said I came to pick you up?"

Ying Hannian put one hand in his trouser pocket and gave her a leisurely look.

"Then you..."

Lin Yi looks at him doubtfully, then looks at the school leader who laughs like he won the grand prize behind him. Then he thinks of grandma's words, and he has a bad feeling.

Sure enough, Ying Hannian said lazily, "I said that one day I would come to be your apprentice. Just in time, I'm free now."

The meaning of the words.

I'm here to learn from you!

Lin Yi looked at him in shock, "are you really here?"

"You're a good man, aren't you?"

Ying Hannian has a proud face.

Is it a special way to spend money?

Lin Yimo, holding Xiaojing in her arms, walks up to Ying Hannian, frowns and asks tentatively, "are you kidding me?"

How could he really come to school.

"Do you want to see my student profile?" Should be cold years pick eyebrows.

Lin Yi carefully observed his face and found that he was not joking. He couldn't help saying, "but you are a young man who Marx can't understand..."

What kind of university do you go to.

And with his resume, the school can't teach him what he wants.


Should cold year black face, pull her to oneself in front, gnash teeth tunnel, "how, dislike your man?"? Isn't school what people don't understand? I'm still older in this suit? "

Lin Yi quietly looked at his casual style of clothes. No wonder he was dressed like this for the sake of being tender.

"Do you really want to come to class?"

Lin Yi still finds it hard to believe“ Knowledge is the guiding light of all things. I am eager for knowledge with all my heart. I am willing to roam in the ocean of knowledge foreve