Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1001

Do you still have the surname mu?

Mu Xianxu wiped the blood on his mouth, laughing sarcastically, "I just remember my surname mu, and I let Jiang Rao become what he is today!"

"Of course you should remember!"

Mu Xianquan stares at him and says, "you are Mu one day and mu all your life. You are the son of Sanfang. What can't you sacrifice for Sanfang! Look, now in the cold years, there will be no retribution? "

Then a black car slowly stopped in front of the road.

Straight and slender legs step down from the car, Muxian spring in the mouth of the retribution was standing in front of the car, arm in arm, wearing sunglasses, good time to look at the scarred two people.

Two people are tearing fiercely, nobody pays attention to the appearance of Ying Hannian.

"What did you say?"

Mu Xianxu asked standing there. Mu Xianquan got up from the ground difficultly and looked at him provocatively, "I said, your surname is mu all your life! You were born in the herdsman's family and grew up in Sanfang. Which of the girlfriends you ate, dressed or played with didn't spend your parents' money! A little more for parents. What's the matter?

Now it's not killing you. What can't you give up? "

Smell speech, mu Xianxu retreated two steps, "in those days, father and mother also think so?"

Because his surname is mu, because he was born in Sanfang, he must give up his children and his women to keep Sanfang

"So what, are we wrong?"

Mu Xianquan pressed the painful leg.


How can they be wrong? They have three rooms all their lives, and they can give up everything. Their unborn grandchildren can give up, and their wives can give up.

"You're right." Mu Xianxu stood there and said with a smile, "it's my fault. It's because I didn't have a prophet. I knew I had to pay so much to be a son of Sanfang. I wouldn't drink a mouthful of soup or water from the Mu family!"

He smiles, but his eyes are full of despair.

There was a group of little lovers walking by the side of the road. They were carrying heavy bags in their hands. The girl complained, "it's too hard to find the parking space in the supermarket. It's so tiring for us to walk such a long way."

They went to the parking space on the side of the road, opened the trunk and put the shopping bag in.

The girl suddenly saw Ying Hannian standing in front of the car, and was immediately attracted by the man of Yushu Linfeng, "how handsome, it seems that she is a little familiar..."

The boy pulled out a new fruit knife from his shopping bag and deliberately shook it in front of her, smiling and making a jealous appearance. "Ah, my knife is also very handsome. Be careful."

Little lovers laughing, suddenly a figure like the wind blowing in front of them.

The hand holding the fruit knife was empty.

The air suddenly stagnated.

There is blood dyed the ground, drop by drop, fell to the ground, red dazzling.

The girl screamed in fear and threw herself into her boyfriend's arms.

Ying Hannian, standing in front of the car, suddenly straightens up and looks at the picture in front of him with dark eyes and sunglasses.

Muxianquan stood in the original place, his eyes widened in disbelief.


The bloody fruit knife fell to the ground, along with a thumb and a finger covered with blood.

Mu Xianxu covered his left hand with blood, his face was pale, and there was a thick cold sweat on his forehead. His body was shaking, and he fell on his knees.

"Are you crazy?"

Muxianquan looked at muxianxu in amazement. He cut off his thumb!

Mu Xianxu covered his hands and knelt down unsteadily. Looking at Mu Xianquan, he raised his hand and bit his teeth. Word by word, he said, "today, I've broken my finger, my family name and my kinship. From now on, I have nothing to do with Mu family any more."


Mu Xianquan looked at him, speechless.

"If Jiang Rao is dead, I'll ask for your life!"

Mu Xianxu said, biting blood out of his mouth.

It happened in front of the police station. Team Wang rushed with people and surrounded them.

"Police officer, he robbed our knife and cut our finger. We didn't do anything." The little couple waved their hands in horror.

"Mu Xianquan threatened to kill Jiang Rao if he didn't cut it."

A casual voice came suddenly.

When they turned around, they saw Ying Hannian coming this way, reaching out to take off his sunglasses, his thin lips curving with a smile."What are you talking about? What did I threaten him with? "

Muxianquan stares at yinghannian in shock and almost jumps up.

But without waiting for him to jump up, Wang team came forward as a catcher and directly pressed him down. The police came forward and handcuffed him.

"Mu Xianquan, now I suspect that you want to coerce others to cut off your fingers. Follow me to the police station."

Wang said with a taut face, then with a sigh of relief, reached out and patted him on the face, "you said you, I'm worried that I can't catch you to continue the trial, and you'll come to the door yourself."

"I didn't threaten him to chop his fingers!"

Mu Xianquan cried out angrily.

"Wei didn't threaten to be tried. By the way, we'll try your wife's fall." Wang team is very satisfied with the result. Now it is the most important thing to pry open Mu Xianquan's mouth.

"Cold year! You son of a whore

Mu Xianquan cursed hard to accept. He came out of the police station and went in again.

Wen Yan, Ying Hannian threw the sunglasses in his hand, cold with a foot in front of his face, and directly kicked the man out of the Wang team.

He stepped forward, squatted on the ground, reached for mu Xianquan's hair and forced him to face himself.

His action was so fierce that he didn't leave a trace of affection.

"Want to get out of the police station?" Ying Han looked at him contemptuously. "I'll send someone to watch you. If you go out of the police station, I'll send you back."

"You --"

Mu Xianquan felt that his scalp was almost torn and he showed his teeth in pain.

"Don't think it's ok if you don't open your mouth. I can still let you stay in the police station all your life!"

Should cold year put down words.

Several policemen are going forward and are stopped by the king's team.

When the brothers Mu Xianquan and mu Xianxu fight, he listens behind the gate. Mu Xianquan's meaning is to admit that he did it for revenge. But when he really faced the police, he was stubborn.

It's better to suffer.

Mu Xianquan was sitting on the ground panting. He listened to Ying Hannian's words and swallowed his saliva. Then he went out and said, "OK, the nest will last forever. Anyway, I can drag Lin Yi to death. Lin Yi can't get rid of the suspicion of murder all his life!"

As long as the case is not closed for one day, Lin Yi will not be truly innocent for one day.

Smell speech, should cold year see him so sneer a, squat over there to loosen a hand way, "do you feel oneself did a pen to make special business?"


Mu Xianquan thinks that Ying Hannian is trying to set up his own words. He looks at the Wang team on one side and doesn't say a word“ Over the years, from home to abroad, you have been receiving treatment for azoospermia, right Ying Hannian suddenly changed the topic.