Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 1309

Not only on the principal plane, but also on the Taiyin, Taiyang, Shishu, Penglai, abbot, and Qizhou, Zhang Jun sent his own guards to send the invitation cards one by one. Even the Tianhe plane, where Da Xia hides, has also sent a post. Zhang Jun's invitation would have to be sent to the other two dimensions if it wasn't for breaking the dimension.

The wedding banquet was set up in the plane cave, and Zhang Jun showed his magic power, leaving guest entrance in many places of the main plane. East China Sea, snow plain, South China Sea, West, Central Plains, to facilitate the arrival of guests. No one in the world knows the prestige of the first great Luo, so few people refute the emperor's face, and have prepared generous gifts to attend the wedding banquet.

In the cave, Zhang Jun built a palace by using the ingenious means of nature. Every palace is beautiful, just like a fairyland in the sky. In the palace, there is a dragon pool, where real dragons play; in the palace garden, a large number of holy medicine, miraculous medicine, and even chaos medicine are planted. At the top of the palace, a channel was split by Zhang Jun, and a large number of ectopic facial auras were introduced.

In every palace, there is a bride. Lin Xian's palace is called Jingxian palace. There are hundreds of royal guards in the palace, three thousand heavenly masters and one million soldiers! In addition, there were countless maids and waiters. Most of them were captured by Zhang Jun.

In addition, the purple jade palace in Nangong purple, the Longnv palace in XiaoLongNu, Xianyun palace in Ge Xiaoxian, hibiscus palace in Shenrong, vanilla palace in Xiaocao, Jingyuan palace in Ouyang, orchid palace in Guolan, Xuening palace in Shangguan Meixue, Miaoling palace in bailingxue, Meiyan palace in Sumei and Shuyu palace in suxiaoyu have also been built, with similar systems.

Finally, they got to know each other and got to know each other. For many years, they have not been given real status. Today, they finally entered the wedding hall.

Women are dressing up, to show the best side to Zhang Jun. And Zhang Jun, the host, was divided into tens of millions to welcome the distinguished guests.

"Tianchen Kingdom, flash home to celebrate

"Penglai, the leader of Dongling sect is here to celebrate!

"Donghai, welcome to wanjianmen!"

"Great summer, great prince to celebrate!"

"Poetry and books, book sea, heaven king to celebrate!"

"All the elders of Taoism are here to celebrate

"All the elders of Confucianism come to celebrate

"All the Buddhists are here to celebrate

People from all walks of life came in succession, and even some forces that Zhang thought would not come sent envoys one after another. Such as wanjianmen, such as Daxia.

There are more and more guests coming. Fortunately, the banquet palace is so huge that it can be put down completely. Each guest brought a gift, including some precious things.

"Black Spring House of Tianchen Kingdom, present a pearl of water!" When the voice of singing the bill of rites came into his ears, Zhang Jun was moved. He stretched out his hand, and the water bead fell into his hand, and his face was happy.

There are already four five element celestial spheres in his hand, but he is short of the last one. Unexpectedly, the people of Heiquan family will take them and send them to him with congratulatory gifts. Immediately, five celestial beads were suspended around him, and each of them emitted a brilliance, forming an array of five pointed stars.

Zhang Jun means to communicate with the sky, drink a light, and the five heavenly beads become one and become a huge one, ranking second only to the Taiyin plane and the Taiyin plane. The general plane can only carry one thousandth of heaven's will, while the five elements plane is vast, boundless and mysterious, carrying about one thirtieth of heaven's will.

Before that, Zhang Jun refined five pearls respectively. At this time, the appearance of the five planes was equivalent to his refining. In an instant, he felt that the number of Providence in his control was more than one sixth! All of a sudden, the wind and cloud changed color. Above his head, there was a huge palace, magnificent, majestic.


The guests were puffing air-conditioning, and someone whispered, "what's that?"

"Is that the heaven in the legend?" Someone said to himself.

"What? Heaven? How can you see the sky in vain More people were curious, puzzled, and shocked.

"You don't know something!" Obviously, the man knew a lot of secret books and continued, "the so-called establishment of heaven is not built by anyone who wants to build it. The first condition for the establishment of heaven is to control more than one tenth of the will of heaven. In that case, you can create masters at will, and they will be gods everywhere

"What's more, the one who controls enough of God's will needs to be recognized by God. If the will of heaven is not recognized, even if it controls more than one tenth of the will of heaven, it is impossible to establish a heaven court. Because heaven, in a way, represents the will of heaven. "

"In this way, Emperor Zhang Jun has already reached the conditions for the establishment of Tianting? Otherwise, the court shadow will not appear on his head that day. " Someone thought of something, surprised.

"Nine times out of ten." In the world of humanity, who can open up the heaven except him? It's just that there will be a fierce battle between this heaven and another heaven

Another "Heaven court" mentioned in this population is naturally the one who canonized Zhang Jun.All of a sudden, Zhang Jun felt a sense in his heart. He waved his sleeve. In order to survive in the extermination array, all the human friars who were forced to give his life brand to him appeared. There were 533 people, all of whom were at the level of the emperor of heaven, and many of them were on the verge of impacting the position of Dalao.

As soon as these people appeared, they felt boundless majesty and pressure from Zhang Jun, and they almost subconsciously wanted to worship at the top of the ceremony.

"What do you think?" Zhang Jun asked calmly.

These 533 people didn't want Zhang Jun to be the first to attack Da Luo, so they all attacked the three yuan array. Later, however, they were calculated by the emperor Yang and others and almost died. If Zhang Jun had not done it, they would have no chance to be reborn.

"We are willing to follow your majesty and build a prosperous age of humanity." These Terran friars were smart and wise, and made the right choice right away.

"Good. Luo Zhongren, I hope you can succeed. Today is the wedding of the emperor. You can have a good drink. " Zhang Jun gave them freedom for a while with a smile.

In the face of the cave, a school of joy. However, in the position of the East China Sea, a light bridge suddenly falls from the void. The light bridge, out of the three hundred strong people, the body has a strong flavor of the emperor. Even, they showed a strong divinity.

The three strong men, all male, are described as similar to the young people. One of them, with a circle of light behind him, seems to have a lot of faith hidden in it. His eyes looked deep into the East China Sea and said, "let's meet for a while, this person who killed our separate body!"

The second man, who was possessed of monstrous spirit and long hair, was obviously a supreme devil. He said lightly: "if you can kill this man today, the army of 100 nationalities will save a lot of trouble."

The third one is powerful. His bronze skin is invincible. He pinches his fist and sneers: "the other party is the emperor. You two should be careful."

"It's best for the emperor to kill him and seize his imperial fortune." The first Taichu God body "hehe" laughs.

After that, the three strong men of the 100 ethnic groups were in a flash and rushed to the cave in front of them. The three of them did not walk for long. The sea water at the scene rolled and a fish came out of it. The fish eye ball turned around and said to himself, "the expert of the hundred nationalities is coming. Go to inform the Dragon King and then tell his majesty."

There, Zhang Jun was having a banquet with guests, but secretly received a message from the Dragon King of Donghai, saying that there were three powerful members of the royal family of 100 nationalities who were heading for the Weimian cave. Zhang Jun remained silent, leaving a separate body to continue to greet the distinguished guests. However, I went outside the cave and came to the East China Sea in an instant.

On the vast sea, there is a lonely island. There is no grass on the island. Three hundred kings happened to hit the island, and suddenly saw a famous man standing on the cliff beside the island, with extraordinary bearing. As soon as the man waved his hand, a sky tomb fell down and blocked the way of the three hundred strong men.

The faces of the three royal families changed greatly. In the other party's wave, they controlled the will of heaven. The ability to be free and easy was obviously a big Luo emperor! How dare they be careless in the face of the Lord of heaven? Then he stood still and looked at the man.

The man was Zhang Jun of course. As soon as he got the news, he rushed to the East China Sea and stopped three hundred ethnic men. Today is his wedding banquet. Naturally, we can't let them disturb. We'd better settle it here.

"Who are you?" The first God asked.

"Aren't you looking for Ben Huang?" Zhang Jun light way, "hear to want to take me?"

"Well? Are you Zhang Jun The holy body of the great wilderness came out, staring at Zhang Jun, full of fighting spirit.

Zhang Jun glanced at each other and said with a light smile, "is the great wilderness holy body? Luo's position has been improved, and even the twelve masters have achieved something

Dahuang holy body "hey hey" a smile: "the so-called Dalao emperor, in fact, is not important. Today, the prince does not use the strength of the emperor, but cuts you with my blood of the God of famine

The blood of the famine God? Zhang Jun was quite surprised. When he looked at each other carefully, he found that there was a strong blood flow in the three opposite bodies. The blood is already very pure.

"The blood of God?" Zhang Jun raised his eyebrows. "No wonder it's so arrogant. It turns out that he purified the blood of the gods. It's just a little bit dependent. Do you want to deal with the emperor? "

Dahuang holy body "ha ha" laughs wildly: "ignorant young man! At that time, as one of the three deities, the God of famine had tremendous strength and belonged to the super strong at the level of "ancestor". Now, my God's blood has been activated by 90%, which is enough to kill you! "

Zhang Jun said contemptuously: "the God of famine? If I remember correctly, the God of famine was killed by the Terrans? Since all the wild gods have been killed by the Terrans, how can you be arrogant

"Looking for death!" The holy body of the great wilderness was furious and roared like thunder, and behind it appeared a virtual shadow of the great wilderness world, which occupied half of the sky, and its power was amazing.

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