Midnight Bookstore

Chapter 123

Companionship is the longest love confession, and this kind of companionship is still the kind that can\'t meet at all. The female anchor finally left. She didn\'t wait for the person who asked her to come here. It is estimated that she would reply and ask the account why she broke the appointment.

But what she may not know is that that person has left this sunny place forever.

The boy asked Zhou Ze to send him on his own initiative. Zhou Ze didn\'t ask him what obsession made him stay in the sun all the time, and he didn\'t answer. It was easy and simple to send the dead to hell this time.

Even, it can be described as "peaceful".

No resistance, no struggle, no dissatisfaction, some, just a calm.

After finishing this business, Zhou Ze went to take a bath and went upstairs to have a rest. After moving to the new store, the "business" was actually much better. Looking at the constantly stacked ghost money, it really gave the "ghost" a great sense of satisfaction.

When he woke up, it was already noon. When he went downstairs, Zhou Ze saw the old Taoist sitting behind the bar teasing the little monkey.

"Good morning, boss." The Taoist priest said hello.

Zhou Ze nodded.

Sitting down on the sofa by the window, the lazy and sunny day will begin again. This kind of life is really comfortable, especially looking at the endless flow of people outside the South Street.

All the hustle and bustle in the world is for profit. Looking at others busy in order to make a living and dream, you can steal a half day\'s leisure. There is comparison, there is superiority, and there is superiority, there is better enjoyment.

"Boss, what to drink?"

When Zhou Ze starts, Bai Yingying can start. Once she leaves too far, Zhou Ze\'s sleep will be interrupted.


Bai Yingying quickly made tea and brought it over. At the same time, she put an ashtray in front of Zhou Ze, and then helped Zhou Ze light cigarettes before leaving.

Sometimes, Zhou Ze is a little confused. Whether Bai Yingying knows what Mrs. Bai left behind, so she takes care of herself. But it seems that she really feels silly and sweet. She also respects and worships her Mrs. Bai.

There are some problems that are not suitable for thorough research, which will be boring, and Zhou Ze is willing to continue to pretend to be confused.

Drinking tea,


Anyway, there aren\'t many ghosts during the day. I won\'t be really busy until after night.

In fact, Zhou Ze still likes to sit in the bookstore and wait for the guests to come. It\'s like Jiang Taigong\'s fishing volunteer taking the bait. It\'s not that it\'s B-rated, but that it\'s not so tired.

He doesn\'t like to go out and run around. That\'s too much trouble.

Pick up today\'s newspaper and look through it. The gambling case is already fermenting and being tried. The police are dispatched very quickly. All the behind the scenes investors are controlled and arrested. What is waiting for them will be a just trial.

At this time, the bookstore door behind Zhou Ze was pushed open, and the person who came in brightened the old Taoist\'s eyes and immediately showed his fierce light!

No wonder the Taoist priest suddenly did so, because the person who came in was a monk with a ring scar on his head, as if he had a scab. The scabby monk was very interesting.

The monk is not tall, just one meter six. He is a little fat. He doesn\'t have the bearing of a Taoist monk. He is much worse than the immortal poss opposite.

Since ancient times, Buddhists and Taoists have disliked each other. In the ancient dynasty, when Taoism was prosperous, it destroyed Buddhism, and when Buddhism was prosperous, it destroyed Taoism. After all, we should rob believers and resources. If you have more, I will be less.

From the standpoint of the old Taoist priest, the bookstore is his territory, and this monk with a scabby head is like kicking the hall.

But unexpectedly, the monk didn\'t look at the Taoist priest at all. He just smiled in the face of the "opposite meaning" released by the Taoist priest, and then walked directly to the opposite side of Zhou Ze and sat down.

"A cup of tea."

The monk said.

The Taoist priest brought a cup of tea with a gloomy face, and warned, "the minimum consumption here is 100. Moreover, fortune telling and geomancy are not accepted here."

The monk with a scabby head raised his head slightly, looked at the Taoist priest, and smiled:

"We are different."

We are different,

A deep sentence not only belittles the old way, but also elevates oneself.

It means that you are a mixed God. I have real talent and learning. We are different.

Zhou Ze spit out a smoke ring and just sprayed it on the other party\'s face.

It\'s not Zhou Ze who wants to show off to the old Taoist. After all, the visitor is a guest, but as soon as the other party enters the bookstore, Zhou Ze has a vague sense of warning.

The monk with a scabby head was not annoyed, but put his hands together and said, "Amitabha."

For a moment, Zhou Ze suddenly felt uncomfortable all over, like an ant crawling on his body.

At that moment, Zhou Ze\'s fingers with smoke began to grow black nails slowly.

"Please calm down, benefactor. I came here to drink tea and read books. There is no malice."

The monk with a scabby head loosened his hands, picked up the tea cup and drank a sip of tea. At that moment, Zhou Ze\'s discomfort subsided.

"Get busy." Zhou Ze said to the Taoist priest.

The Taoist priest can only retreat.

"Benefactor, it\'s really interesting to open this shop in the downtown area. It\'s elegant and quiet to live in the downtown area."

Zhou Ze didn\'t speak.

"I was cruising around. Today, I happened to come to Tongcheng, but I found that my two old friends had disappeared. I was really curious. After some investigation, I learned that there was a person named benefactor in Tongcheng."

"Who are your two friends?"

"One is a woman in her prime of life. An old man is working in the Confucian temple."

Zhou Ze thought slightly that the former should refer to the female ghost who had problems, and the latter should be the Confucian temple dwarf old man.

"Are you here to avenge them?"

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

"It seems that people who make good friends with you will come to no good end."

The monk with a scabby head smiled wordlessly when he heard the words.

Then, Zhou Ze didn\'t speak, and the monk with a scabby head didn\'t speak, and the atmosphere suddenly became embarrassed.

Probably when the tea was cold, the monk said:

"The poor monk came here to tell the poor people some ideas and ideas. Wherever he went, the poor monk would always talk to the local poor people."

"You say, I\'ll listen. After that, the money has to be given."

"Buddha said that all living beings are equal. In fact, all living beings here are not only living people, but also dead people. They were born and grew up in Si. In fact, they are no different from living people.

In the eyes of the poor monk, they are also human beings and members of all sentient beings.

Those who seek goodness are the foundation of all living beings and should be cherished.

Those who fall into evil should be punished for the disaster of all living beings.

Those who have ghosts and evil spirits and harm others have their own golden gangness and anger, but ordinary ghosts, or those who wander the world because of obsession or for various reasons, the poor monk feels that they have this right and freedom.

However, since the death of the emperor of Mount Tai, the matter of Yin Si has been carried out with the method of performance points. All ghosts that stay in the world will be taken to hell.

I have always disagreed with this behavior.

Therefore, ghosts also have likes and dislikes, as well as advantages and disadvantages when they come to persuade the poor. Everything cannot be done across the board, otherwise it is lazy politics, which is lazy politics. "

Zhou Ze wants to laugh a little.

Seeing Zhou Ze\'s reaction, the monk with a scabby head sighed. Those who practice Taoism should sail against the current, knowing that they can\'t do it.

He picked up the newspaper in front of Zhou Ze and turned to the last page, which read the news of another province about a murder.

"I read this newspaper. When this happened, I was not far away from there.

A man disappeared, and his relatives reported the case. The police speculated that he might be killed, but the body was not found, so there was nothing to do.

At this time, a woman in the same village told the police that last night, her late mother told her that someone was buried next to her home and occupied her land.

At first, the police only took it as a joke, but when they sent someone to check the grave of his mother, they found a newly overturned clod. After digging, they found the body of the missing man.

Later, according to the residual evidence on the corpse, the real murderer was found, which was Li from the same village.

The murderer was caught, and the victim was able to close his eyes.

In this, the soul of the woman\'s old mother did good deeds, good and evil in her heart.

Although she stayed there and never went to hell, she didn\'t harm people, and even helped people. Do you think the hell division should bring such a ghost into hell?

She may just want to see her children and grandchildren grow up and carry on their families, that\'s all. "

Zhou Ze took a sip of herbal tea and shook his head.

Obviously, Zhou Ze doesn\'t agree with this statement.

"You still haven\'t been able to persuade me. I\'m sorry to let you go in vain. You can go to other cities and other places, find other ghost errands, and then talk about your ideals and ideas. Maybe you can find a bosom friend, and then fight for ghost rights with you."

The monk with a scabby head smiled helplessly. Obviously, he saw this kind of feedback a lot. At present, he helplessly picked up the newspaper again, looked at the news above, and sighed again.

Zhou Ze stretched out his hand and pressed down the newspaper.

The monk looked at Zhou Ze with some confusion.

"Monk, there is a saying that don\'t rush before you learn to walk. You say you\'ve been fighting for the rights of ghosts, but you can\'t even see it clearly. What\'s your qualification to speak to ghosts?"


Zhou Ze reached out and poked on the news, shook his head and said:

"You said you were in that place, so did you find the ghost of the old mother in that village?"

The monk with a scabby head shook his head. "I\'m not lucky to see you. If I\'m lucky to see you, I must treat you politely. Although the old man\'s body has fallen, his good thoughts still exist."

Zhou Ze smiled, "I haven\'t been to that place, but I can bet you with a drawer of dead money that there is no ghost of this old mother at all. After her death, her soul will go to hell long ago."

"How can it be... You are a ghost, don\'t you believe there are ghosts in this world?"

The monk with a scabby head thinks it\'s ridiculous.

"The missing and murdered people are from the same village.

The murderer who killed and hid the corpse is also from the same village.

Then there is another woman who tells the police clues in her dream. She is also from the same village. Is this not obvious enough? "

Zhou Ze lit another cigarette and said, "the newspaper said that the police didn\'t believe it at first. Later, after excavating the cemetery and finding the body, they also felt very strange. This is the reporter\'s writing method, in order to make the news interesting and attract topics.".

But in fact, I believe the local police are aware of it.

The woman came to report, and she probably saw it when the murderer hid the body. "

"Then why didn\'t she speak directly to the police?" The monk asked.

"Because the murderer is also from this village. The murderer may have parents, children, brothers and sisters. If he goes to report directly, won\'t he be hated by his family?

So, under the guise of ghosts and gods, she revealed the clues in this way, so that she would not be hated.

Like some abduction cases in remote areas, you don\'t know that this family bought a person back when you are a neighbor?

Or, when the people in the whole village are bad people, no one has conscience, and no one has kindness in his heart?

Just because everyone felt that if they reported it, they would hate the neighbors in the same village who looked up but didn\'t look down. Even if they sympathized with the poor woman who was abducted and trafficked, they could only pretend not to see it. "

The monk with a scabby head was slightly stunned and said in confusion, "what is this?"

"Human nature."