Meng Shen Love College

V8.Chapter 52

Everything is back to normal again, everyone is eating barbecue, drinking beer, playing games, singing and dancing. Chen Zihan also invited a DJ to play dynamic music in the courtyard to warm up for the next party!

The yard is so busy that you feel the wanton waste of youth. So, what is the lost youth? Youth is always in your heart. When your heart is old, it will die naturally. But if your heart is not old, it will always be so Hi, so young.

Soon, my former scum group called me over again, and I was as comfortable with them as with my relatives.

It's just like finding players of the same race in the game.

"Xiao Lan, I heard you went to tuhao college, really?" Three silly said.

"Limit challenge" has limit three silly, our class also has our car tail three silly, because, we always sit in the last three of the class, and, never change position Mr. Ji once said that we should insist on more than going to jail

And I'm always at the bottom, so I am honored to be Silly Two and three are two boys.

"Lao San, don't talk about it. I don't think the three of us will be worse than those from Tsinghua University and Peking University in the future." Two silly always full of confidence in the future, three silly nodded: "Xiaolan, you know, the second year has made 100000 in wechat business, he also plans to develop agent."

"You can do it!" I said that there are no stupid people in the world, but people's brains are different. As long as you're not a lazy person, you can get ahead.

"Ah, Xiao Lan, we just heard that Xiaocao and ban Hua broke up. Is that true?" I don't think it's credible.

The third man laughs and looks at him: "don't ask. Anyway, it's not your turn. The Banhua family has money and can't see you."

"I never thought that it was because of..." Er Sha looked at me carefully and laughed awkwardly, "ah Xiao Lan, will you take part in the second meeting

The second party mentioned by Er Sha is the key point, because this is a party held by a big local tyrant in this community. There will be many celebrities, local tyrants, and even people from the film and television industry, such as directors, producers, and many local tyrants' CHILDES.

The boys are excited, of course, not because there are local tyrants to hold, but because the local tyrants invite the peripheral women. The Party of local tyrants has always been a legend and myth for ordinary people. While ordinary people despise it, they are envious and curious, such as the sea sky feast that ordinary people can't attend.

And the purpose of the girls, naturally obvious. But most of the girls in our class are still good girls ~ ~ ~ they are just curious about the local tyrant's party. It is said that they are not allowed to bring mobile phones to the party in the evening to prevent others from taking pictures secretly.

I chuckled and shook my head. There was only barbecue smell, wine smell and smoke smell in the air. It was putrid, but it didn't appear again.

All of a sudden, the other end of the road lights suddenly flash, we were attracted attention, is confused, all of a sudden, the headlights come out, it is a luxury car and another drive over, and luxury car! All beauties! It's the real one in a swimsuit!

"Oh ~ ~ ~" moment, the boys boiling, crowded on both sides of the road, the original well-dressed girl was instantly killed by the * * on the car!

"Hi ~ ~" the beautiful woman in bikini waved to the boys on both sides of the road. The first car stopped and the driver saw Gao fushai. He waved to Chen Zihan: "Zihan! Here we go! Take your friends and follow up As he spoke, a mansion as big as a palace in front of him was already well lit, and the Aurora was shining.

"Here it is Chen Zihan waved his hand to Gao fushai. Gao fushai led the team and continued to move forward. One car after another drove in front of us. I instantly smelled the smell that I had never smelled before. More and more smell passed in front of me. Almost every car had it!

However, the smell is neither like a devil nor a demon, but With a strange coquettish air!

"Hiss All of a sudden, Yan and Moming suddenly appeared beside me. Xiaonuo and Daqing also stood on the other side of me. I looked at them contemptuously: "when the beauty comes, you come out."

Take a deep breath of Yan: "it's tempting."

"Evil spirit?" I looked at them with disdain, "yes ~ ~ ~ they are so demonic, of course they are demonic ~ ~"

"Xiao Lan, they are demonic!" Suddenly, Mo Ming said solemnly. I looked at him with a confused face. He pointed to his nose: "you can smell ghosts and demons. Why can't you smell demons?"

I looked at them for a long time and suddenly realized: "evil spirit?! Are you really talking about that monster? "

Mo Ming and will be put together a pair of Yan of course look.

"Evil spirit With a smile... " Xiao Nuo smiles and looks very excited. "I like..."

"Hum hum ~ ~" Jiang Yan suddenly gave an ambiguous smile, but he didn't know what to laugh at.

After I understand what they said, when I look at those girls again, the whole person shudders. What they mean is that these girls are demons?!

"Look carefully." Mo Ming leaned down and whispered in my ear, "you should be able to see your accomplishments now."Mo Ming asked me to look carefully? I seem to understand what, immediately concentrate on the use of power perfusion eyes, suddenly, these girls in my eyes all changed! It's the face of a monster!

Or green like a poisonous snake, or face down like a fox, or dry cracked like bark, lying trough! That one's even scarier. His face is rotten. Here's a feather!

How they are totally different from what I saw in the demon world!

I remember that all the fairies in the demon world are gorgeous, why are they all ugly and frightening to death? There are few perfect human beings!

"They, why do they look so strange?" I can't believe they're demons.

"Because their accomplishments are low." Mo Ming seriously explained, "so, they don't notice us, and their evil spirit will be very heavy."

I'll go. What's the situation tonight? It's a demon, a devil or a demon. Besides, the devil or a demon doesn't know where to hide.

"Ah ~ ~ ~ it's boring. It's all this stuff." Jiang Yan was the first to feel bored and quit the crowd, while the boys around me were also fascinated by the appearance of those demons.

If Mo Ming didn't let me look at them seriously, I didn't see their original shape. I directly withdrew my magic power, but I still used my naked eyes to see them. I felt much more comfortable.

See will Yan, Mo Ming, small Nuo and big green all retreat, I also withdraw one side, follow them.

"Ah, it's boring." Jie yelled and came to us. He was not happy. "It's so ugly." He also saw it!

"No?" I doubt to see you, you light look at me: "immortal domain task update?"

They're right. Xianyu's mobile phone hasn't moved.

We stood together and Chen Zihan looked at us.

I wonder to see everyone: "why not catch?"

"These are people who live in the world ~ ~" Jiang Yan said listlessly and gave a harsher, "Xianyu is not so rigid ~ ~ ~ as long as they don't eat people in the world, Xianyu doesn't catch them ~ ~"

"Xianyu Not so Empty... " Xiao Nuo's eyes continued to look at the demons under the long bangs. He thought of his excited look and said that he liked me. He shivered: "Xiao Nuo You The taste is so strong... "

Xiao Nuo's mouth began to open.

Jiang Yan looks at xiaonuo lazily: "the taste of people in the underworld is naturally different ~ ~ ~"

"hum..." Xiao Nuo even laughed. I smoke straight from the corner of my mouth, good, good chic taste, let me really eye opening!

"I I want to... " Xiao Nuo said, turned and walked away. I looked at Xiao Nuo's back dully. No wonder the goddess all over the sky caught his eyes. We young master Xiao Nuo liked to talk.

Such a big wave of demons come, and Xianyu doesn't care. Listening to their tone, it seems that the level of these demons is too small, and Xianyu disdains to catch them.

Is it true that all the beautiful * * showgirls and wanghong in the world are goblins?!

Strange, it's really a group of demons dancing tonight!

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh The boys have been completely hooked off. After following the motorcade, wipe, see bikini, the men instantly become dogyoumuyou, one by one licking the buttocks of those demons.

And the girls also followed hand in hand. Chen Zihan is surrounded by three cheap girls. Chen Zihan smiles at them and walks towards me. Moming and Jiangyan look at him one after another.

"Why don't you go?" Chen Zihan looks at them with a smile.

"Not interested." Mo Ming said directly.

"It's ugly ~ ~"

"what?" Chen Zihan was surprised, "is this ugly?"

"Yes Da Qing nodded without expression, "stink."

"Stink?" Chen Zihan is more inexplicable.

Jie's eyes flashed for a moment, and he hooked Chen Zihan: "for the sake of our good friends, I tell you the truth, those women are all..."

"Jay I stopped him, he blinked, innocent face: "I'm helping him, those women are to be angry, not good for men."

"Suck "Essence?" Chen Zihan was stunned, as if he wanted to understand something. His face suddenly turned red, "I don't want to talk to them..." He looked at me awkwardly. I was stunned and looked away awkwardly.

"If you don't go up, they'll do the same. If you go up, they'll do more. You don't understand. Listen to me, brother. I'm for you." Jie stroked Chen Zihan's chest.

Chen Zihan laughed awkwardly: "I really don't play, ha Let's go together. "

"I'm going back to sleep..." Will Yan directly turn around, at this time, a gust of night wind swept in front of me, I immediately caught that before the escape breath: "slow! I smell it again

Immediately, everyone who was ready to leave stopped and began to watch the quiet surroundings. , the fastest update of the webnovel!