Meng Shen Love College

V8.Chapter 43

After listening to what I said, Mr. Jiang Yan casually said, "Oh Yeah? " His Ruby eyes began to widen slowly. Two rubies almost fell out of his eyes. It was just like this. He looked at me strangely, "is what he said true?"

"Well, what's the matter?"

He blinked, his eyes suddenly flickered, avoiding my eyes, and his eyes were obviously deceitful.

I narrowed my eyes and leaned to his face: "what's the matter?"

He blinked his eyes and turned to open his face, holding his cheek with one hand also blocked my eyes from seeing him. He picked up the milk and continued to suck, and then said vaguely, "this is the rhythm of the palace after going to the palace ~ ~"


He suddenly turned back to his face, too close distance I almost kiss his face, I immediately stepped back, his Ruby eyes half curved with a smile: "Lan Er ~ ~ ~ have you ever thought about choosing too tired ~ ~ ~ or Two together? "

"Two? Who is it? "

"Tut." He gave me a coquettish glance. "Who else? Chen'er and Fu Su ~ ~ "

" poof! " If I didn't have milk in my mouth, I would spray it on his face again, "no way! Even if it's possible, they don't fight? "

"Hum, hum..." Jiang Yan smiles mysteriously.

I'm too lazy to pay attention to him. He's always so unorthodox. I look at him seriously: "by the way, what did you mean when you said I had changed?" Jiang Yan knows heaven and earth. His words make me very interested. Before, he said that I have changed, which makes me really a little uneasy, because now what I am most worried about is my body which contains too much power and will explode if I am not careful.

I looked at him anxiously: "is my body not mortal soon?"

He looked at my eyes with one hand and his eyelids drooped. He took a sip of milk. Somehow, his lazy state made time extremely slow.

He gently exhaled a breath and began to approach me slowly. I nervously looked at him: "what are you doing, Mr. Jiang Yan?"

"Shh..." His fingers gently put on my lips, my heart suddenly tense up, because, I can't help but think of xuanyuanchen's kiss, because the touch of Yan was reminded, although his fingers have left my lips, but my mind has been completely occupied by the kiss, my face also involuntarily red up, the heart began to increase uncontrollably .

Put the Yan close to my neck and began to sniff, "sniff, sniff."

I tensed my body. How can I smell like a wolf with my nose?

"Take off the red blood beads." He said softly at my neck, I obediently took down the red blood bead, and immediately heard a long, deep breath of Jiang Yan: "suck --" just like the breath of my whole body completely dispersed at the moment when I took down the red blood bead, his long breath seemed to be insufficient.

He stopped at my neck, and I was too nervous to move: "will you be a senior? Will you be a senior

"Inhale --" he took another long inhale. This time, I felt the tip of his nose gently rub my neck. I was so surprised that he immediately clasped my shoulder with a strong force and amazing heat: "don't be afraid, I won't bite you..." He said, but his voice is hoarse, OK?!

I got nervous: "that If you want to... "

"Don't tempt me!" He said suddenly and deeply, "if you are not willing to be my blood contract, don't tempt me!"

“……” His words make me feel a little embarrassed, like I always want to say to xuanyuanchen, if you don't like me, don't provoke me.

But now I and Xuan Yuan Chen have already said clearly, need not worry again with suspicion.

"Suck." He began to move down slowly, from my neck to my shoulder, "suck." He picked up my right hand and sniffed it carefully. Then, he picked up my left hand and began to sniff, "different, different!"

"What's the difference?"

He raised his face and I was surprised to see that his eyes were all red! It's like a bag of blood in it, and it's like the all black eyes in the horror film, but he's all red, bright red, setting can reflect my face, I worried to see him: "will you be OK, Mr. Yan! Your eyes

"Don't mind my eyes." He said faintly and lowered his eyes. He let go of my left hand, gently grasped my right hand, and put the red blood bead back on my wrist. "I'm addicted to your blood. I didn't have this kind of situation before..." His expression is also indifferent, no ordinary lazy, no ordinary sultry, suddenly serious, just like the soldiers in the palace, although, I don't know what he was like when he was in the palace, but in the first world, I met that he, that authoritative and trustworthy general Yan.

"Didn't you have an addiction to your bloodsuckers before?"

He helped me to wear the red blood beads, and gently stroked the beads with his fingers: "I am a stiff God. We get energy from human blood, but we are not addicted to blood. We are not vampires, but From the first sip of your blood, I feel that your blood is different. " He raised his eyes and looked at me. His blood red eyes had faded away slowly. He looked at my face deeply in bewilderment. "I seem to I see why, but if I want to know the answer, I need another sip of your blood. ""Drink it then." I don't hesitate to raise my hand to my family. Don't mention it.

He immediately tightened his eyes, suddenly stood up, but was more far away from me, turned to me.

I looked at him suspiciously: "what's the matter with you, Mr. Jiang Yan?"

He wrung his eyebrows: "sometimes curiosity comes at a price. You are hurting me. Remember, if I am going to die in the future, you can't let me drink your blood!"


"In a word, no!" He suddenly turned to drink, staring at the red blood bead on my wrist, "wear red blood, don't let other stiff God notice the change of your blood, you hear me?"

My whole body is stiff. For the first time, I saw such a senior general, he Roar me, but, I know, he must be for my good, I immediately nodded stiffly: "I I won't save you. If you die, I'll send you to Naihe bridge. "

"Oh." He laughed, reached out and touched my head, "that's good ~ ~ ~ ~"

"seriously, Mr. Jiang Yan, did you really have no feelings for Zhang Min?" Thinking of Zhang Min, I am full of emotion. I have to explain to Heimei when I have a chance.

Yan's face was suddenly not teased, and his serious expression showed his feelings and seriousness towards Zhang min. he slightly twisted his eyebrows and sighed: "it's true that the relationship between the stiff God and the blood contract people is not specific, as Mo Ming said, because the best time for the blood contract people to taste their blood is between the ages of 18 and 25. After that, the taste of their blood will get worse and worse The effect will be worse and worse. Therefore, the relationship between the stiff spirit and the blood covenant will last for at least ten years, and after that, the blood covenant will be replaced. "

"So that's the end of the relationship?" It sounds like the stiff gods are a little heartless. They feel like they've been thrown away when they're used up.

Take Yan back to his original position slowly and show his lazy posture again: "no ~ ~ ~ will become friends ~ ~ however, many mortals will get married and have children, but because the stiff Protoss is very beautiful, they will be infatuated with mortals ~ ~"

"like Zhang Min?! And Red sun A fool can see that the red sun likes the God of light.

Jiang Yan nodded: "yes, so many times, we will choose people of the same sex. Men will have stronger purpose. They need the rigid Protoss to improve their cultivation. They won't be too infatuated with the rigid Protoss."

I understand, because boys are more rational, and they are more like partners with the stiff gods. For the stiff gods in wartime, they are like a warlock, while the blood contract is like a wizard.

"So what are you drinking?" This is what Zhang Min has been struggling with. He said that Jiang Yan never bit her neck, but only her wrist. He said that he respected her. So what she means is that she doesn't respect me?! No, look at Zhang Min's eyes. They are all envious.

"En ~ ~" Jiang Yan answered lazily and explained to me patiently, "in order to show our respect for the blood deeds, we only bite our wrists. Moreover, generally, we will take good blood first. Only when we are in a state of urgency, we will touch the body of the blood deeds, like the God of light ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"

"like the God of light..." I thought about it, ah! When the light God saw me for the first time, he would bite me on the neck! So Mr. Jiang Yan I secretly glanced at him and involuntarily touched his neck. His drooping eyes saw me and my peeping at him and touching his neck. Immediately, his face was stiff.

"Cough, cough, cough." He coughed suddenly, and his face began to turn red. He put one hand on his face to cover his side face, and let the red forehead cover his handsome and seductive side face.

"You take advantage of me, Mr. Jiang Yan!" I exclaimed after I knew it!

"No!" He immediately turned back, I stood up, shook my hand and pointed to him: "it's not! You say the light God is lustful

Yan's face turned red and purple, and he stroked his forehead awkwardly: "who made your first wound near your neck? Your blood is so fragrant, I can't help it..."

I blinked and blushed, remembering that he broke the commandment for the first time because I was cut off Blood is coming out And he really ate dog blood for countless years, and never touched human blood. On that day, I was so bloody in front of him that he couldn't hold it, so it's no wonder

"Since for the first time Suck that position... " He continued to caress his forehead, and his tone also showed that he was wronged, "Oh I'm a dedicated person So, I want to be specific to that position... "

I'll go to your sister's, who is still dedicated to the position! , the fastest update of the webnovel!