Medical Return

87 87. Friends (3)

The phone rang and the chief of emergency surgery got a call.

Uh, Jin-hyun Kim? What's going on?

“This is an emergency patient. ”

What do you mean by that?

“It's an aortic aneurysm rupture. Shock is very bad just before the Arrest. I think you should come right now. ”


Beyond the phone, I heard moaning. At this point, the worst patient is here.

Wait a minute. I'll talk to the professor and I'll be right there.

Aortic rupture is the most difficult operation in the surgical field.

The chief or general surgeon cannot be touched and must require a professor-class surgeon with a high level of surgical technique in the field of blood vessels.

At least one good thing is that Professor Kim Soo-hyun, who is on call today, is now an expert on the vascular part.

Jinhyun cried out to emergency medicine doctors.

“I'm going into surgery right now. I'll be in the O.R., so grab a Vital. ”

Soon after, a call came in.

Dr. Jin-hyun Kim?


But the voice is strange.

Very difficult…….

We... I don't think we can go right now.

“Yes?! ”

Jinhyun shouted unknowingly.

Does that make any sense?!

Like a mosquito, I heard a small voice over the phone.

There is a situation where I can go now…….



The chief swallowed his saliva over the phone. It was a voice I didn't know what to say.

I'm glad you're drunk.

“Yes? What does that mean? ”

The professor is a little drunk....

Jinhyun opened his mouth.

The professor on call for emergency surgery? Does this make any sense?

I didn't want to drink either... The director is encouraging me to continue drinking because of the success of the National Book project you were working on this time. I keep drinking one or two drinks, so now... haha. So if you have a really urgent patient, tell them to send them to the Christian hospital next door.

Jinhyun said urgently.

“The patient's condition is too bad. This is not the situation to send power. ”

So, damn it, the director doesn't usually recommend alcohol, so why are you following him today? Maybe a simple surgery like cholecystitis or appendicitis, like an aortic rupture, if you don't go, it won't mean anything to us.

“If not, isn't there another professor at the Vascular Parts you can come to? ”

It's a big ceremony right now, so all the professors who are not on call are drunk... I'll find out more and give you a call.

Then the phone was cut off, and Jinhyun grabbed his fist.

Why did the director force the on-call professor to drink? What the hell?

‘Are you trying to put me in trouble on purpose? ’

I don't think it's so absurd, but I had a conversation with Professor Yoon Young, who talked about the director's affairs a while ago.

‘If... you really do this to put me in trouble... I will never forgive you. ’

Anger has risen, but now is not the time to be angry.

First, I had to save Kim Chul-woo's father's life. Even a little delay is irreversible.

‘What do we do? The professor has to come. ’

You can't just profess. The professor of the Vascular Part must come unconditionally.

That way, you can use your hands to repair 90% of the aortic rupture.

‘In addition to the on-call professors, the Vascular Parts professors spent a total of two minutes. But the professors are all drunk by now.... ’

Jinhyun waited for the chief's call with a burning heart.


Soon the bell rang again, and Jinhyun was urgently called.

“Yes, this is Kim Jin-hyun. ”

But the outcome of the phone call was the same.

The other two vasectomy professors were not all drunk and able to go.

As long as it's like this... I think we should power up to the next Christian hospital somehow. I'll call Christian Hospital Surgery for a while.

“But... I don't think so…. ”

Jinhyun bites his lips.

In a typical case, it is correct to send power.

In fact, it is more common than expected to be unable to perform surgery due to multiple circumstances at the site of care, and then transfer to a nearby hospital.

No matter how urgent the patient may be, most of the time they can be transported.

But the patient... was different in the case of Chul-woo father.

If we don't operate right now... No, we can't guarantee life even if we do.

Then a doctor in the resuscitation room called him.

“Teacher Jin-hyun Kim! Come over here quickly! BP's dropping! ”

“ ……! ”

In a hurry, the emergency medical doctors rushed in and grabbed the vital.

“Hello, Dr. Jin-hyun Kim. I think I'm going to be Arrest soon..... ”

Then a doctor showed me the results of the blood test.

Mass transfusion to level one is underway, but the readings are worse.

The emergency medical doctor asked me if I had heard the call.

“Do you have any problems with the surgery? I think we need to proceed with the surgery right now.... ”

Jinhyun grabbed his fist again.

‘Dammit. If this is really... really the director and the idealist, if you guys can handle it... I'll never leave you alone. Never!’

His fist whitened with rage.

But Jinhyun barely suppressed the feeling of bursting.

There was nothing more urgent than Kim Chul-woo's father's life now.

Even if I was angry, I had to save a friend's father's life.

‘I will save you unconditionally. I'll make sure he's alive. I don't know if this really happened because of you! ’

If the professor couldn't come, there was only one way left.

“The surgery will begin right now. ”

“Right? I heard they all went out to the ceremony... Are you on the surgical team? ”

“The surgical team is not coming. ”

“Yes?! So what?”

Kim Jin-hyun is the only surgeon in the hospital.

But how?

“I'll do it. ”


The Emergency Medicine Physician was appalled.

Even if Jinhyun is a genius, he is ridiculous.

But I didn't have time to explain.

“I'll explain to the caregiver right away, so please contact the anesthesiologist to get the patient to the O.R. ”

Then I called Yellow Moon Jin.

“Moon Jin, did you go to the ceremony? ”

I'm going out now. Why?

Jin Hyeon sighed with relief.

“Don't go to the dining room. Get dressed for surgery right now. ”

Huh? What do you mean?

“Kim Chul-woo's father came to the emergency room. I need surgery right now, but I don't have a hand. Help me.”

.. Ah, I got it! I'll be right there!

Then Jinhyun approached Kim Chul-woo.

Kim Chul-woo was crying without saying a word.


“Jin-hyun? Can you live with my father? Huh?”

Kim Chul-woo eagerly looked at Jinhyun.

Jinhyun also shook her heart in her friend's tears.

But I tried to stay as calm as I could.

If the doctor shakes, he loses the patient.

“You've already heard the explanation, but your father is an aneurysm rupture. ”

“ ……. ”

“We need to operate right now. ”

“... can you live with surgery? ”

Jinhyun closed his eyes.

Kim Chul-woo's father was in worse shape than a normal aneurysm rupture.

He opens his mouth slowly.

It was a cruel explanation.

“If you don't do the surgery, you go back to 100%... and if you do the surgery, you can live about 10%. ”

“ ……! ”

It meant he was almost dead.

Kim Chul-woo's black eyes shed tears endlessly.

Jinhyun also assumed his heart because he had lost his father in his previous life.

My heart ached.


“... Huh? ”

“Statistically, yes. By the way... By the way... I'll save you. Be sure. Be sure. ”

“ ……! ”

Kim Chul-woo's eyes shook.

Jinhyun was evil at it.

Yes, statistics like numeracy are meaningless.

The important thing was whether Kim Chul-woo's father was dead or alive.

I will save you. I will save you.

“I will surely save your father. I'll take care of it.”

Kim Chul-woo burst into tears.

“Boo, please..... ”

There was nothing else I could say.

* * *

At that time, Lee Jong-gyun, the director, was drinking the Royal Salute that Min's secretary had brought from Itaewon's finest high palace.

“You look good, Director. ”

Several professors came to see him and gave him good words to listen to.

“It feels good. I think I'm going to lose someone who's sick. ”

“Well, did you have a patient? I guess I'll have to scold the chief of our dental hospital. Director, I don't care. ”

Heteromyopia laughed.

The one he had was Kim Jin-hyun.

‘It's so rare for an aortic rupture to come to the E.R. a few times a year, I can't believe I came to the E.R. today. ’

He looks at the on-call professor who is red drunk in one corner of the drink.

In fact, even a xenograft would come with a severe aortic rupture today and not authorize the on-call professor to drink. When the right patient comes, he tries to induce a mistake by groaning alone... The aortic rupture patient comes.

‘I've got a patient who's too heavy. It's going to be cumbersome to deal with... But this time, I'll make sure it's settled. ’

Of course, if the patient went wrong because of the on-call professor's dinner, it was not Kim Jin-hyun's responsibility, but the surgical team's solidarity responsibility.

In fact, there is nothing that Kim Jin-hyun will be responsible for. As an emergency room on-call resident, I completed primary care, but the professor didn't make it.

‘But if Kim Jin-hyun touches the patient quickly, the story won't change. ’

Heteromyopia inhaled alcohol.

‘Kim Jin-hyun won't stand still. I'll use the dragon to save a patient. Recklessly.’

Lee Jong-Geun thought that Kim Jin-hyun would use something reckless.

He tried to operate on the plane.

I once operated on Kim Jong-hyun White's intestinal hemorrhage alone.

He's unimaginable, so he's never going to let go of his hand.

And that was what the xenografts were after.

‘Aortic rupture is different from simple bowel bleeding. Serious disease with close to 90% mortality, even if operated on by a vascular surgeon. There's no way Kim Jin-hyun can cure a monster. ’

And what if Kim Jin-hyun tries to operate alone and the patient dies?

At that time, you can cover 100% of the liability.

‘No wonder Kim Jin-hyun won't succeed in the surgery. ’

The director did not keep in mind the possibility that Jinhyun would succeed in the surgery.

Even a flying and crawling genius could not save a patient with an aortic rupture unless he was a professor of vascular surgery.


The royal salute passed like honey.

“Well, you've been working hard for a year, and everybody's having a drink. ”

In the words of the director, a number of surgeons took the cup together.

However, the drunken xenophobic was unaware of one thing.

The fact that someone's not at the bar.

* * *

He was in a hurry to get ready for surgery.

‘I wish I could do an EVAR that lowers mortality. It's not a situation, it's anatomically challenging. There's only one answer to that. ’

“Ji, Jinhyun? What is this?”

Soon after arriving, Yellow Moon Jin asked in a trembling voice.

“It's an aortic aneurysm rupture. ”

“We both operate on it? ”

“Because of the circumcision, the surgical team can't come right now. It's just the two of us. ”

“Ha, but..... ”

Yellow Moon Jin swallowed her saliva.

Aortic aneurysm rupture is much more likely to die even if operated on by a surgeon specializing in blood vessels.

You want me to do that for two people in a year?

Jinhyun looked at the door with deep eyes.

“Moon Jin.”


“If you don't, you're dead. It's Kim Chul-woo's father. He must be saved. Trust me, we can both save lives. No, I'll save your life. Follow me. ”

The yellow-eyed voice shook her eyes.


No matter how genius you are, simple surgery is different from the previous aortic aneurysm rupture.

The voice rises to the end of the vocal cord, but the doorbell shakes its head.

I can't do anything about my friend's father dying.

“Well, yeah. Jin-hyun will only trust you... Woo, let's do this. ”

“Thank you.”

But the only thing I was worried about was the yellowfin.

The anesthesiologist who finished the anesthesia said worryingly.

“Anesthesia is over. Surgeon, are you sure you want to proceed? It's too bad... No matter how much you are called a monster, Kim Jin-hyun... ”

The anesthesiologist was an old male professor.

Emergency surgery in this time zone was unusual, given that residents were mostly responsible for it.

‘Cause it's that bad. ’

Jinhyun laughed bitterly.

The task of intraoperative anesthesia is not only to relieve anesthesia, but also to save lives by capturing the patient's vitals.

However, the patient's condition is so bad that the anesthesiologist came directly to the O.R.

“Yes, we will proceed to surgery immediately. ”

(Continued on next page)