Medical Return

74 74. New Resident (1)

The son of the director of Daejeon Hospital has also been accepted for surgery.

Jin-hyun is so famous that he also has a very good reputation.

Excellent skills, lost looks, good attitude... It's strange if you don't have a good reputation.

“Surgical acceptance? Congratulations. You're going to have a great time. ”

I congratulated him on his work at the Department.

The idealist was greeted with a smile.

“Yes, thank you. ”

“I'm going to have a hard time. ”

“I'm afraid I can do well. ”

“Well, you're so good at everything. I'll be good at surgery.Well done. ”

“Thank you.”

An idealist who heard the virtues asked his doctor to do the work again.

“Sir. I'm sorry, can I go somewhere for a second? ”

“Uh, come on. We have some time. ”

Above the scene, the passenger descended in an elevator.

Where he arrived was the executive meeting room located deep down on the fourth floor of the basement.

A man had already arrived and was waiting for him.

“Are you here?”

The middle-aged man greeted the ideal.

“Long time no see, Chief Planning Officer. ”


A middle-aged man, Song Byung-soo, a key skilled man and head of planning at Daejeon Hospital, lowered his head.

“There must have been a bit of a crowd, but thank you for this. ”

“No, it was a simple manipulation anyway. ”

The idealist smiled deeply.

“Is there anything else you need? Just tell me.”

Song Byung-soon said in an overly polite manner.


Above all, Lee Jong-myung's protégé will be the successor to Daejeon Hospital at a faster pace in the future, thus offering his loyalty beforehand.

“Especially... it's okay now. ”


“What about the hospital board? ”

“That is……. ”

Soldiers hesitated.

“It's okay. Tell me. ”


It was a heavy voice.

A board of directors made up of members of the face-to-face group family was hostile to the ideals.

Even more so these days....

“Lee Hye-mi is particularly hostile. ”

“Hmm……. ”

Above all, he laughed.

Lee Hye-mi was a member of the board of directors of the Great Hospital, unlike his secretary.

That, too, is a matter of considerable authority.

“You don't have to care about that. Especially Lee Hye-mi, my good brother. ”

He said in a strange voice.

Thereafter, a veil flowed between the two.

The soldier hesitated to open his mouth carefully to see if the silence was uncomfortable.

“Can I ask you one question? ”

“What is it?”

“Why did you ask Kim Jin-hyun to come as a surgeon.... ”

Soldiers did not know the intentions of the Aboriginal people.

Kim Jin-hyun is a very famous person in the hospital and will inevitably compete with ideals when he majors in surgery.

Lee Jin-hyun has excellent skills and talents, but his mouth won't shut when he looks at what Kim Jin-hyun has done so far.

It was a really extra-specific monster.

‘If you get pushed out of the competition, the board will pick you up again. I'd rather not send it to dermatology or reject it. Why?'

A smile on the face of the anomalous disappeared.

After the absence of the same smile as the mask, the soldier was flattered by the cold expression.

“Do you want to know why I brought my friend Kim Jin-hyun to surgery? ”

“ ……. ”

“Have you ever lost to anyone in 11 years? ”

Soldiers didn't answer.

Aboriginal peoples did not provide any further explanation.

“I'm sorry I didn't ask. ”

“No, you'll be busy, but stop going. ”


The Chief Planning Officer greeted him with a slight greeting and disappeared.

The rest of the Aboriginal people lit cigarettes.

“Phew... Why did you bring Kim Jin-hyun? It's simple.”

To ruin it.

Smile again at the mouth of the Aboriginal people.

I never beat him after meeting Kim Jin-hyun. I always lose.

But after 11 years of repetition, I had one goal in my life.

“I will definitely win. ”

He said Nazi.

“With any number. It must be.”

So I will desperately trample him and crush him to the ground.

“But Kim Jin-hyun, if you go to dermatology, I won't have a chance to beat you forever, right? Huh? We have to crush it and trample it. If you run away somewhere else, it's treason. Don't you think?”

His smile darkened.

Afterwards, the intern's life quickly stopped.

Just before entering the residence in February, Professor Steel left for the United States as an exchange professor.

“Be careful where you go. ”

Jinhyun evacuated Kang Min-cheol from the airport.

“I'm busy. What brings you out like this? Get in there and get to work. ”

“It's off.”

It's the weekend anyway, and I always take care of myself, so I can do as much as I want.

Unlike Kang Min Rail's words, it was not an offensive color.

“Yes, I'm learning well while I'm gone. I'll roll you to death when you get back. ”

Jinhyun laughed.

“Yes, professor, be healthy. Be especially careful with alcohol and tobacco. ”

Steelmill did not reduce alcohol or tobacco even after myocardial infarction.

It's a high risk of recurrence.

“Don't worry, I'm going to rest anyway. There's nothing to do if you go to the exchange professor. ”

Kang Min-cheol Hospital is St. Joseph's Hospital.

Along with Massachusetts General (Harvard), Mayo, MD and Johns Hopkins, it is one of the top hospitals in the United States.

Tail Hospital Surgery had a contract with St. Joseph's Hospital to send regular exchange professors to each other.

The deadline is one year.

Steelmill will be back in a year.

“You should go to the exchange professor later. ”

Jinhyun laughed awkwardly.

“Then I'll be there in a minute, so study hard. ”

Kang Min-cheol looked at Hyun with his eyes full.

It's a year. It goes in a blink of an eye.

‘When you come and go, you must teach well. ’

Jinhyun thought Kang Min-cheol was a 'genius’ in short.

That's one of the geniuses.

However, no matter how great the stone is, it needs to be trimmed.

Steel Minstel was willing to become a stone trimmer.

‘Just a little while. ’

He got on the plane thinking so.

However, Kang Min-cheol was unimaginable until the plane left Korea.

In that short year, how Jinhyun will be in the Great Hospital.

I never really imagined it.

I really do.

* * *

And before the internship was over, something like this happened.

Huangmunjin confessed to Hyemi.

“Joe, I love it. Hye-mi..... ”

In a stream of ammunition flowing near the hospital, the yellowish maggots reddened their faces and said:

“Uh, uh... yeah. ”

Comedy stuttered.

It is not the first time that I receive a confession from someone else. No, there have been countless since I was a student.

I don't know how many times I've been interned.

But her answer has always been the same for seven years.

“I'm sorry, I..... ”

But the Yellow Moon quickly intercepted her answer.

“Oh, I know! You don't have to tell me.”

“ ……. ”

“You like Jinhyun, don't you? ”

“… yes. ”

She nods in regret.

Huangmunjin sighed and scratched his head.

“Of course I do. I think you like Jinhyun... But I wanted to confess. I will not see you as often as I do now when my internship is over. I have regrets. ”

He smiled brightly.

“Never mind that I confessed. ”

“... Yes, sorry. ”

“Let's continue to be friendly without any inconvenience. Okay?”

Comedy's eyes shook.

“But are you gonna be okay? ”

She's been trying for seven years, and she knows the pain.

Being close to a loved one is just as painful as being tortured.

Knowing the pain, she tried to distance herself from the confessor, preferably.

Hope torture is really bad.

‘So Jin-hyun is bad. ’

I don't know why I came to that conclusion.

Anyway, Jinhyun was bad.

“Then I'll go first. Let's have a drink next time. With your favorite soju. ”

“… yes. ”

Yellow Moon Jin turns his back first.

He sighs as he walks.

"Jin-hyun Kim, you bastard. ’

Best friends, no two.

This time he was bad.

‘If I'm going to go out with Nurse Yeon-hee, I'm going to go out. Why didn't you let him go? ’

I don't know what Kim Jin-hyun thinks.

I'm sure I'm riding with Lee Yeon-hee but I'm not dating her.

"Can you not do this without noticing? No matter how good you are. ’

Hwang Munjin cursed Kim Jin-hyun with his insides.

‘I don't know. You should drink. I have to shoot Kim Jin-hyun. ’

Hwang Mun-jin decided to get a lot from Kim Jin-hyun.

It's the wrong day for him.

And after the internship, resident life began.

* * *

Thinking about it, out of the four best friends in high school, all of Kim Jin-hyun, Lee Myeongmin, and Hwang Mun-jin, except Il-jin Kim, went to Daejeon Hospital for surgery.

It couldn't have been great in so many ways.

Don't worry if I get hurt while I'm working as a detective.

Kim Chul-woo, who passed the police exam and worked as a rookie detective, was keyed over the phone.

Everybody be nice. I'm going to play next time.

But unlike what he said, the three of them were not close.

It was precisely a matter of ideals.

“Jinhyun, let's keep going. ”

Yeongmin smiled and asked Jinhyun to shake his hand.

“Uh, yeah. Let's be good.”

Jinhyun frowned as he was greeted.

‘Something's wrong. ’

I didn't fight specifically, but when I met him, I had a good conversation with him... I felt something strange.

I feel like I'm hiding something in a secret.

‘Is it just a feeling……. ’

Other than that, surgical life was not particularly problematic. No, it was good to be precise.

I tried it all once anyway, so there was no need to adjust, and the atmosphere was warm for the teachers above.

“Jinhyun, this is the first time, isn't it? ”

A senior car resident in the same part, Kang Seok-hoon, warmly asked.

“It's all hard at first. I want to be strong.”

“It's okay.”

“I'm comfortable with you, though. ”

Different hospitals, different curricula, but usually underneath the professor, there is a team of junior and senior car residents.

The old car resident does bad things, and the old car resident covers things that the old car resident can't do.

Therefore, if the senior car resident is good at his job, the senior car resident can have a honey-like time.

‘This prick. ’

Senior resident Kang Seok-hoon looked at Hyun as if he were looking at a treasure.

Having teamed up with Jinhyun, he had nothing to do with it.

From the time of my internship, I knew a fever when I taught one like the one rumored to be a monster.

Moreover, the attitude was very humble and kind to the patients.

If you give me a compliment,

“No, it's all thanks to what you've learned. ”

I humbled myself in this way.

Thanks to this, other senior car residents looked at Kang Seok-hoon with jealous eyes.

Because they are sweating and struggling with another new resident's car for a year.

“I'm jealous. The resident under me really doesn't know anything. ”

“It's usually the first car in a year, right? Kim Jin-hyun is a great guy. ”

So the university hospitals say, in April, we need to avoid the practice.

This is because the junior car resident responsible for the core axis of care is immature.

“I don't know anything about the resident down there. I have to do everything by myself. I feel like I've been back in my car for a year. It's hard to die.”

Therefore, other senior car residents protested to Kang Seok-hoon, a team that was engaged with Jin.

“Hey, let's take Kim Jin-hyun and not just you. ”

“No. This month is mine. ”

“Where is it? You're not going to do anything this whole month? ”

“Ahem, it's hard to play. I have my own grievance. ”

“Grievance is a bitch. I lie down all the time and just sleep. I want you to get a salary. Do your job! ”

“You don't know the team? Kim Jin-hyun works, so I work. ”

That's how the senior residents fought the capitulation.

(Continued on next page)