Medical Return

63 63. Tough (? (5) Dermatology (6)

“You stay put! ”

“You stay put! ”

Professor Steel and Professor Jung Young-tae shouted at the same time.

It feels like something has entered into a pride battle between them, not a matter of progress now.


Jinhyun laughed.

The heavenly professors let me go and fought like this.

The dermatologist bounced himself because of the royalty.

Suddenly my heart stabilized and my chest calmed down.

Yeah, how about a bounce from dermatology?

With a quiet mind, he decided his way.

“Stop fighting. I decided to apply for a curriculum. ”

At that time, everyone looked at Jinhyeon's mouth.

Professor Steel asked me to confirm that it is natural.


Professor Mae Won carefully asked, noticing the steel mill.

“Of course... Doctor, Jinhyun? ”

Jinhyun smiled a little.

And he replied.


* * *

After that, I don't know how things ended.

No, I didn't want to think.

Only one, I remembered Professor Maxwon asking in a trembling voice.

“Blood, dermatology? But Professor Min, the head of dermatology.. This time.. ”

He was a junior professor of dermatology and a member of the Minseok-type club. He seems to have heard about the situation in advance.

Jinhyun nodded.

“Yes, I know. I could write it down. ”

“So what?”

“I'll still use it. I'll drill into it with any skill, whether it's loyalty or not. ”

“ ……! ”

Yeah, whether it's royalty or the Beast, what does it matter? I've been hoping for 10 years.

In principle, there was no way to unconditionally label him the professor's son.

because the selection method is scored.

Therefore, when parachuting, the royalty interview score gives the lowest score out of 10 and the interview score of the other candidates.

So it's going to make the sum of the total points the number one.

But Jinhyun made a commitment.

‘I'll get an overwhelming test score that I can stick to at the bakery for an interview. ’

It is almost impossible, of course.

But it wasn't impossible.

On the exam, the resident selection examination scores 100 out of every year, with about 85 points at the time of translation occupying the head of each hospital.

The average is about 65 points.

If you take the test close to a full score, you can also take the interview at the bakery.

It doesn't matter whether it's Royal or Beast.

‘I can do it. I'll do it unconditionally. I'll cut myself. ’

So far, I've come up here maliciously for 10 years.

I can't give up even if I'm sorry for the effort.

Royal? Beast Master? I don't need it all. So far I've only come up with two hands. I will definitely do it. ’

Jinhyun thought firmly.

* * *

After leaving the chaotic professor's conference room and returning to Pathology, Jinhyun hurriedly finished his work and returned to the basement.

I did a lot this morning, and it didn't take long because the intern was a pathologist who didn't have much to do.

‘We have to study.’

Not just the head of the national team, but the head of the national team.

That was also the case on the test with an average senior score of 85.

‘It's possible. No, I'll make it possible. ’

To enter the listing, I had to go through the intern's lounge to open the door and enter the lounge first.

No one was there because it was time to work.

Except for one.

An abnormal citizen was sitting in the break room.

“Jin-hyun. Hello."

Lee Myeong-min smiled and was struck.

Jinhyun frowned.

“What are you doing? ”


“What are you drinking? ”

“Oh, this? ”

The anomaly shook his hand. The beer in the can sounded sweet.

“Drinks on the job. It's worse than drinking. Put it away.”

Jinhyun said in a refined manner.

I can't believe you drank during the day.

I've never seen it before in my entire life.

No matter how oblivious the doctor is.

The idealist shrugs.

“Well, it's a can. I have my liquor, and I'm not this drunk. And it's almost done. ”

This guy has more than five bottles of soju, so a can of beer won't tease him, but he shouldn't.

“Not at all. Put it away.”

“Yee, yee. ”

Above all, the citizen replied jokingly and threw away the can.

After seeing that, Jinhyun tried to enter the house. But the anomaly caught him.

“Wait, Jinhyun. Let's talk. ”

“What story? ”

“Have a seat.”

Jinhyun sat in the chair with a suspicious face.

“What's the story? ”

“I just... I'm glad you're doing well. He's a friend of ours, and he used to talk about it a long time ago. ”

I don't think so. I never talked to the Aboriginal people after the surgery.

“Well, it's just me. How are you? ”

“Yeah, me too. ”

After that, the two of them made a fuss.

But Jinhyun felt strange.

I don't think you just called me to tell you this.

“Do you really have anything special to say? ”

Yeongmin said with a gentle smile.



“Why did you tell the doctor? ”

Jin-hyun laughed.

“Did you catch that? Like I said last time, I'm trying to make money. ”

“Yes, it was... it was. ”

The idealist nods slowly and savors.

Jinhyun nodded.

What's wrong with him?

“Why? I don't have as much money as you do, but it's natural for me to make money. ”



Above all, he smiled darkly. So it's as dark as it was when you killed the previous pets.

“If I give you 10 billion, will you stop being a doctor? ”

“What?" ”

Jinhyun denied that he heard it wrong.

But I didn't hear it wrong.

“I'll give you 10 billion. I'll tell you what. Then will you stop being a doctor? ”

“ ……! ”

Jinhyun's face hardened.

“Are you drunk in a can of beer? Stop and go in and sigh. ”

“You mean it?”

Jinhyun burst into laughter.

“Haha... Thank you. 10 billion... 10 billion... ”

I muttered and suddenly grabbed the collar of the Warak Above.

“ ……! ”

Jinhyun said low.

“Hey, you bastard. If you're drunk, just go in and get some sleep. Don't make him healthy. That's it if you're rich? Do I look like a jerk?! Huh?!”

The smiles of the ideal disappeared.

Jinhyun took a deep breath and calmed his chest.

“Yes, I like money. But I don't like being begged by a son of a bitch like you! You think you're drunk, and I'll only see you once, so be careful next time. The next time I do this, I don't end with words. ”

Jinhyun, who was rough-necked, disappeared into the house as if he didn't want to see her.

Yingmin smiled again, looking at his back.

“Jin-hyun Kim... you really... ”

But it was then.

I heard a cold voice on the other side of the partitioned break room.

“Why Kim Jin-hyun? ”

It was comedy.

She walks out of the other side with a hardened face.

I wondered if I had just taken a shower.

“Oh, did this happen? Since when?”

“From the beginning.”

“Ah, what a coincidence. The power of love is great. ”

Hye-mi laughed at the clown-like tone.

“Well, maybe the power of love is great. I like Jin-hyun a lot. But brother, no, Yi Min. ”

She said coldly.

It was usually a cold voice that I could not imagine at all.

“I'll warn you one thing. ”

“What? My brother. ”

“Don't touch Jinhyun. ”

“ ……! ”

At the end of the day, the smiles of the Aboriginal people disappeared.

But that too, for a moment, he asked again with a relaxing smile.

“I don't know what you're talking about. ”

“Don't you know? You know? I'll tell you one thing. Don't touch Jin-hyun. I clearly warned you.”

“What if I don't?”

Hye-mi coldly said to the smiles of the elderly.

“I'll bury you. ”

“ ……! ”

“Unlike you, I am the enemy of the family. You don't think you have the strength to do that? If you don't want to get kicked out, be careful. ”

The eyebrows of the abnormal people were shaken. However, I did not lose my free time.

“You don't want him? ”

“Ah.. Father? The guy with the conjunctivitis, the domestic violence, the mean woman? Of course, in this one-on-one hospital, the man's influence is absolute. But in the whole group, in the family? You think that good father can protect you? ”

The face of the anomaly has completely hardened.

Comedy bites his lips and says,

“And, Master Brother. ”

“ ……!! ”

“I know it was you. You don't know? I just hold on because I don't have any clear evidence. ”

“... I don't know what you're talking about. ”

“Don't you know? Yeah, I don't know. Wait. I will never forgive you. ”

The silence that seemed to end with the words fell.

Above all, he wrapped his face around his hands and laughed.

“Yes, yes. My brother is more attractive than I thought. ”

“ ……. ”

“But... you know what? ”

And the anomaly suddenly approached her.

After feeling ominous, she hurriedly retreated.

“... don't come any closer! ”

“Be quiet. ”

She steps back but touches the wall.


Above, Lee Minh sits on a wall that prevents her from fleeing with one arm.

“You……! ”

The moment she tried to scream, a cold touch touched her neck.

It was a small blade with only one nail.

Above all, Najib laughed.

“Be quiet. ”

“ ……! ”

He moves the blade like a prank.

Peek. White slaughter splits and blood flows.

Her eyes shook.

Anonymous people said in a soft voice.

“You know you're a doctor, right? Here's the carotid artery. If I give you more strength, you're dead. So be quiet. My brother, are you listening to me? Huh?”

Then he gave it more power.

Bloop. The bay of flesh and blood continued to flow with sharp pain, soaking the white clothes of the comet.

“Oh, my God, I've got more power. What if I cut the carotid artery across the skin because I did this wrong? Not necessarily, my brother's skin is thin. Huh?”

Comedy's face was terrified. Her eyes soaked in tears.

“Brother, don't cry. Huh?”

The eyes of the anomalous flourished, and comedy trembled with horror and creep.

“So why did you do it? Huh? Kim Jin-hyun is my only friend so far.. But you are nothing to me but the blood of Lee Jong-myung, the son of a bitch? ”

And he faced the eyes of a frightened comet.

Unlike his soft smile, his eyes were extremely cold.

“Huh? You want to die? ”

Comedy trembled and replied.

“... yes. ”


She cries out in tears with fear and anger.

“Yes, you son of a bitch! I'd rather kill him! If you don't kill me now, one day I'll put you in hell! If you don't want to regret it, kill it now!!! ”

Then she cried.

I'm tired of everything.

Born into this demonic family, knowing your brother's enemies, doing nothing, not being loved by anyone.

I'd rather die because I'm sick of them all.

The expression disappeared from the face of the ideals.

“That's not funny.”

He fell from her.

“Watch your step forward. ”

Then he was thrown into the air with a bloody blade, and he disappeared from the rest room.

The rest of her body suddenly releases her strength and sits on the floor.

“Ha, ha. ”

She burst into laughter. Tears gushed out of my eyes.

“Huff, huff, huff. ”

She covers her mouth so that the cry does not leak out.

“Oops, oops. ”

I was really tired of everything.

Enough to want to die.

(Continued on next page)