Medical Return

114 114. Dr. Kim of Korea (1)

I thought she was a comedian and saw her phone with a nice face. It was written in Korean.

[Do you want to go on a date when it's time?]

“ ……! ”

What are you talking about?

I was surprised to see the text in detail, so the caller was different.

It was Amy.

She texted in Korean with consideration for her lonely time.

* * *

I bought it in the same building anyway, so I could meet you soon.

“It's getting a lot colder. My room is a rooftop, so it's cold. Is Mr. Kim's house okay? ”

Amy's house was the top of the same building, the penthouse. But you call the penthouse a rooftop, don't you?

“My house is fine. ”

“Yeah? That's a good thing. So can I take you to Mr. Kim's room when it's cold? ”

“ ……. ”

No, that's a little.....

In any case, the two of them walked to Uptown with such chatter.

“Living in Manhattan, you didn't see anything around you, did you? Have you ever been to the Guggenheim Museum? ”

“What is it? ”

It was Jinhyun who had never come to the United States and went to the Statue of Liberty.

“The Empire State Building? What about Time Square, Soho? ”

“… I saw Central Park. ”

St. Joseph was right next to Central Park.

Of course, I just looked at it from the side and never went in.

Amy shakes her head like she can't.

“Mr. Kim. ”


“You can't just do that. I'm gonna die of stress. ”

She then gestured her throat with her hand.

I felt so real when I did it with a faceless face.

“I can't. ”

Then Amy grabbed Jinhyun's hand.

Unlike the cold impression, the warm body temperature was passed on to Jinhyun's hands, and he panicked.

“Now, wait……. ”

“Come here. I'm going to take you on a tour of the Manhattan properties today. ”

“Cow, hands are……. ”

“Come quickly! ”

* * *

In any case, Jinhyun was able to have a good time thanks to Amy.

Lower Manhattan, Times Square, Soho, Roosevelt Island… Overseas travel has been enough for Jinhyun, who has never really traveled domestically.

“Was it okay?”

“Yes, thank you very much. ”

The last course of the sightseeing was the Michelin-starred French restaurant west of Manhattan.

Jinhyun, who had eaten all day at a very expensive restaurant, said.

“I'll pay for this. ”

“No, I'll live all today. ”

“But……. ”

“Thanks to Mr. Kim, I got a huge bonus from the company. It's a reward.”

The project with Haines was all done through Amy. Thanks to what was called the Kim of Midas, Amy continued to work in the company.

“But..... ”

“If you're uncomfortable, please buy next time. I wish I could see Mr. Kim one more time with a fucking excuse. ”

“ ……. ”

When Jin-hyun shut her mouth, Amy laughed.

“I'm joking.”

Are you kidding me?

Soon a well-dressed waiter served the finest dishes.

“Does the food taste right? ”

“It's okay.”

In fact, Michelin 3 stars and anything else resembled Jinhyun's rustic taste.

I want to eat threesome stew... but I can't order it.....

He sliced the beef, steak into his mouth, as he regretted.

Amy pulls something out of the bag on the face of Jinhyun, who deserves something.

Jin Hyun's eyes widened when he saw it.


Transparent liquid in a green bottle.

It was Soju!

“Eat with this. ”

“No, how did you do that? ”

“You sold it here in Koreatown in central Manhattan? Why, no? Shall we just stick it in?”

“No, good! ”

Jinhyun said in a hurry.

It was a harmful combination of soju and French food, but it was the best gift for soothing the perfume of Jin.

“Khh. That's good. ”

Jinhyun, who drank a glass of soju at one point of the steak, was happy for just a moment.

Restaurant staff at Michelin 3-star did not like to drink soju, but Amy was a VIP customer so she couldn't paper.

I ordered more beef dishes and steaks that Jinhyun likes and I drank soju because I live in Korea.

“Thank you.”

“What is it?”

“I know you care a lot about me in case I'm lonely. ”

Today's outing is all Amy cares about. Thanks to you, I went to a lot of loneliness.

“What? You're flirting with this. ”

Jin Hyeon laughed at her jokes and drank a glass....

Suddenly, a disturbing sound rang outside the store.

Boong! Kaeng!

It was the sound of cars colliding.

And the other black cars ignored the signal and ran at high speed…….

Bang! Bang!

Jinhyun was surprised. It was a gunshot!


Amy, on the other hand, seemed calm, even though she was familiar with the situation.

“It's a mafia.”


“It must be the Clancy family in Manhattan. They said it was noisy inside, so I guess they cleaned up the organizers with the hemisphere. ”

What kind of movie is this?

“Is the mafia talking about that mafia? ”

“Yeah, New York has one of the best mafias in the United States, the Clancy family. Ten years ago, because of the friction with the authorities, it was mostly legitimate business like private debt, pornography, casino, but it's been a little noisy again for years. ”

Throughout the world, there are violent groups with a deep history and tradition.

Yakuza in Japan, Yamaguchigumi in China, the Chilean Trinity Society, and the Sicilian family in Italy are such traditional violent organizations, and the Clancy family was one of them.

“Mary, the new godfather, has a rough way of treating organizers with half-life. Well, don't worry too much. It's the Clancy family's principle that people never touch each other. ”

The moderate and legitimate clansy family dominated the night in New York City, resulting in a lower crime rate, so nothing in New York City ever touched the clansy family.

“It's more like a normal company that deals with debentures, porn, casinos, prostitution, entertainment than shooting at each other sometimes. I don't deal drugs, I do stock listing. It wouldn't be a bad idea to buy a little, since Mary's been a loan shark? ”

Jinhyun put out his tongue.

No matter how much, what kind of company is that?! And buy the Mafia stock?

Moreover, there was something I didn't understand.

“Is Mary a woman? You're not a man, are you? ”

“Oh, Mary is a woman. That's also young. Oh, he's a cute and beautiful child, and he's a godfather of the mafia... No, he's a godmother. ”

It was a friendly tone.

“Do you know him? ”

“This is my brother from the old club. I was just a princess in the Clancy family who liked to play at the time. Oh, and you still look like a princess. ”

“ ……. ”

Jinhyun was more curious about Amy than about the fact that a young woman became a godfather to the Mafia.

‘How close is this woman to a person? ’

The Governor of New York, the CEO of Haines, the head of St. Joseph's Hospital... That's not enough. The chief of the Mafia is also a friend?

Anyway, she was a very unusual woman.

Then Amy put the steak in her mouth and said,

“Oh, by the way, Mr. Kim might have something to do with it. ”


No matter how much he falls back, he's the owner of a broken nose, but what does that have to do with the mafia?

“Mary's taste is a bit unique, and she likes Oriental men. That too, while having the same intellectual feeling as Mr. Kim, killed the Oriental Man of ”

“ ……. ”

Amy smiles and gives out a glass.

“So be careful. Especially tonight. You could get kidnapped. ”

What, this woman?

* * *

In any case, he was able to participate in the practice from the next day.

Hepatology division considering majoring in liver transplantation in Korea.

But Michael, who beat him up, was the same part.

“ ……. ”

In the ward, the two waited for the professor without saying a word.

The relationship between the two was as awkward as between a dog and a cat.

In particular, Michael had no feelings for his progress at all.

‘Dammit. Oriental monkey. ’

Of course, he admits his research skills. This guy was a surgeon chief called the Oriental Genius, a monster far beyond Dr. Jung.

‘But seeing a patient is different. Medicine in the Asian countryside. ’

The doctor is a doctor when he sees a patient.

‘Hm, no matter how good you do your research, you can't be a real doctor without your ability to see patients. ’

Michael, who somehow wanted to disparage his progress, thought he was in the house.

Soon a handsome blonde professor appeared in the ward in his early 40s.

It was David, a professor at Liver Parts.

“How long have you waited? Start Discussion? ”

“Yes, the first patient. Due for Moret surgery……. ”

Discussion cultures in Korea and elsewhere in the United States have undoubtedly also been applied to patient care.

Korea also has discussions with professors and residents. However, the direction is very vertical.

Even if the opinion of the diarrhoeal resident was correct, if the opinion was different from that of the professor, it was unconditional.

This was not just a matter of the physician society, but of the whole Korean society.

The person below cannot dispute the opinion of the superior. But America was different.

“Why is this patient unconscious? ”

“It looks like a hepatic coma. ”

“I have a low platelet count and I don't need to think about the possibility of bleeding. ”

“That's..... ”

There was no hesitation in commenting from the end resident to the chief.

If the professor thought it was the right opinion, he respected the opinion no matter how low the rank.

The most impressive thing is that I never accuse you of anything.

Incorrect encouragement, praise, and sound points were routine.

‘This is definitely a good thing. ’

Moreover, medical expenses were incredibly expensive and took a lot of time per patient.

It took me three hours to discuss five patients.

‘If it were Korea, I would have finished in 10 minutes. ’

Jin-hyun laughed.

Of course, there was a time-consuming aspect, which was not only good. It doesn't really matter, so we have a few dozen minutes to discuss it.

Professor David asked Jinhyun to summarize the contents of the 5th patient.

“Does Dr. Kim have any particular opinions? ”

David's eyes sparkled when he asked a question.

Jinhyun was now the most famous person in St. Joseph. With a miracle-like genius from the East.

‘Research skills are as good as Miracle's, but what about patient viewing skills? ’

David wondered.

I also heard expectations.

I heard rumors that I have performed quite well in Korea.

However, Jinhyun made no comment.

“I agree with other teachers. ”

There were not many difficult patients, and they were all as good as St. Joseph's doctors.

‘Well, we don't even need what we all know, but we don't need to step up and talk. ’

It was a personalized gesture that didn't like stepping out uselessly, but American doctors thought differently.

‘The research results are good, but the clinical skills are falling. ’

In particular, Michael openly looked pathetic.

"Hm, Eastern Monkey! ’

That's how the rounds ended.

After the rounds, a handsome, gently impressed young professor, David, called out to him.

“Dr. Kim? ”


“What are you doing tomorrow? ”

Professor David asked.

“Especially……. ”

“Then why don't you come into my O.R. tomorrow? I have a partial liver resection. ”

“ ……! ”

Jinhyun was a little surprised.

"Come into the O.R. sooner than you think. ’

Unlike South Korea, the United States was indifferent to surgical medical technology transfer.

There are a lot of lawsuits because of concerns about the problem of the premature performing surgery, and it was not easy to do First Assist until the resident was finished.

But in David's next words, he fell in love.

“Observe. ”

Observation. It means not participating in surgery, but simply observing.

It's a student thing in Korea.

David said in a friendly voice.

“If you observe enough later, I'll give you an Assist opportunity. ”

(Continued on next page)