Medical Return

101 101. Shuttle (1)

And a few days later.

I heard a knock, and the ward door opened.

“Ji, Jinhyun, are you okay? ”

Comedy comes in with a slightly red face.

Since that day, they have become lovers, but it has not been so awkward.

“Ugh, yeah. ”

Jinhyun also replied that it was awkward. I was embarrassed when I went out with a friend who was eating meat and drinking all the time.

You don't like it?

No way. Jinhyun felt strange feelings for the first time in his life.

The name of that emotion was the fullness of love.

Hye-mi was awkward and did not leave Jin Hyun's side.

In the same hospital anyway, I took my laptop and took care of everything next to Jin Hyun.

“Mother, what about Father? ”

“Oh, he went to the store for work. He'll be back tomorrow. ”

“I see.”

When I first heard the news of a car accident, my parents' shock could not be expressed in words.

For to them, Jin Hyeon, their son, was everything in life.

They cried as if the sky were going out with comedy and did not leave the side of Jinhyeon, but now Jinhyeon has stabilized and started to go to the store.

Thanks to that process, she was able to bang her daughter-in-law's eye stamp in less than three days.

“Aren't you ashamed of your daughter-in-law? ”

“Mo, I don't know. ”

He turned his head and sat beside Jin Hyun.

Jinhyun asked.

“Aren't you tired? I was on call yesterday. Did you get some sleep? ”

“I couldn't sleep. ”

“Not one?”

“Yes, because the patient is not well. ”

Jinhyun had his tongue full.

Medicine wasn't usually a problem either. No, he's got a heavy casualty. He's tougher on call than surgery.

“Lie down here for a while. ”

“By your side? ”

Looking at Jinhyun's bed, Hye-mi's face turned red like an apple.

“Yi, Jinhyun... That's... not yet... ”

Jin Hyeon quickly shook his hand to the misunderstanding.

“Oh, no. What are you thinking? It's a big bed here. Lie down for a second. ”

The infirmary, which is supported by the hospital, was very spacious.

“It's not really like that, is it? ”

“Yes! Absolutely not! ”

He took off his robe and lay down beside Jinhyun carefully. Lying beside him, I was nervous and comfortable.

Jinhyun fell far away and did not turn his face to Hye-mi.

I don't really look as selfish as dust. She laughingly regrets it.

Kim Jin-hyun, that bastard is a ghost! It reminds me of what Kim Soo-yeon said.

‘You're asleep. ’

But she shook her head.

You shouldn't fall asleep. It wasn't because I didn't believe him that I actually had something important to say.


“Huh?! ”

Jin Hyeon replied in a nervous voice that she was lying next to him.

She smiled a little because she felt cute.

“I actually have something to tell you. ”

“What is it?”

Jinhyun turned his head.

With her head facing each other on the bed, an unspeakable feeling of happiness came up to her chest.

How long have you been hoping for this happiness for over seven years?

But the story she had to tell was not a happy one, but an ugly and horrible one.

“It's an important story. You might not believe me after listening to my story. But trust me, please. ”

“What is it? Tell me. ”

I felt that Jinhyun was not unusual either.

“I think I know who caused your car accident. ”

“ ……?! ”

Jinhyun's face hardened.

Comedy pondered again.

I don't have any proof, but do you really believe my story?

But even if I didn't believe it, I had to. Above all, for his safety.

“Who is it?”

“Above and beyond.”

“The Above?”


Hye-mi thought that Jinhyun couldn't help but believe his words.

‘There is no evidence. ’

There was no evidence except to provoke her on the day of the accident. I only made the provocation vague, but I didn't make it clear.

However, Jinhyun gave a surprising answer.

“I see. ”

“ ……! ”

Comedy looked at him in surprise.

“Do you believe me? ”

“Yeah, you're the comedy I love. So you have to trust me.”

Her face turned red again.

“It's not like that. It's just a suspicion. There's no evidence. ”

“I just... I was thinking it was an accidental hit-and-run, or he was the culprit. ”

Strange answer.

“Jin-hyun... do you know the identity of the ideal people? ”

So far, Hye-mi has not told Jinhyun what he saw.

Because there was no clear evidence, and the offender's grudge was only her personal business and had nothing to do with it.

“I know he's the one who's going to kill everyone in the world. ”

“ ……! ”

He told Hye-mi what had happened to him bravely.

Comedy's face turned blue at a glance.

“Everyone would have done the right thing. And what happened to gastric ulcers when you were proficient was that you ate one of the cars that the Aboriginal people gave you? That's probably the Chinese medicine my dad used to keep as a hobby. If you don't dilute it and eat it, it will cause gastric ulcers due to high acidity.... ”

Jinhyun had his tongue full.

It was just in case. He's been a son of a bitch, no, a criminal since high school.

"That's enough psychopathy. Psychopathic criminals are surprisingly wearing masks all around. ’

“Comedy, what happened to you? ”

She bites her lips.

“The killer killed my brother. ”

“ ……! ”

Jinhyun was terrified.

He had a face, too.

She died of a mysterious suicide the day she bought Jinhyun coffee as her best brother and a friendly Korean medical professor.

Her body trembled in anger.

“The day my brother died, anomaly told me. Do you know what happens when you die of hyperkalemia? I'll see you soon. And that day, my brother committed suicide with a potassium shot. No, he was burnt. ”

“ ……. ”

The situation is the same as in the case of the hemophilia Park Demonstration Fever.

Comedy shed a cylindrical tear.

“If I had noticed it a little sooner, I would have stopped the killer's brother's death. Ugh.”

Jinhyun embraced him.

I remember my brother who died unjustly, and he cried for a long time in his arms.

What are we gonna do about this guy? ’

Jinhyun frowned.

I carry around all sorts of horrible murders, but I can't hold my hand because I have no proof.

If you drive as a fugitive, you will be prosecuted for innocence or defamation.

‘That means you can't hire a homicide worker and kill him. ’

One impulse happened, but this is not South America, so it can't be possible.

“I will never leave the people behind. I will avenge you. ”

She mutters about her long-standing commitment.

It's not just your grudge.

This included hurting Jin Hyun. Thankfully, Jinhyun almost died.

Jinhyun asked.


“One day, you will find evidence and pay for your crimes. But that's not enough. I don't know when I can find the evidence. ”

Jinhyun nodded.

There was no assurance that the crimes of the greater people, no matter what the number, would be perfect to find evidence.

“Apart from finding evidence, I will avenge myself in my own way. The only reason people did all this was to take over the Great Hospital, so I'm going to take him down completely from the Great Hospital. ”

“ ……!

It was cold, not like her.

That's how deep the grudge will be.

Hye-mi grabbed Jinhyun's hand.

“Jinhyun, can I ask you one thing? ”

“What is it?”

Hye-mi looked at him with desperate eyes.

“It's a really, really important request. Will you listen? No, you have to listen. ”

“What is it?”

“Not until you tell me you're listening. ”

“... Yes, tell me. ”

And she said something unimaginable.

“Leave the Great Hospital. ”


Jinhyun looked surprised.

What's that all of a sudden?

“If you stay here, the anomaly may be after you again. Of course, if you're vigilant and suspicious, you won't be able to give the ideal a special number, but I'm just worried about the possibility that you might be in danger again. ”

“ ……. ”

“You wanted to do dermatology anyway. Can't we go to Gwanghee Hospital or Christian Hospital and do dermatology? Or if you really want to do surgery, you can do surgery in another hospital. If you go, I'll welcome you anywhere. ”

I was worried about him.

“What about you? ”

“I'm fine. ”

Of course, Jinhyun continued to be successful in surgery, even though he was pressuring the ideal.

But the safety of Jin was much more important to her than that.

If Jinhyun is in danger again, she won't be able to stand it.

‘I can do whatever it takes to bring down the Aboriginal people. I'm a member of this board of directors. ’

Yes, I could.

It was she who drove all the people behind her so far.

And unlike Lee Jong-myung, she had a lot of support within the family.

Her understanding, grandfather and chairman of the large group, was also affectionate.

So it was possible to bring down the ideals even without Jinhyun. No, I will definitely do that.

‘We're just a few minutes away. If you just move the board a little bit, you can get rid of it at least once in a lifetime.

And that wasn't the only thing she was after.

‘If the Aboriginal people get caught in the crossroads, they'll move somehow. He's probably trying to kill me for moving the board. Then we'll somehow catch the evidence and make them pay for their sins. ’

Of course it was dangerous. I could have been beaten without the evidence.

But she could take as much risk as she could if she could repay the grudge.

‘I'm the only one who can take the risk. Jinhyun will never let you get caught. ’

Jinhyun asked.

“Are you serious, Lee Hye-mi? ”

She closed her eyes to angry questions.

“I don't want you in danger. So, yes.”

“Are you? Are you okay? ”

“I'm fine. If only we could bring down the ideals. And if you can make me pay for my crimes. ”

Her eyes shed a drop of tears again to see if she thought of her brother Lee.

Jinhyun grabbed his fist.

I didn't like it.

Yi Minh, his father Lee Jong-myung, and his beloved Lee Hye-mi!

I didn't like it all.

“What about me? What am I going to be like to you? Just leave you here, wrap your head around it, and run to another hospital? ”

“ ……. ”

“Absolutely not. ”


He said, "Please."

Jinhyun took a deep breath.

I want to beat up anything that can be dangerous just by thinking, but I can't turn my back on her grudge.

And she was not the only one who had regrets for the elderly.

He was beaten a few times and almost killed this time.

“Absolutely not. ”

“But……. ”

She had a worried expression, but Jinhyun was determined.

“Neither can I. And I'm not stupid, and I don't get the same handiwork. I'm gonna take the evidence and put it in a cell this time. ”

He's not a superpower in fantasy novels, and he won't be able to do anything like hit-and-run. Those things were too risky for the Aboriginal people.

It's scary to be careless without knowing it. There's nothing to be afraid of if you're preparing to assume that the ideal people will do something.

“If his ultimate goal is to succeed the Great Hospital, as you said, taking him down could be a vengeance. I'm gonna hit him my way. ”

“In what way? ”

Jinhyun replied.

“I'll be the best. Idiot, that son of a bitch can't even look at you. ”

Jinhyun recalled the conversation with the elderly after treating Kim Chul-woo's father.

You're gonna ruin me? Don't be funny. ’

I heard about the difficulty of being a hospital heir because of myself through multiple paths.

This hit-and-run incident was also committed because of the crowding.

Then the method was simple.

Be the best. Unbelievable compared to him.

Comedy understood what he was saying.

It is even easier for Jinhyun to be able to expel him from the hospital through the board of directors if the abnormal people do not continue to see the light.

Comedy said.

“Okay. I have one condition for that. ”

“What is it?”

“Be careful. If this happens again, I won't be able to stand it. Because you're more valuable than my life. ”

Jinhyun laughed.

“That's what I'm gonna say, Lee Hye-mi. ”

After speaking, the two lay in bed and looked into each other's eyes.

In a tranquil static, each other's faces gradually get closer and their mouths overlap.

It was a moist kiss.

* * *

After that, time passed.

The subsequent times could only be expressed in one word.

Seung Gyeong-gu.

Although he was previously known as a genius doctor, the successful operation of Prime Minister Kim Chang-young gave him wings.


It was just a meaningless rank. They all treated him as a genius beyond specification.

And wedged the trend.

The highest price in the country for hepatic transplant, which was not kept in touch, was finally reached with steel.

As soon as he heard from Jinhyun, he returned immediately.

(Continued on next page)