Medical Master's World

Chapter 980

However, Liu Qingqing can become a famous female entrepreneur at such an early age without the support of her family.

Any young top enterprise can't start from scratch. It's bullshit in the novel that a self-made enterprise in its twenties can make hundreds of millions.

At Liu Qingqing's age, when he started, his family must have helped him.

Liu Qingqing's family should have good conditions, but it's only good. It's far from the rich family.

But Liu Qingqing developed, one person got the way, the dog and the rooster ascended to heaven, and now the Liu family is also a rich family.

Gao Fang's face showed a playful smile, "ordinary families can't do it. Now, looking for partners, although they are well matched, men still have to find better conditions. They can struggle for several years less."

"Look at my son. If he finds a daughter-in-law like Tingting, our family will soon become a rich family. He used to live in this kind of ordinary house, but now he lives in a villa, right?"

Tingting light smile, sitting there a pair of rich gold shelf, full of banter.

Looking at Qin Jun, their eyes were just like the Dragon overlooking mole ants, with contempt and pity.

"It's not that all the rich families are good, and the rich families also have their troubles. Besides, not every man has the ability to find a rich family. Mom, you can't ask others for what you want."

Gao Fang smiles with satisfaction. Her daughter-in-law here really gives her a long face.

"Ha ha, Tingting is right. Xiaojun, I'm also your elder. I'll help you to find your daughter-in-law. I'm very good at this. But if the conditions are too bad, I can't give her a good face even if she looks beautiful. Do you understand?"

Qin Jun frowned and sneered. Who are you?

Had it not been for the introduction of the second aunt, Qin Jun would not have known this person at all.

Does she want to tell you what to do with Qin Jun?

But it's also good. The woman thinks she's very self righteous. Tingting Qin Jun thinks she's familiar. She should have seen her before. She's a rich woman, but she's not a rich family.

Gao Fang's boasting is really speechless.

Qin Jun said, "I understand what you said. I think my girlfriend's family should have good conditions."

Gao Fang is more and more interested and has to compete with Tang min.

"OK, in that case, I'll go to my in laws, and I'll help you to check it!"

Tang Min frowned, "third sister, are you going too? Not so good. You don't know anyone else... "

Gao Fang said, "what's wrong with this? I'm also the elder of Xiaojun, and I heard that the Qin family is not Isn't it that there are no more people? Our family will go too. It looks prosperous, don't you think? "

Seeing Gao Fang's playful face, Qin Jun smiles faintly.

"Since you want to go, let's go together."

It's no problem to go. I just hope it doesn't scare you to death.


That night, Gao Fang found a hotel downstairs. Originally, it was more than enough to live in Er Yi's house. Er Yi's house also had three bedrooms and one living room. The standard pattern was very spacious.

But Lou Tingting said that the place was too small to stretch her legs. She had to live in a bigger one.

Everywhere I went, I put on the appearance of a rich lady, and finally found a hotel to stay.

In the evening, Qin Jun contacted Liu Qingqing, and Liu Qingqing was ready.

"I'll send someone to pick you up tomorrow. It's a small partner of our company, surnamed Lou."