Medical Master's World

Chapter 978

Tang Min smiles all over his face, "really, that's great. The second aunt will decide for you! It's time to meet my in laws, right? We have to be prepared. After all, they are big stars, and we can't lose our share. "

Lin Yu also said, "yes, our family's conditions are OK, but it must be incomparable with other people's big stars, so we should use more snacks to let people see our sincerity."

See two aunt two uncle excited appearance, Qin Jun dry cough two, say.

"Second aunt, it's not su Wenqi, it's someone else."

The second aunt's busy hand stopped and frowned.

"Not su Wenqi? What's the matter with you child? Did you break up with Su Wenqi? Isn't that girl very nice? "

Lin Yueyao also some speechless, "cousin, you are really, that Su Wenqi is the goddess of otaku, so beautiful you can break up?"

Qin Jun said with a bitter smile.

"In fact, I didn't tell you last time that Su Wenqi and I weren't real. We were just friends."

Tang Min frowned, "friend? Hype? If you don't tell the second aunt, the second aunt will be happy. You even cheat me! "

"Second aunt, I have a new girlfriend."

"Who is it this time? You're right. I'll hear it. "

"My girlfriend is quite special. She is..."

Qin Jun just about to say, suddenly there was a knock on the door outside.

Tang Min quickly gets up to open the door. After the door is opened, Tang Min is stunned to see several people outside.

"Third cousin? What are you doing here? "

The woman standing outside is Gao Fang, Tang Min's third cousin. According to the seniority, Qin Jun should call her cousin, but for the sake of brevity, she calls her aunt directly.

Gao Fang said with a smile, "it's not that I haven't come to your house for a long time. Come and have a look."

Tang Min curled his lips, but he warmly welcomed them in.

Gao Fang is Tang Min's cousin. She used to play together when she was a child. Later, when she grew up, the Tang family became a first-class family because of their marriage with the Qin family. The identities of Tang Min and her two young ladies have risen and become much stronger than Gao Fang.

Gao Fang is so jealous that she has not contacted him for so many years.

Later, the Qin family was destroyed, and the Tang family was also implicated.

Tang Min is driven out of the Tang family and gets worse and worse. At this time, Gao Fang starts to contact Tang Min to show her superiority.

Gao Fang's family used to be very ordinary, but her son married a rich family and brought a lot of family conditions. Now she has the capital to show off.

As soon as I entered the house, I saw the furnishings of the house and said.

"Second sister, after so many years, why are you still living in this dilapidated house? Why don't you change a villa?"

"Look at your furniture. It's old. Now it's getting better and better."

Tang Min rolled a white eye, in the heart have no language, but on the surface still smile.

"We are used to living, and don't want to change places, ha ha."

Gao Fang said with a smile, "this is not to say that we are not used to it. The bigger the house, the better. Besides, we have to renovate it every three or five years. Otherwise, the life experience is too bad, right?"