Medical Master's World

Chapter 975

When we got to the monitoring room, we saw Bai Ya in the monitoring room.

Director Sun immediately stood up.

"Who let you in! Lao Zhang, what's the matter? How did these two people come in? "

Just now, Qin Jun slapped her in the face. It hasn't been solved yet. I didn't expect that they broke in now!

Director Sun is very angry. Now there are so many people. Do these two dogs dare to run wild with her?

Liu Qingqing turns his head and looks at director Sun coldly and says.

"I let them in."

The domineering director Sun was silent and said with a smile, "ha ha, Mr. Liu asked them to come in, Mr. Liu, you don't know. I found Bai Ya because of stealing, and then I fired her. As a result, she didn't come back to make trouble, so I didn't let her in."

When Liu Qingqing heard the speech, he showed a sneer on his face. It's really a slap in the face. The villain first complains and doesn't say anything, and then pours dirty water on others.

"Yes? What did she steal? "

Sun is in charge of the truth, "steal our products, products in the warehouse, at least fifty or sixty thousand things."

Liu Qingqing said, "is there any evidence? Is there any surveillance video?"

Director Sun has already worked out the wording.

"There's no such thing. The video hasn't been captured, but she's the warehouse keeper. She must know a lot about the monitoring dead space. It's not difficult to get something out of it."

Other colleagues also glared. Unexpectedly, the warehouse keeper stole things. This is self-discipline.

"Young girl, how can you do this?"

"That's to say, if you don't do any serious work, you have to steal something. Does Liu always treat you badly?"

"You don't go out to inquire about the salary of stratosphere beauty. It's really a lack of people's heart. You steal things at such a high salary. Do you deserve Mr. Liu?"


Originally, Bai Ya had no power and no power. In this case, she was naturally attacked collectively.

Bai Ya's tears fell down, "it's not me, it's not me."

Bai Ya was young and honest. It was the first time that she met this situation.

Most of Stratiform Cloud cosmetics are female employees. When they scold people, their combat effectiveness is extraordinary.

"All right!"

Liu Qingqing called, and everyone stopped.

Sun is also in charge of a pair of aggressive look, like a teacher.

Liu Qingqing asked, "director Sun, since you know she's stealing, why don't you call the police?"

Tens of thousands of pieces of things have constituted a criminal offence. It is reasonable to call the police and arrest her.

Director Sun dodged and explained.

"Ha ha, they all belong to the same company. After all, I used to be a colleague. I sympathized with her and gave her a chance."

Of course, supervisor sun does not dare to call the police. Once the police call the police, they will soon find out the truth. Isn't she the one who will lose her job?

This kind of small matter is just a loss of 35000 yuan. It's nothing for stration beauty, the largest enterprise in China. As long as the executives don't know, it's nothing big.

Liu Qingqing sneered and said.

"Director Sun, just now I asked Lao Zhang to fix the monitoring. Let's have a look."

Director Sun's face suddenly changed. Has it been repaired?