Medical Master's World

Chapter 966

Lao Wang is also full of smiles. He can't close his mouth. Having such a good son-in-law is really a credit to him.

When Wang Dongxue was cooking, she broke off the tap.

Suddenly there was a click and the tap went off.

Wang Dongxue frowned, "the quality of the faucet is too bad, right, so it's broken?"

Winter snow mother is more kind, said, "break it, developers can have a good decoration, back to our own for a good quality."

Qin Jun frowned, but also a little unhappy.

How can these things made by Zhongsheng real estate be defective?

The location of the house is good, but the quality is too bad.

But when you think of their dilapidated property, if you do it according to the standard, you won't make much money. You have to cut corners in other aspects.

Let's fool in terms of decoration, as long as there is no problem with the quality of the house itself.

Wang Dong Xue has just finished a table of dishes. Lao Wang has also made some Baijiu, and Qin Junzheng is ready to drink a cup, and suddenly he moved the house.

Wang Dongxue was startled and yelled.

"There's an earthquake!"

The family began to run out.

Qin Jun frowned. He didn't feel like an earthquake, but he ran out.

Only when we ran out did we see what was going on.

It wasn't an earthquake at all, but the whole building sank for a while!

The whole east side is sinking, and the west side is still.

It caused the whole building to tilt.

"What's the quality? Can the building be crooked?"

A villager went to the crack on the ground in the East and took a look. He was speechless.

This crack in the ground is full of water?

This is also called foundation?

Other people's houses are extremely strong and indestructible. They are good. They are full of mud. A gust of wind can blow the house down!

Fortunately, nothing happened just now, otherwise if the house really collapsed, it would be fatal!

All the villagers were still in fear, and their faces were extremely ugly.

"This developer is too tricky. It's not a dangerous building!"

The house they moved back to turned out to be a dangerous building. What's the intention of this? It's a matter of neglecting people's lives!

"Dongxue, what's the matter with your family? Don't you mean it's solved, that's it?"

"That's to say, when you talk to the developer about the conditions, you talk about the dangerous building from the relocation house?"

"This dangerous building is not as good as that dilapidated house. At least it's safe to live in dilapidated house. It's snowy in winter. Your family is very dangerous?"


The other villagers were a little unhappy. They were all angry and didn't speak very well.

The village head said quickly.

"Stop it! Dongxue's family is also kind-hearted. If you want it yourself

"This is the problem of the developer. If you have something to do, go to the developer!"

Wang Dongxue is very aggrieved, they did not expect this situation.

Lao Wang is a face of haze, smoking one by one, his face is very ugly.

Qin jundao said, "Dongxue, you take the villagers to Jinlong Hotel and let them stay there tonight. I will solve this problem."

Qin Jun greets Peiliang and asks him to treat the villagers well.

Then, he was ready to leave for Zhongsheng real estate.

This sun Zhongsheng can fool you, right.