Medical Master's World

Chapter 964

Sun Zhongsheng frowned and winked at the female secretary. She immediately went out in rags.

Sun Zhongsheng put on his trousers and shirt, and his face was calm.

"Who are you?"

Qin jundao said, "the relocation house in Lianhua village is your project, isn't it?"

Sun Zhongsheng was stunned at first, then showed a sneer.

I thought it was a big event. It turned out it was about moving the house back.

People come to find this kind of thing every day, but think about it, what big people can deal with it?

They are all people at the bottom of society, even farmers and workers in rural areas. How much trouble can they make?

The reason why Sun Zhongsheng works in this industry is that he has a thorough understanding of the market. He has a lot of thugs under his hands. Even if there are people making trouble, he will soon suppress it.

What's more, if the common people make trouble, it will be basically solved by giving them some money.

In the end, sun Zhongsheng was able to make a lot of money. When he moved back to the real estate, he would save materials if he could. Moreover, when he came to inspect, he always cut corners and relied on cutting corners to make money. So Zhongsheng real estate was quite powerful in this aspect.

Hearing Qin Jun's words, sun Zhongsheng immediately knew what was going on. He cocked up his legs, lit a cigarette and said coldly.

"Little boy, have you come to me to pretend to be an uncle? When I was working in real estate, you didn't have enough hair. If you have something to say, just go away! "

Qin Jun frowned. If he was soft, maybe Qin Jun would let him go.

As a result, sun Zhongsheng's words stink, and Qin Jun doesn't need to get used to him.

Long Yihui frowned and asked, "Mr. Qin..."

Qin Jun vomited a smoke ring, looking out of the window in the distance, said.

"Let's fight first. We'll talk when we're done."


Long Yihui and others directly locked the door, and several people went to the front of the table.

Sun Zhongsheng was startled. "What do you want to do? What do you want to do in broad daylight?"

"Security, security!"

It's a pity that sun Zhongsheng can't speak after only two words.

After more than ten minutes of Ping Ping, sun Zhongsheng lay on the ground, his whole body was bruised, his nose was blue and his face was swollen, his arms and legs couldn't move, and now he felt that he needed all his strength to move a finger.

Qin Jun turned around and finished smoking a cigarette. When he saw sun Zhongsheng, he was calm.

"Well, can we have a good talk now?"

Seeing Qin Jun's face, sun Zhongsheng felt as if he had seen the devil. He was scared and shivered all over.

"Yes, what do you want to talk about first, talk about it!"

Qin jundao said, "it's said that the quality of the house in Lianhua village is very poor. The villagers refuse to accept it?"

Sun Zhongsheng said, "I also promised to give money. Those who don't want a house can ask for money!"

Qin Jun sneered, "money? Three thousand one square meters? Your house is good. I'll give you three thousand one square meters, and you'll sell it to me. "


Sun Zhongsheng's face is a little ugly. Of course, his house can't be 3000 square meters. It's a commercial building, and it's worth at least 20000 or 30000.

"What do you say, brother?"

Sun Zhongsheng knew that this time he was the one who fell in love with him. Qin Jun had just come to deal with him. He couldn't refuse to be soft. These big brothers were so cruel that they almost didn't kill him.

Qin jundao, "two plans, either give money, or give the house, you choose one."