Medical Master's World

Chapter 957

After that, Zhao Xingyu took out a box of Baijiu from the table, and took three bottles from the table and put them on the table.

"Su Wenqi, I will not bully you. You will drink all three bottles of Baijiu, and I will not pay one billion!"

Suddenly, the atmosphere of the whole room became very serious.

"Su Wenqi, this wine is more valuable than that in those years. Now you and a bottle are more than 300 million, and three bottles of wine are one billion. The three bottles I drank in those years are not as valuable as you."

Su Wenqi sneered. She knows what the boss is.

even if she drank up the three bottles of white wine today, Zhao Xing entertainment will still turn her back on her face tomorrow. If he does so much, she will not be foolish enough to believe Zhao Xingyu's words.

"Zhao Xingyu, I think we can talk about it."

Su Wenqi pressed down her anger and wanted to talk to him again. After all, she was her old boss. She had struggled here before, hoping to get together and break up.

Before Zhao Xingyu spoke, Wang Huihui took the lead to stand up.

"Su Wenqi, don't pester here. The black and white contract has been signed. Now you are in the street. No company will sign you."

"Don't waste your time here. Sign the contract and try to get a billion yuan."

"After all, it's a queen. One billion should be nothing to say?"


Everyone, what you say and what I say really makes Su Wenqi fully feel the warmth and coldness of human feelings.

Overnight, these people changed their faces.

Before also a su elder sister, all polite, now the wall down people push, like a hot potato.

"Good, good."

With that, Su Wenqi directly pushed the door to leave, with tears in her eyes.

In addition to the grievances, there is also sadness, the sadness of these former colleagues.

After su Wenqi left, Wang Huihui sneered, "it's really sick. Just sign the contract. It's a waste of time!"

"That's right. The legal department is also very busy. Now it's boring to have a lawsuit with her."

Not long after su Wenqi left, suddenly the door of the conference room was pushed open again, and Qin Jun came in.

"Who are you?"

After Qin Jun came in, he sat in the position where Su Wenqi had just sat, picked up a pen, looked at the contract on the table, and bored to draw circles on the contract.

Other people are a bit at a loss. Who doesn't know this person?

Wang Huihui wanted to show off. She stood up and said, "who let you in, the security guard?"

Qin Jun light smile, said, "this company, two hours later, is about to close down, I'll let you know."

Qin Jun said that, all the people were stunned for a while, and then laughed.

"Where is this little fool? What nonsense? What company is going to close down? You're going out of business when you say it's going out of business? Who do you think you are? Are you a leader? "

"Ha ha, you can't be su Wenqi's brain powder. Come and make fun of us?"

It's obvious that Su Wenqi's front foot has just left. Naturally, someone has to find a way to retaliate with them.

But they didn't expect that the Revenge of Empress Dowager was to let the brain powder come to force, ha ha ha

"I said, man, you look like a senior licking dog. Su Wenqi has already been like this. You are so enthusiastic. Wake up!"