Medical Master's World

Chapter 955

After so many years of dominating the music world, I'm finally going to fall down!

Once Su Wenqi has an accident, someone will have to bear such a large amount of traffic, and Wang Huihui is the best choice.

Wang Huihui may be able to become the second Su Wenqi. Then she is on the way to heaven!

And usually Wang Huihui is not qualified to participate in this kind of core level meeting, but today the boss asked her to come to the meeting, the meaning is very obvious, that is to praise Wang Huihui!

Zhao Xingyu sat in the front, cocked his legs and said calmly.

"Today's core conference, you should all understand what it is for?"

"You must have heard about Su Wenqi these days."

"Fraudulent donation, plastic surgery, these negative news have seriously affected the image of our company, so we decided to unilaterally terminate the contract with Su Wenqi, and asked her to compensate our company for the loss of 8 billion."

The voice fell, and the crowd immediately took a breath.

Eight billion!


Who has so much money!

Even Su Wenqi, the queen of heaven, doesn't have so much money!

In fact, entertainment companies are like this. In order to prevent a star from being popular, the star will change jobs, so they will make some overlord clauses.

The company can terminate the contract with you. Once you do something wrong and terminate the contract with the company, you will face a huge amount of liquidated damages, which is by no means affordable to ordinary people.

Even Su Wenqi, the top tycoon in the entertainment industry, can't afford to pay the sky high liquidated damages.

Once they are unable to pay, then the executives of these companies can make their own price.

"Well, at present, I'm just making a proposal. Let's raise our watch."

In fact, Su Wenqi doesn't have much money. She doesn't look like any other star. She has her own industry after her fire.

Su Wenqi is very fond of singing, so the basic time and energy are put on this aspect, the income is not as exaggerated as imagined.

This 8 billion yuan basically means that Su Wenqi is bankrupt and heavily in debt.

It's obviously to force her to compromise.

Once a compromise is made, the company can only agree to the terms it has put forward.

Su Wenqi could not imagine what conditions they would put forward.

Zhao Xingyu naturally has his own idea. If he wants to get Su Wenqi, he must never turn over.

Otherwise, Su Wenqi's strength, once turned over, is likely to retaliate.

Su Wenqi has been in the singing world for so many years, and it's not so easy to be bullied.

It's not a wise choice to be a mortal enemy of such a actress.

To suppress Su Wenqi, Wang Huihui was the first to raise her hand.

"I agree to terminate my contract with Su Wenqi. It's not just these things. I also find that she lives a bad life. She often messes up with other male stars and some rich second generation. I agree to terminate my contract."

Wang Huihui just finished this sentence, suddenly the door of the office was pushed open, and it was su Wenqi with a gloomy face who came in.

"Wang Huihui, you are really a white eyed wolf."

"When you had no money to eat before, who gave you food? Who put you in my harmony group when you didn't have a job? You can't find a brokerage company. Who introduced you here? "

"Is that how you repay me?"