Medical Master's World

Chapter 940

He didn't see the little elder martial brother for ten years, and he didn't know whether he was always with the master.

During this time, when he came back, sun Jianmin and Meng Wengang were busy, relying on their relationship to suppress the major families.

However, it seems that Qin Jun himself did not contribute, and did not show his powerful side.

Master's vision can't be wrong. I've been following him for ten years. How can I not have the ability?

Since he said he didn't need any help, sun simply didn't do anything. He also wanted to see what he had learned from his master in the past ten years.

If Qin Jun dares to cheat him, sun Jianmin will never be kind and soft hearted!

Everyone stopped, no one spoke, waiting here quietly, one by one with a ghost in mind.

Wang Jinhai has the same idea. Little elder martial brother's behavior today looks like he wants to build power.

He also wants to see what the real skills of little elder martial brother are.

I've been back to Donghai for so long, but I haven't seen my little elder martial brother do it.

Master Ye Xuanyuan can jump down from a height of 100 meters. Qin Jun has been studying with him for ten years, so he should be more powerful.

Wang Jinhai is the only one who has learned a little Kung Fu from ye Xuanyuan. Even though he has only learned a little Kung Fu, he is invincible in the army and has become the leader of many martial brothers in public.

He wanted to see how strong his younger brother, who had been studying with master for ten years, would be.

Seeing that the secretaries of these great figures dare to question Qin Jun's strength, Duan Baodong and others show a trace of banter.

They have seen Qin Jun's hand. At the beginning, Qin Jun split the electric saw with his bare hands, tore the safe with his hands, nailed chopsticks and bullets. These scenes were extremely shocking.

What Duan Baodong and Pei Liang have seen with their own eyes is that Mr. Qin's strength still needs to be doubted?

Qin Jun didn't care about what they thought.


With a long cry, the train came at a gallop.

Seeing that the train was about to enter the platform, but there was no tendency to slow down, everyone frowned.

"Little elder martial brother."

Sun Jianmin called out as a reminder, but Qin Jun still didn't move and didn't give any orders.

Sun Jianmin, Wang Jinhai and others frowned. Is this little elder martial brother really a wine sack?

Or has he never been with Shifu in the past ten years?

If they can't see Qin Jun's true ability, they will have to consider his attitude in the future.

A little elder martial brother with real ability is worthy of respect. If he has been with Shifu for ten years, he will not be worthy of their respect.

As the train drew closer and closer, Qin Jun suddenly jumped into the track, facing the train and standing with his hands down.

Wang Jinhai and other people's faces changed and said quickly, "little elder martial brother, don't make a joke, come up quickly!"

Meng Wengang also frowned, "yes, little elder martial brother, since brother snake is ready to rush, he is crazy. Even if he sees someone in front of him, he will never stop. You will only die in vain!"

Qin Jun's behavior makes us all puzzled. Secretary Liu and Meng Wengang's assistant scoff.

What is this for? Do you want to touch porcelain?

The other party is snake brother. He used to be famous in the provincial capital. He is ready to break through. Can you stop the train here?

Thanks to several bigwigs, they said that Qin Jun was a big man and respected him very much. Is that all?