Medical Master's World

Chapter 938

Snake brother grabbed the watch in Lin Yueyao's hand, carefully checked it, and suddenly his face changed slightly.

"No, there should be a positioning device in this watch. Let's go."

With that, snake brother threw Lin Yueyao's watch directly on Qin Hao's body. Several people grabbed Lin Yueyao's arm and ran out.


After Qin Jun received the signal, his face suddenly changed, Lin Yueyao!

Before Qin Hao was captured, it was designed by Qin Jun. that kind of person still wanted to pretend his name to cheat the little girl. He deserved to die.

But Qin never thought that Lin Yueyao would be cheated!

This girl is too naive!

Qin Jun immediately called Duan Baodong and Pei Liang to inform them to go to the South Railway Station.

Qin Jun's speed was extremely fast. He ran all the way, faster than the full speed of the car.

Ten minutes to arrive at the south station, accurate positioning, found Qin Hao's body, but did not find Lin Yueyao.

Qin Jun looks dignified, immediately call Wang Jinhai.

"Little elder martial brother, what's your order?"

Qin Jun said, "locate a person immediately. The person on the road is called snake brother. I'll give you five minutes."


Qin Jun didn't give him any information. He believed that with Wang Jinhai's strength and status, he should be able to locate the position of snake brother soon.

There are still some names in the provincial capital snake brother. This kind of well-known figure is generally concerned by the military.

Sure enough, three minutes later, Wang Jinhai called back.

"Little elder martial brother, brother snake is now on an abandoned train. This train is contracted by them. They will take an abandoned route, passing by the north station and leaving the city."

Qin Jun frowned. To the north of the provincial capital, it was the other province. Once he entered the boundary of the other province, Qin Jun was in great trouble again.

"What's the situation of the provincial capital north station?"

Wang Jinhai said, "please tell me, the North Station of the provincial capital is the old railway station. Now there is the west station and the high-speed railway station. The north station has been basically abolished. There are only one or two green cars passing by. There are no ordinary people."

"That's good. Intercept at the north station."

With that, Qin Jun hung up and got on the train, ready to stop the train at the north station.

Dare to run, Qin Jun will let him know the consequences of doing so.

Qin Jun got on the bus, and all the people followed him to the north station.

Sun Jianmin, Meng Wengang, Duan Baodong, Pei Liang, Lei Hong, Wang Jinhai.

These people are very close to Qin Jun, and they all rush to the provincial capital north station.

The two roads in the provincial capital were closed and closed, as if something big was going to happen.

On the bus, Meng Wengang's assistant said.

"Mr. Meng, is this the little elder martial brother you said? I don't think it's unique either? "

In Meng Wengang's and sun Jianmin's view, Qin Jun is the core disciple who has been with master for ten years, and has definitely got master's true biography.

But in other people's eyes, he is an ordinary young man.

Today, in the face of such a big scene, although Qin Jun's face does not change and his bearing is extraordinary, he can only say that his psychological quality is good, and there is no special performance.

However, he was able to command so many people and let many big men follow him, but it was only because of the relationship between leader Sun and Wang Jinhai that he didn't see Qin Jun's special ability.

Some of them don't understand why Qin Jun respects so many great people.

It's just a doctor. Will these people be cheated?