Medical Master's World

Chapter 933

Qin Hao smell speech, immediately facial expression one side, stare stare eyes to say.

"Posing as master Qin? What are you talking about? Do you think my identity can be impersonated by others? "

Qin Jun said is a joke, other people are laughing, not angry said.

"That is, who dares to pretend to be master Qin? You're a real master."

"Master Qin is a master of traditional Chinese medicine. Just now these two words have benefited me a lot. How can they be false? A master is a master."

"Master Qin, do you have time later? Can we have dinner together?"

Qin Hao light smile, eyes always drift in Lin Yueyao's body, suddenly said.

"Eat, yes. I don't know if Miss Yueyao is free?"

Lin Yueyao was stunned. She didn't expect that master Qin would ask her alone. Suddenly, her face turned red. It seems that master Qin still has some feelings for her.

Quickly nodded, "free, let's go now."


Qin Hao in the crowd came out, everyone in line orderly leave, a classmate suddenly cried.

"Let's go ahead! Let master Qin go out first

After listening to master Qin, they quickly looked back and saw that Qin Hao was surrounded in the crowd and made way one after another.

Many people have never seen master Qin. They just see Master Qin wearing a mask. They didn't expect to see his true face when he stepped down.

The armed police looked back and saw that Qin Jun was also in the crowd. Of course, they knew master Qin. Just now, when the crowd yelled, they had a quick look. It was master Qin who came out and quickly organized people to give way.

In this way, we surrounded Qin Hao out of the venue. Although Qin Jun was also in the crowd, he was so inconspicuous.

Qin Hao enjoyed this feeling very much. All the beauties are around, especially Lin Yueyao. This kind of appearance and temperament is really pleasing to the eye.

Snake elder brother and others in the distance saw this scene and immediately became serious.

"That man is master Qin!"

"It must be. You see, there are so many people around him. It's young man again. It must be master Qin."

"Well, we'll watch here and send someone down to inquire. If it's master Qin, let's find a chance to catch him."

At the command of brother snake, a younger brother sneaked into the crowd. Along the way, everyone gathered around master Qin, asking questions about medicine and life.

After listening to two sentences, the younger brother confirmed that this person was master Qin, and then sent a message to brother snake quietly.

When sending a message, Qin Jun is behind his younger brother. When he sees the content on his mobile phone, the corner of his mouth suddenly shows a hint of fun.

"Let's get on the bus. I've ordered a restaurant. You can go directly."

Qin Hao said to Lin Yueyao, "Yueyao, will you sit with me?"

Lin Yueyao hesitates. She really wants to sit in the same car with master Qin, but Su Tingting's business made her uncomfortable, so she still hesitates.

At this time, Qin Jun suddenly stepped forward, took Lin Yueyao's hand and said.

"My cousin, come with me."

When Lin Yueyao was hesitating, Qin Jun directly pulled her over.

Two people on a taxi, Qin Hao is another car, we rushed to the restaurant.

On the way, Qin Jun didn't speak to Lin Yueyao either. It can be seen that Lin Yueyao is full of worries and doesn't know what to think with her mobile phone.

Qin Jun also helpless, estimate now tell her the truth, she may not believe.