Medical Master's World

Chapter 927

About ten minutes later, when master Qin finished speaking, everyone began to applaud. The door opened again and a staff member came in.

While opening the door, Lin Yueyao rushed to the armed police.

"Comrade, I have tickets. I'm in the front row. Let me in!"

The armed police just wanted to refuse when they heard the ticket in the front row?

"Are you red or white?"

Lin Yueyao quickly took the ticket and handed it to her, "I'm a red ticket. We're all red tickets, but their tickets were torn."

As soon as they saw that it was indeed a red ticket, the armed police immediately politely rose.

"Madam, since it's a red ticket, please go to your seat. Be careful."

Everyone was overjoyed. I didn't expect that the red ticket would be so useful. I knew it was so powerful that I shouldn't have thrown it.

After we came out, we rushed to the front row. When we got to the front row and sat down, we all felt that the front row was really awesome.

All around are the leading experts of the hospital, the worst is also the director level figures, this position is too cow, the director is sitting behind them.

Unfortunately, after they got to the front, master Qin had come to an end.

just talked about it for a long time. They were very busy in the back. They didn't hear a word clearly. They didn't know how much they had missed.

It's a pity that Lin Yueyao didn't have such a close contact with master Qin, but she missed it.

The host came out and said, "let's welcome Kong Fanlin, the master of traditional Chinese medicine!"

Kong Fanlin's appearance also caused a lot of applause.

Originally, there are few Chinese medicine practitioners, and few can reach the level of national medicine masters. Kong Fanlin, the youngest Chinese medicine master, is naturally respected.

After Kong Fanlin came on stage, he sat in front of the platform and talked.

"First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Kong Fanlin. I'm half a disciple of master Qin. Although I've studied with master Qin for only half a year, I've learned more than I did in the first half of my life. I've benefited a lot."

"Thank you for inviting me to discuss the academic research today. If there are any mistakes, I hope you will forgive me a lot..."

Kong Fanlin's speech was cadenced and eloquent. In addition, he had a real level, so he immediately aroused everyone's conviction.

The most unimaginable thing is that Kong Fanlin is actually half a disciple of master Qin! I studied with master Qin for half a year!

This is too enviable!

Master Qin's two speeches alone have been very powerful. The contents of his speeches have been widely spread, and many hospitals have held meetings to study them.

The short speech of more than ten minutes is worth studying for a long time.

Kong Fanlin was able to learn from master Qin for half a year and teach him by words and deeds. Naturally, his level is higher.

Originally Kong Fanlin was a master of traditional Chinese medicine, but now he must be more powerful.

On the stage, Kong Fanlin's endless speech benefited Lin Yueyao and others. It's a pity that they didn't see Master Qin's real face.

When Lin Yueyao was depressed, a classmate suddenly exclaimed.

"Master Qin, I found master Qin!"

Lin Yueyao and others rushed to ask, "where? What is master Qin

The classmate said, "it's wechat. People near wechat, you see, isn't this master Qin?"