Medical Master's World

Chapter 916

It was only later that Zhou Ge understood that Qin Jun was the masked master Qin in the traditional Chinese medicine conference.

It's amazing. A high-end competition like the Chinese medicine conference is almost the highest level gathering of Chinese medicine.

Even so, master Qin can also appear as a lecturer, you can see what level of Qin Jun is.

"This time, the scale of the miracle doctor alliance is bigger, and all the medical staff in the whole province participate in it. Before there was a miracle doctor competition in the provincial capital, I heard that master Qin also participated in it?"

Qin Jun nodded, "it's participation."

Before, Qin Jun accompanied ye Wan'er. As a result, the organizer made a fuss and made a scene, which angered Qin Jun. then he came on the stage to give them a good slap in the face.

Zhou Ge continued, "the last great doctor competition was a little warm-up, and the response was very good. Afterwards, the media and leaders from all walks of life also paid close attention to these things. Traditional Chinese medicine is a treasure of China, so we have to be proud. So this time, we have a larger scale, and the whole province's traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine participate together. Master Qin, as the chief physician, does not have to compete."

Qin Jun nodded. In fact, he didn't like to participate in the competition, because the medical competition is meaningless, especially traditional Chinese medicine.

Most of the time, traditional Chinese medicine treatment depends on changing the patient's lifestyle. For example, if the patient loves spicy food and has a disease, then it is very simple to cure the disease. Just let the patient not eat spicy food.

Then slowly adjust the work and rest, gradually the disease will get better.

But this kind of very long treatment method is very difficult to perform on the stage, no one will wait so long to see your treatment results.

Once you want to win the competition, you must have rapid treatment. Once there is such a rapid point, it goes against the original intention of traditional Chinese medicine.

So Qin Jun didn't recommend the competition very much. For example, Zhou GE's magic doctor alliance can be promoted.

Qin Jun nodded, "yes, you can tell me when the time is fixed."

"Good master Qin, I can rest assured with your words. This time, the alliance of miracle doctors will be a complete success with you."

It sounds very polite, but Zhou Ge is not being polite.

Once the alliance is established, the contradiction between Chinese and Western medicine will be aroused.

The fight between traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine has been going on for many years. No one is satisfied with each other, and some even slander each other behind their backs.

But it's not the same with master Qin. Master Qin is the peak of traditional Chinese medicine, crushing everyone.

In the field of Western medicine, there is no such person.

Because the division of Western medicine departments is very strict, internal medicine is internal medicine, surgery is surgery, and it includes thoracic surgery, brain department, oncology and so on.

No Western medicine can be proficient in so many subjects, while traditional Chinese medicine can.

Qin Jun is master of all departments, even including Gynecology, obstetrics and gynecology.

With Qin Jun's joining in, Zhou Ge can let go. After a brief chat, Zhou Ge leaves.

Qin Jun and Chen Ke'er also left here. After going out, Chen Ke'er rushed forward and rushed to Qin Jun's back with excitement. He put his arms around his neck and said excitedly.

"Brother in law, you are so good! What a face! They dare not look down upon me any more

Qin Jun helpless, "men and women do not know, you hurry down!"