Medical Master's World

Chapter 910

Chen Ke'er is speechless. Wu Dajin is insane. If Qin Jun hadn't helped him out just now, he would have taken the wine money.

If he can't afford to go out, the restaurant will report to the police, and the cost of more than one million yuan will be enough for him to drink a pot.

Maybe the court will enforce the confiscation of his property, his house and so on.

As a result, Qin Jun bought the bill and helped solve the problem. He even took a bite and said that Qin Jun's check was fake?

The other students glared.

"Wu Dajin, you are too much. Mr. Qin is helping you!"

Wu Dajin sneered, "help me? I didn't order the wine. What do you mean, help me? Did I invite you to dinner or drink? "

Wu Dajin is already like a broken pot and a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water. You can say whatever you like. Anyway, Qin Jun is not happy, so you will expose him.

The manager took the check and didn't know what to do. Normally, the check could be used by others, but the owner of the check was too special.

Zhou Ge, an international superstar.

Special identity.

Wu Dajin said, "what are you hesitating about? Don't you think he knows Zhou Ge? Zhou Genna is an international superstar. Look at him, is it possible for him to have money to play with an international superstar? "

"And it's not just ordinary money, but a blank check for him to fill in the numbers at will!"

"Do you think it's possible for Zhou Ge to write this kind of check to others?"

When Wu Dajin finished, everyone was stunned. It seems reasonable.

It's bullshit to write someone a blank check and sign your name.

We all know that Zhou GE has a fortune of several billion at least, and his bank deposit has to be several billion.

If you give a blank check and write a hundred million casually, won't you be able to withdraw a hundred million?

If Qin Jun really has such a check, why write more than one million? Isn't that a waste? If you write a hundred million, you will be able to withdraw it. A person of Zhou GE's level can't even have a hundred million deposit.

So Wu Dajin decided that the check would be fake.

"According to my guess, he must have picked up Zhou GE's checkbook somewhere, signed a name in imitation of Zhou Ge, waited for it to be used in this kind of high-end restaurant or other places, gave the check to the person, and then left immediately. Before everyone could verify it, he had already escaped."

Wu Dajin's analysis is right, even others think so.

If Qin Jun really owned Zhou GE's blank check, why did he write only 1.3 million?

Their thoughts are just ordinary people's thoughts. They never think that Qin Jun's wealth is far more than Zhou Ge's.

He didn't pay attention to this little money at all. It's just that Zhou Ge gave him a favor and he used it at will.

The manager frowned, also felt reasonable, said to Qin Jun.

"Excuse me, sir. We need to check this check. Please wait a moment."

Qin Jun, with a banter on his face, nodded, "yes."

With that, the manager went back to the front desk with the check and began to check with the bank.

All the other riders were joking. Just now, they thought that Qin Jun was a brag. Now, is he a brag?