Medical Master's World

Chapter 900

Zheng Xiaolong bowed his head and said nothing. It was his son Zheng Xu who made trouble. Qin Jun and Lei Hong just resisted normally.

Besides, if someone else dares to tease Lei Hong, it will be light if he doesn't cut off his hand.

Zhou Ge snorted and slapped him.

With a slap, a clear five finger print appeared on Zheng Xiaolong's face.

Zheng Xiaolong is also a big man now. He was slapped in the face in public and didn't dare to resist. He didn't have any complaints.

Because it's Zhou Ge who beat him!

"Apologize to Mr. Qin!"

Zheng Xiaolong lowered his head and said, "Mr. Qin, I'm sorry. I apologize on behalf of the dog."

With that, Zheng Xiaolong kicks Zheng Xu on the ground.

"Why don't you get up and apologize to Mr. Qin?"

Zheng Xu covers his hands. At this time, he has been scared pale. He quickly stands up and apologizes to Qin Jun.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Qin. It's all my fault."

Even Zhou Ge can't stir up people, he is a fart.

Dad was slapped in the face. Naturally, he didn't dare to pretend.

Qin Jun showed a trace of impatience, said, "OK, you go, I have to eat with Lei Hong."

"Yes, yes."

Zheng Xiaolong and others leave quickly. Xiaohu Niang also takes this opportunity to run, but she is caught by Zheng Xiaolong.

"Little bitch, are you the cause of today's events?"

Xiaohu Niang's face changed, "it's not me, it's not me, it's nothing to do with me!"

Zheng Xiaolong sneered, "has nothing to do with you? Don't fuck with me, my own son. I don't know? If it wasn't for you, he would take the initiative to get into trouble? "

Xiaohu Niang's face is pale, and she doesn't dare to say anything. This is a cruel character. It's just like playing.

Zheng Xiaolong cold hum a, "see you pitiful, also lazy to deal with you, later don't let me see you again in this circle, otherwise don't blame me cruel!"

With that, Zheng Xiaolong gave Xiaohu Niang a slap in the face.

If it wasn't for her pity, Zheng Xiaolong would have the heart to waste her hand.

The little fox Niang once again got a slap in the face, the corner of her mouth was beaten to bleed, and half of her face was swollen.

Zheng Xiaolong is a practitioner. This slap almost made Xiaohu Niang vomit blood.

But there is no way, are big, she can't resist, broken teeth can only swallow to the stomach.

Qin, wait!


Qin Jun and Lei Hong finally stop eating. Just now Lei Hong's knife is handsome enough. Qin Jun also appreciates her valiant spirit. Many girls don't have this kind of temperament.

While eating with Lei Hong, Qin Jun's mobile phone suddenly rings and a wechat is sent.

"Brother in law! Please help

As soon as Qin Jun saw the news, he felt his head was big.

This is Chen Yuan's sister Chen Ke'er.

Originally, it was a very simple thing for Chen Yuan to ask Qin Jun to help disguise as her boyfriend. Chen Yuan was more shy and reserved, and was reluctant to trouble Qin Jun many times.

But Chen Yuan's sister Chen Ke'er is not a good player.

Last time at the airport, the woman cheated Qin Jun into giving her artificial respiration, and then posed a photo threat, which made Qin Jun a little bit big. Once the girl sent a wechat, it must be no good.

"What for?"

Chen Ke'er replied.

"Brother in law! I'm going to Donghai to attend a party. Please accompany me