Medical Master's World

Chapter 889

After dinner, Duan Baodong and Peiliang send song Yanling and Qin Yaya back. Song Yanling has just separated from the Song family, so let her live in Qingmei manor to take care of Yaya.

Although Qin Jun is good to ya ya, he is also a man. He is not as careless as a woman.

Qin Jun got into Lei Hong's car, and they sat in the back row. Lei Hong suddenly said.

"There's nothing wrong on the way anyway. Would Mr. Qin help me to see if I have any symptoms?"

The most powerful essence of traditional Chinese medicine is to feel the pulse. The pulse of two wrists can reflect a person's physical condition. It can be diagnosed anytime and anywhere without any large-scale instruments.


Anyway, being idle is also idle. Qin Jun feels Lei Hong's pulse.

But look at Lei Hong this look good, and physical fitness is also very good, it is estimated that regular exercise, there should be no problem.

Qin Jun diagnosed the pulse, suddenly frowned, raised his head and looked at Lei Hong strangely, but he didn't say anything.

Lei Hong said with a smile, "why, Mr. Qin, do I have any questions?"

Qin Jun shook his head, "nothing, the other hand."

With that, Qin Jun took Lei Hong's other hand and began to feel his pulse.

Usually, even for complicated diseases, Qin Jun's pulse diagnosis rarely takes more than two minutes. Generally, he can know what the disease is when he puts his hand on it, and he can confirm it 100% after more diagnosis.

But Qin Jun felt Lei Hong's pulse for more than 20 minutes. He exchanged his left and right hands back and forth. Finally, he stopped at the place. Qin Jun had no choice but to let go.

Lei Hong's eyes are a little complicated. Looking at Qin Jun, she asks with a little expectation.

"What's the problem, Mr. Qin?"

Qin Jun shook his head, "it's hard to say. I'll think about it later."

With that, Qin Jun got out of the car.

After Qin Jun left, the driver turned around in front of him and looked at Lei Hong helplessly.

"Sister Hong, you have inherited three generations of diseases. You don't expect him to look after you, do you?"

Lei Hong did not speak, but looked at Qin Jun's eyes become deep up.

Can you watch it?

She's not sure.

Qin Jun's medical skill is the most powerful Lei Hong has ever seen. If even Qin Jun can't cure her disease, then she may really have such a life.

Just now, Qin Jun's worried look is not normal. To tell the truth, he gives Lei Hong a little confidence. Maybe he can really find a way.


After entering the patient's home, Qin Jun takes back his thoughts. Just now Lei Hong's pulse is really strange. I can't tell exactly how strange the method is. For a moment, Qin Jun can't understand it. I'm afraid he will have to turn over the medical books to remember it.

Qin Jun didn't pay attention all the way. Now he began to look at the house. There is something in it.

It looks ordinary and low-key on the outside, but it's extremely luxurious on the inside. It's all high-grade solid wood furniture, and it's mortise and tenon structure. There's no formaldehyde at all. The decoration is extremely luxurious, and it's very tasteful. At first glance, it's either rich or expensive.

Besides, the courtyard outside has a beautiful environment, and it's far away from the city. It shows that the people who live here are not only rich, but also very leisurely.

Otherwise, if you are very busy with work, like Zhu Linlin, you must live in a place with convenient transportation in the center of the city.

After Qin Jun entered the room, a man came down from the upstairs with a mask. Seeing Qin Jun and Lei Hong, he nodded slightly.

"Here comes Xiao Hong. Is this the doctor you call?"

On hearing the voice, Qin Jun felt a little familiar, but he didn't see his face and couldn't remember who it was.

Lei Hong nodded and said to Qin Jun, "this is the international movie king, Zhou Ge."