Medical Master's World

Chapter 882

Long Yihui nodded, "yes, Mr. Qin."

After that, he drove the car and took the money away.

The song Yongqiang family was embarrassed. Just now, Qin Jun was so aggressive that they thought they were going to use money to smash them. As a result, they were so amorous. They just showed off that they could easily get 10 million yuan. In terms of economic conditions, they could absolutely crush the Song family.

Song Yongqiang frowned, bit his teeth and said.

"Even if you have money, what can you do? Our song family will not give up the custody of Qin Yaya."

The atmosphere fell into embarrassment. The Song family wanted custody, but the conditions were not as good as Qin Jun.

The most important thing is that Qin Yaya likes Qin Jun very much. If this case really goes to court, I'm afraid the court will make a judgment according to Qin Yaya's meaning. The Song family has no chance of winning.

All of a sudden, song Yongqiang winked at the old man behind him. He immediately understood and said.

"Yaya, there is a man in our family. You must know him."

With that, the old man winked. Song Yongqiang's daughter-in-law came into the room and pushed out a wheelchair with a woman sitting on it.

He is yellow and thin, looks not very healthy, has not been exposed to the sun for a long time, his skin is a little unhealthy white, his nails are not bloody, his eyes are empty, and he seems very tired.

Qin Ya Ya saw this woman, immediately exclaimed.


The woman was surprised when she heard about it.

"Yaya! Yaya, here you are

The woman wanted to stand up, but her legs didn't work for a long time, so she got up and sat back, but the excitement on her face couldn't be concealed.

Qin Ya rushed over and threw herself into the woman's arms. She looked very intimate.

Song Yongqiang and others suddenly showed a smile, a trace of the color of the plot.

"This is my little sister, song Yanling, Qin Yaya's little aunt."

Qin Jun did not expect that there were still people in the Song family who had a good relationship with Qin Yaya.

After a brief introduction, Qin Jun finally understood.

This song Yanling is the adopted daughter of the Song family. That is to say, song Yongqiang and Qin Yaya's biological mother Song Fei are both natural, but song Yanling is adopted.

So in the Song family, this song Yanling has always been unpopular, only Song Fei was good to her.

After learning that Song Fei had a relationship with the childe of the Qin family, the Song family was very excited. Song Fei's status rose and became the most useful person in the family.

And song Yanling's status is naturally rising, which is envied by many people.

Later, the Qin family was destroyed and Song Fei hanged himself.

In order to get rid of the relationship with the Qin family, they directly expelled Song Fei from the genealogy. Now Song Fei doesn't even have a tombstone or a title.

After Song Fei's death, song Yanling's position has plummeted. Song Yongqiang, who had been trampled on her feet before, suddenly rode on her head.

Later, song Yanling found Qin Yaya and knew that this was Song Fei's daughter, so she wanted to bring it back for adoption.

As a result, he was found by the Song family and let song Yongqiang beat him.

They are afraid that they will be involved in any relationship with the Qin family, not to mention bringing the remaining evils of the Qin family home. If the three families know about this, how can they survive?