Medical Master's World

Chapter 871

As described by the teacher, the three were dressed in shabby clothes, and their trouser legs were covered with mud. They looked as if they had just finished farm work.

These three people don't shy away. Seeing Qin Yaya and Qin Jun at the school gate, they are there staring at each other all the time.

Qin Jun took Qin Yaya to go over, and quickly asked what person it was.

Qin Yaya frowned and held Qin Jun's little hand a little tight.

"Ya Ya, do you know them?"

Qin Yaya nodded, but no matter how Qin Jun asked, Qin Yaya did not speak.

When he came to the three, Qin Jun asked.

"Who are you?"

Said the woman, with an ugly smile on her face.

"We are Yaya's relatives. Are you Yaya's rich brother?"

Qin Jun Leng for a while, did not expect Ya Ya had relatives.

Yaya's mother passed away very early, and her mother's family could hardly get in touch with her. But the Qin family was destroyed, so Yaya became an orphan.

These three people are actually Yaya's relatives?

"What relatives are you?"

The woman said, "in terms of seniority, I'm her aunt. My name is song, and my name is song Xiaofang. This is my son Fan Yang and my husband fan Tianlin."

Qin Jun nodded and did not doubt their relationship for the moment. Since this woman can recognize Qin ya, it seems that she is not talking casually.

And Qin Ya Ya seems to know them.

"Since you are a relative, you can tell me what you want?"

Song Xiaofang laughed, "it's no big deal. It's just visiting relatives. Where do you live? Go to your house and sit for a while."

Qin Jun frowned. Song Xiaofang was familiar with her. However, seeing Qin Ya Ya's appearance, he refused to say. It's hard for Qin Jun to guess the relationship between them.

Now there are fewer and fewer relatives, so Qin Jun still cares about these relatives and friends.

Qin Jun called a car and everyone went directly back to Qingmei manor.

Song Xiaofang three people sat in the back row, watching the road more and more far away, frowned.

"I said," my brother, you live in the suburbs? "

Qin Jun nodded, "it is."

Song Xiaofang frowned and murmured in a low voice, "it's not the rich elder brother. How can he still live in the suburbs?"

In the eyes of normal people, people who live in the city have more money. After all, the houses in the suburbs are very cheap, and only the poor will choose the houses with bad location.

Fan Yang and his son also nodded, deeply thought.

"It's already out of the third ring road. It's too remote. Is the house price very cheap here?"

Qin Jun didn't pick a quarrel. Let them discuss it by themselves.

At the foot of Qingmei mountain, the three people were a little stunned.

"Is this Qingmei mountain? Why are you here? "

"Is there a house here?"

Song Xiaofang has never heard of such a super real estate as Qingmei manor.

When the car drove to the foot of the mountain, they were stunned to see the huge courtyard wall.

"My dear, is this house too big? What is this, villa? "

"The villa is not so big, is it? It's catching up with the Forbidden City! "

"Brother Yaya lives here?"

When the car drove directly into the courtyard, the whole manor scenery came into view. It was more luxurious than the Forbidden City. It was the first time they saw such a huge garden.

Fan Yang and his son whispered.

"For such a big house, we'll need more money later! "

Song Xiaofang said in a low voice," you can't just ask for money, you have to ask for a house. You see, brother Qin Yaya seems to be a rich man. We have to kill him hard! "

The three nodded and understood.