Medical Master's World

Chapter 857

Qin Jun said so and hung up directly.

We all shake our heads and don't believe it. We don't pretend to be so casual. At least we are more formal.

When Qin Jun calls, he will hang up in a word. Who do you think you are? Is there such a big bang?

Qin Jungang hang up the phone, the door security intercom rang.

"Little Du! Welcome the owners quickly

Xiao Du's face changed, and he quickly came over and said respectfully.

"I'm sorry, sir. I didn't know you were the owner. Please come inside."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then a look of disdain appeared on their faces.

"It's very similar, isn't it? Ha ha. "

Maybe it's because I didn't communicate well just now, but now I'm paying off again. I'm making a decent living and returning it to the owner

Everyone did not believe it. They followed Qin Jun and went in.

After the long passage, we came to the castle gate.

Seattle style castle, solemn outside, resplendent inside, looks very luxurious.

After entering the room, everyone was surprised.

"Wow, isn't that luxurious?"

"It's the work of he's real estate. It's amazing. If you can stay here for one night, it's worth dying!"

"Don't say five-star, but seven star can't match it?"

"Brother Qin, you have not lost money?"


I didn't expect that they really came in. Qin Jun should not spend less money this time. Even if he bribed these people and let them come in for an hour or two, it would cost a lot of money.

Qin Jun light smile, also did not explain, let them visit.

"Hey, just look. Don't move. You can't afford to pay for it."

Chen Ke'er also thinks that Qin Jun is rented, and the furnishings are very expensive, so they can't move.

With that, Chen Ke'er leaned back and suddenly a picture fell off the wall.

With a crash, the glass frame broke all over the floor, tearing the painting!

"Wow, is this Xu Beihong's painting?"

Everyone looked at the broken picture, and they were all stunned, and each one looked very ugly.

"Chen Ke'er, why are you so careless? You remind us all the time. As a result, you broke the painting yourself!"

"You did it alone. It's none of our business!"

"Yes, we didn't touch it. Is there monitoring here?"

We watched for a while, suddenly someone said.

"Without monitoring, if there is a lawsuit, we will definitely share the painting equally."

All the students suddenly turned bitter and pale.

Xu Beihong's words, at least tens of millions of them, a total of more than ten students, a person to pay a million?

Some students don't have a million at all. Isn't this going to ruin your family!

Pan Tingting also has a gloomy face.

"Chen Ke'er, you're really good at it! Don't let you show off, you have to show off. It's all classmates. What are you pretending to be? Now it's OK. Let's get into trouble! "

"Who's going to find out how much this painting costs? How can we pay for it?"

"Chen Ke'er, I'll tell you that you have to pay for your loss! Don't try to make us equal with you

Chen Ke'er's face is ugly, how also didn't expect to appear such a thing.

Biting his teeth, he said, "don't worry. I'll do things by myself. I made this painting. I'll pay for it myself. You don't have to take care of it!"

Hearing the conversation, Qin Jun laughed.

"Ke Er, what are you talking about? This is your own painting. What's the compensation?"