Medical Master's World

Chapter 854

As pan Tingting said, Chen Ke'er is better in both appearance and temperament.

Huang Mao came to find pan Tingting purely for revenge. Since it's revenge, it's the same for his younger brother.

He wants to play a better quality, that is Chen Ke'er.

This table is full of college students. There is no need to worry about whether something will happen. What kind of background can a group of students have? Even if they were really forced to sleep, at most, they would be given a few money.

Huang Mao went up to Chen Ke'er and looked up and down. His face was evil.

"Sister, do you want to go with me, or do I force you to go?"

Chen Ke'er's face slightly changed, "smelly hooligan, bah!"

Chen Ke'er spat and spat on Huang Mao. Huang Mao was not angry, but more excited.

"Oh, it's very strong. Hahaha, I like it. I hope you can be so strong in bed later!"

With that, Huang Mao was about to start.

Suddenly, Qin Jun pulls Chen Ke'er to the back and looks at Huang Mao coldly and says.

"I don't care if you touch pan Tingting. I can't touch her."

Huang Mao frowned and looked at Qin Jun with a sneer, "you're going to be a leading bird, aren't you? Have you heard my brother Mao's name on the road

Qin Jun sneered, "you are such a small shrimps, do not deserve to let me hear."

Huang Mao narrowed his eyes and dropped the bottle on the table!

With a click, the glass bottles scattered, full of table glass fragments, yellow hair gnashing teeth, eyes showing fierce color.

"I'm shrimp? Are you sure? "

See yellow hair threat eyes, Qin Jun light smile.

Sweep the table with your hand and grab a handful of glass fragments.

Chen Ke'er's face slightly changed, "elder sister Brother Qin! Be careful

All the people were stunned, did not understand what Qin Jun was going to do, and looked at them in surprise.

See Qin Jun suddenly a grip!


Everyone followed the heart!

That's a piece of broken glass, isn't it useless?

However, after Qin Jun finished kneading, he slowly released his hand in front of the crowd.

What flows out of the fingers is broken sand.

The sand crushed by Qin Jun's bare hands!

All the pieces of glass, under Qin Jun's violent rubbing, all turned into small sand.

Huang Mao and others' faces changed greatly, and they were shocked.

What strength is this!

The sharp pieces of glass were as fragile as biscuits in Qin Jun's hands. They were crushed directly.

Huang Mao's several people dare not act rashly. How can people who have this ability be ordinary people?

"Where does this brother come from?"

Yellow hair at this time on the body has appeared a layer of cold sweat, a kind of ominous premonition.

Qin Jun is too lazy to talk to him, "which do you know, Lei Hong or Lao Quan?"

Huang Mao's face changed slightly and his legs trembled.

He doesn't know either of them, not because he is not famous, but because he is not qualified!

Unexpectedly, Qin Jun said the names of Lei Hong and Lao Quan, which was different from other people.

Other people's names are Lei Hong. They all call Hong Jie. Even many people don't know what her full name is.

But Qin Jun said Lei Hong's name as soon as he opened his mouth. This is an insider.

Huang Mao was flustered and said quickly.

"I'm sorry, I have eyes and don't know Taishan. Brother, have a good time. I'll go and get some fruit plates for you

With that, Huang Mao ran to the bar with several people.